
Showing posts from May, 2022

SH Figuarts Mandalorian Luke Skywalker Review

  I bought a Mafex Dark Knight Rises Batman at my local comic store for a discount price of $40. Great sculpt, cloth cape, a Japanese imported figure. The problem? His right arm would pop out if he held the EMP rifle or if you posed him attempting a punch. So I stayed off collecting 6 inch super heroes and Japanese imported figures. Then SH Figuarts started making Star Wars figures, and they looked impressive. Very impressive! I had asked if the joints were good on these on collector site reviews but got nothing. People who had them enjoyed them. But how did they compare to 6 inch Black Series figures? Quite well, actually. As you'll see in the pictures. Well, with Hasbro doing Mandalorian Luke Skywalker for both the VC and Black Series later this year, I found the SH Figuarts Mandalorian Luke at a great price, held my breath and decided to buy it. Now I had to hope I wouldn't have another Tunghori situation where I buy from an overseas store and not get my product or a respons

Hasbro's Bare Minimum 40th Anniversary ROTJ Line

  For 40th anniversaries, when it comes to VC Hasbro has done the bare minimum, if anything at all. Yes there will be 6 inch Black Series figures and there will be a Retro Kenner wave of 3.75 figures. In 2020 we got Bespin Escape Leia for the VC and it was revealed we'd get Bespin Lando & Lobot for 2021-22. Not much. But the time to plan is now since next year at this time ROTJ will be 40. Since Hasbro has done little, this won't be a long list. It is mostly repacks which Hasbro loves doing, along with a couple repaint figures. There is 1 vehicle that is a must as well as a certain gangster who needs a return to shelves. Vehicle Speeder Bike with Biker Scout figure. Just repack the 2012 Speeder Bike and repack the 3.75 Black Series Biker Scout. This could be an excellent deluxe style package so no plastic and all cardboard. Now I know there will be calls for Luke and Leia to be packed with bikes, but only Luke could fit on it as the Leia sculpt is from 2007 and cannot prop

Kenner Dengar Review

  As a kid, I grew up dyslexic so in the Ewoks animated series I kept thinking they were saying this guy's name "Dengar" when actually they were saying "Dane Jar!". But my learning disability aside, this is one of the more unique Kenner figures from 1980, and while I am a fan of bounty hunters I'm not a fan of this figure. The modern ones have been better. I'll go into detail on this review as to why it isn't a favorite. Dengar has the same simple 5 POA articulation and his lone accessory is a long blaster rifle. As a kid I had a friend who called him Ragman because of the head wrappings, but he had him as a good guy. I still had my Luke Skywalker figure cut him down though. I really didn't like that friend later on but he had Star Wars toys and until he turned into an a-hole was okay. Like the Snowtrooper Dengar has a backpack molded onto the figure. There is some detailing on it, and on his repainted Stormtrooper armor (which is what his actual

Random Celebration Anaheim Thoughts

  Before I get started remember this is not an organized post as I just randomly post on new information I learn as Celebration unfolds. So, with that in mind you get a sloppily written post but you also get a fresh take as I write on something I just found out about. Normally I think it out in a bit more detail. Jazwares gets in on a new type of toyline that looks similar to Mission Fleet (but is actually more like Micro Machines) with a couple exceptions: 1. The vehicles have more detail and 2. The figures don't appear to come with weapons. But like Mission Fleet they can fit inside, so that's a plus. Check out the introduction line and other details here:

Kenner Bossk Review

  Slap a yellow dyed X-Wing pilot uniform on a repainted alien cantina scene mask and add some wonky feet and what do you have? A very cool looking bounty hunter, that's who! Well, prepare to get Bossk'd! This bounty hunter was created as described earlier. Bossk also gets to be the only bounty hunter other than Boba Fett who gets to speak in ESB as he says something to Admiral Piett that isn't subtitled so it must have been some curse words or a very dirty insult. Bossk has the same, simple 5 POA and comes with a new long rifle which he can sort of fit into his right hand/claw. But the paint apps, and especially the sculpting make this IMO the single best figure from ESB, as there is literally nothing wrong with this figure. He is close to screen accuracy which is rare for figures of this time. Bossk has been popular, especially if you watch Robot Chicken. There he's a cool, suave ladies man like James Bond & Indiana Jones. Many have him as a favorite character an

How To Save Star Wars Comics

  Marvel's Star Wars comics have been the place to go for good and sometimes even great Disney era stories. Vader Down is one of the best storylines ever written for SW comics. I won't mention Screaming Citadel but you can get the TPB of that at Ollie's for $2.99. It's better that you forget that crossover happened. But that is the problem with Marvel Star Wars comics: crossovers. Crimson Reign has no end in sight. War of The Bounty Hunters just wrapped up, so now back to yet ANOTHER crossover event. Sigh. Well it needs to change. So here is what needs to happen for Marvel Star Wars, and yes it includes a Legends story idea for Marvel & Dark Horse Comics! Marvel 1. End the main character focused Star Wars monthly series. We are getting close to ROTJ in this series, and while Marvel may want to continue this series, or start with a 3rd series that continues Luke, Han & Leia's post Endor adventures, there is already Canon stuff we know that happens. The Afte

Random Thoughts May 16-May 23

  Well, another week has passed, and some interesting tidbits have been dropped before Celebration Anaheim: a Vanity Fair article previewing the upcoming streaming shows, Ahsoka will stream next year as it just started shooting. Season 3 of The Mandalorian will debut late this year or early next year. Also the future of Star Wars isn't in theaters, it's on Disney Plus. This also means trilogies will be a thing of the past, so Darth Ruin's trilogy is now officially dead. Single films look to be the norm with Patty Jenkins Rogue Squadron, and whatever films Taiki Waititi and Kevin Feige are doing.  If you're a fan of Disney Star Wars, it's great news for you, if you like the shows, it's good news. If you don't, well hopefully you have the movies you like on physical media and any books or comic books you like. I expect major Black Series news at Anaheim, especially regarding Kenobi. Maybe we finally get a Grand Inquisitor to chase our Rebels and upcoming Kenob

Happy 20th Attack of the Clones

  20 years is a long time. 20 years ago I was young, had energy and not a lot of health issues except for a bad knee and sore back. Now my back still hurts and both knees are shot. Being older sucks! But time to roll the clock back 20 years on what was one of my best movie experiences ever, Episode 2 Attack of the Clones!  I know I'm a couple days early, but May 17th is just a couple days away! Now as far as the Lucas Era films go, this is the weakest one. The dialog at times sounds like it was written by a 10 year old. This would get spoofed in the Tag & Bink prequel era comic special. But the visuals are eye catching. This was the 1st Star Wars film shot on a digital camera, which helped make the CGI look a little better except for some of the Arena Battle scenes near the end where it looks a bit cartoon like for my tastes. What can I say, I'm a Star Wars fan and I gripe about imperfections just like a Star Trek fan, which I also am. Yoda didn't look high anymore, Zam

The Approaching Storm Book Review/Recap

  Since we are at the 20th Anniversary of Attack of the Clones, I decided to read the novel The Approaching Storm because in the film Mace Windu tells Padme that Obi-Wan had just returned from Ansion. This novel explains what that mission was, and not just what Obi-Wan & Anakin went through but also Luminara Undili and her Padawan Barris Offee. While this is a Legends novel Disney has yet to explain Ansion in their Canon so for all intents and purposes this IS Canon as far as I'm concerned. Now I have read this before but it has been a while. But what I do remember holds up still for the most part. This was written before the Clone Wars animated series so Bariss is much different here. Instead of a young Padawan she seems to be closer in age to Anakin than Ahsoka (for this novel). Dooku shows up only in the final few pages but it is Commerce Guild leader Shu Mai who is the main villain along with a Senator of Ansion, some humans and Soerrg the Hutt who hires assassins to take o

Random Thoughts & News Thread May 8th-15th

  This week, well, not a lot going on in Star Wars news. Jedi: Survivor is the rumored name to the Jedi: Fallen Order game sequel. It's also coming up on the 20th Anniversary of Attack of the Clones, which will be a blog post later today as I dish my thoughts on the movie. I'll also give my review of the AOTC prequel The Approaching Storm. Did decide to do one last splurge, collecting wise. With the price increases I do see an end to my collecting days, but on this I had to splurge. What is it? Well that's for another time. I have to wait for it to come in, but it is worth it. But my final troop builder has been pre-ordered with the Ahsoka Clonetroopers so I am pleased in some form but also sad, troop building has been fun. Future collecting acquisitions will be a select few, not just for me but many collectors. Especially if/when the plastic free packaging comes to the Vintage Collection. Just don't be the @$$hole who switches toys to get refunds from Wally World or Ta

Kenner Lobot Review

  I thought about pairing Lobot with Lando but they go their separate ways at the end (Spoiler alert!) so he gets a solo review. Pun kinda intended. So, what's special about him? Is he worth adding to your collection? Read on to find out! Lobot helped Lando rescue Leia, Chewie and Threepio after Boba took custody of Han's Carbonite slab. He is briefly seen in a few scenes on Bespin but his last shot was a close up on his face after Lando fiddled with his wrist communicator. Lobot has the best head sculpt of any Kenner ESB figures, except for possibly Zuckuss (really 4-LOM, I'll explain later). The computer interface connected to his brain is stunning for 1980-81. Plus he is wearing Jerry Seinfeld's puffy pirate shirt! He comes with a standard blaster. Now do you need Lobot? Yes. You do. While very few Marvel comics showed Lobot a lot of stories written with Lando have Lobot in them in both EU & Disney Canon, with Disney actually using him more post ESB than he wa

Kenner Ughnaught Review

  Here is one figure modern fans want with updated articulation, and one of the more interesting looking figures in the line, the Ughnaught! There are no different sized Ughnaughts. The apron color is purple.  Sadly, he doesn't come with the Carbon Chamber control panel to freeze Han, but instead comes with a briefcase(actually it's a tool kit that cannot open). A simple figure, and this film's version of the Jawa who you might want to troop build. You need at least 2 in your diorama scenes but you need at least 1 Ughnaught. There are some variations on how the apron is tied onto the figure as well as the location of the toolbox although when it is shipped it gets moved around a bit. Despite being a neat looking and well sculpted figure (for 1980-82) it also isn't a required figure for your collection. Now for scene purists, yes. But not for just the casual collector. Image is from Galactic Figures.  

Kenner Bespin Guards Review

  Yes, you read that right. Guards. Plural. I'm doing a 2 for 1 in this because Kenner released 2 different figures for Cloud City Guards. One that is an officer (the African American) and a rank and file guard (the one with the huge mustache). The officer is given a little more detail on the uniform, and is given a better paint job. The gold on the vest pops out more, as do the red sleeves. He comes with a standard blaster pistol, and of course has the standard 5 POA of the time. The standard guard comes with the same blaster and less uniform detail but has a Village People inspired mustache. Well maybe not Village People. Maybe Hall of Fame Pitcher Rollie Massimino. Let's go with Rollie! The mustache is what sells, LOL! Overall both figures aren't bad. To recreate the escape from Bespin you need them to take the Stormtroopers to jail. Or you use them as Rebel Troopers. But are they essential? Not really, they don't play a large role in the movie except for a couple

Kenner Cloud Car Pilot

  Moving on to the Bespin figures is technically the 1st character Han interacts with on the Millennium Falcon's arrival to Cloud City, the Cloud Car Pilot! This figure really isn't much to look at, quite honestly. He looks like a bench rider for the Washington Redskins. But he does have something new to the Kenner line, a unique new arm pose that he can hold his included comlink in. In Return of the Jedi we would see more figures with a slightly bent arm, but for the most part all figure's arms at this time were straight an unposed. The sculpt is decent, especially the helmet. The face is not quite visible due to the "banana visor" which is a yellow color to the goggles. The paint isn't bad either. He comes with a comlink and blaster, so that's 2 accessories. Not a bad figure but unless you love the Cloud Car, not really a figure that you need. Even if you wanted to make a custom Rebel Fleet Trooper. Image from

Random Thoughts May 2nd Through May 8th

 Welcome to another Sunday, and it's also Mother's Day in the US, so please wish your Mother a Happy Mother's Day! Some big news this week, but other than that it has been a slow week. Which is good for me, but more on that a little later.  The 1st issue of the Marvel Obi-Wan miniseries is out and is selling well at least at my local comic shops as they quickly sold out. Guess who decided to wait to go get it? Yep. This guy. So I'll have to wait before reviewing it! Also I will have a blog post on how to save the Star Wars comics in the near future. From all accounts this miniseries isn't subject to the current story messes going on. Plus this covers an era that Disney has yet to cover in depth as we see a very young Obi-Wan getting into some sort of trouble or adventure. Like I said, it's sold out so I'm guessing.  On May The 4th Hasbro did a product live stream. No pipeline VC reveals but the Black Series will also soon be getting Mando Luke Skywalker, alt

May The Fourth Be With You!

  Here we are, May 4th, or May the 4th be with you! The unofficial "Star Wars Day". The actual one is May 25th but you cannot really do a clever pun with that now can you?! So how do you celebrate this day? Well that's up to you! Today Hasbro has a live stream that will debut new Star Wars merchandise. On How I Met Your Mother, they watched the OT. On TBS, the entire Skywalker Saga will show, starting with ANH at 1 AM Central, so by this posting it will have already started. But what makes May the 4th special is how individual fans celebrate. Some hate the prequels and love the sequels. Some hate the sequels and the OT but love the prequels. Some love the OT, tolerate the prequels and hate the sequels. Star Wars fans are a different mix of what they like and don't like. The point is, it is an individual fan day! But there are a few things you can do to celebrate it. Here are a few things I do: 1. Make Blue milk! Food coloring is easier and tastier to use now. Just ad

What Plastic Free Packaging Looks Like

 I made a run to a popular retailer (Target) and while hoping to find some VC stuff, or even the Retro Mandalorian waves, nothing. But I did see some Marvel and Transformers stuff without plastic on the packaging. This is a preview of what is to come.  As you can see, especially with the Transformers window free open packaging can hide valuable accessories, and for the kid friendly line any accessories fit in a cardboard pouch in the center. The 12 inch Marvel line is fairly simple. I can't tell if Thor/Thora (look it's Natalie Portman as Thor, Thora is the feminine of Thor. Not seeing it so moving on) comes with Mjolnir but buy it, open it and find out.  With the Leader Class Galvatron (the last picture) you get no window. On the front is a artist render while the photos of the figure is on the back. This is what the Black Series will possibly look like. There are other options. Blaster & Bulkhead have open packaging with accessories either tied or taped inside the box. Th

Kenner Imperial Officer

  Hey it's another General Veers! Well. Sorta. You see, card images, along with the rank and yes, even the face sculpt it does look like General Maxmillan Veers. But you'll also notice a big difference in the uniform, which is not olive drab but black, similar to the officer seen chatting with Darth Vader in the Tanitive IV hallway in ANH. But taking a closer look at Veers shows, yeah it is kinda him. But it isn't. The Imperial Officer has simple 5 POA and can be a perfect random officer to get choked by Vader, order troops to attack or launch fighters. The hat actually does a good job shielding the face so that from a distance they don't look alike but up close they do. He comes with a standard Imperial blaster. He also really isn't necessary for your collection however. If variants had been made with different rank insignias and faces (like with the Bespin Guards) than yes, this would be mandatory for your collection. Instead, you'll probably get this if only

Star Wars Month!

  This month marks a couple big events for Star Wars. And no this isn't a May the 4th post! There are a couple big monumental events for Star Wars. It is not only the 20th Anniversary of the release of Attack of the Clones but also the 45th Anniversary of A New Hope aka Star Wars hitting the big screen. But how big are they? I'll delve more into AOTC since I am saving going more in depth with ANH on Wednesday. I have never hidden that AOTC is the weakest link in the 6 film George Lucas Era chain. The dialog is well, bad. One of the Legends comic Tag & Bink stories have the 2 misfits as 10 year old Padawans who sneak out following Anakin and being the SW version of Cyrano de Bergerac feeding him lines when talking to Padme. But the end at the Arena and Hangar Duel is exciting! Plus it answers the question of what exactly were the Clone Wars, a question fans had at the time since 1977. For me personally, this was my 1st midnight movie Star Wars movie I would go to. Also my l

Random Thoughts April 25-May 1st Weekly News

  I'm bringing this segment back. Maybe I'll make it my news thread. Good idea! My blog post about plastics being eliminated from packaging is one of my most viewed blog posts ever, with a couple exceptions. BanthaSkull and Yakface have articles about it. Junkman on YouTube did a video about it. Now yes, these were probably pre-planned when I wrote the post, but as Junkman pointed out in his video, there are way more cons than the pro's (the only pro is helping the environment, if it really does that which is subjective to your personal point of view if it does or not). How much is too much? Expect toy prices to increase again sometime in June/July. My limit for the VC is $18.99. Once it reaches that price I'm done, except if a new Han, Luke, Leia, Vader, Padme or Count Dooku or other Sith Lord gets a new action figure. If/when the VC packaging changes it ends card collecting for me, and many others which means sales will go down. The days of troop building for me are o