SH Figuarts Mandalorian Luke Skywalker Review
I bought a Mafex Dark Knight Rises Batman at my local comic store for a discount price of $40. Great sculpt, cloth cape, a Japanese imported figure. The problem? His right arm would pop out if he held the EMP rifle or if you posed him attempting a punch. So I stayed off collecting 6 inch super heroes and Japanese imported figures. Then SH Figuarts started making Star Wars figures, and they looked impressive. Very impressive! I had asked if the joints were good on these on collector site reviews but got nothing. People who had them enjoyed them. But how did they compare to 6 inch Black Series figures? Quite well, actually. As you'll see in the pictures. Well, with Hasbro doing Mandalorian Luke Skywalker for both the VC and Black Series later this year, I found the SH Figuarts Mandalorian Luke at a great price, held my breath and decided to buy it. Now I had to hope I wouldn't have another Tunghori situation where I buy from an overseas store and not get my product or a respons...