The Approaching Storm Book Review/Recap

 Since we are at the 20th Anniversary of Attack of the Clones, I decided to read the novel The Approaching Storm because in the film Mace Windu tells Padme that Obi-Wan had just returned from Ansion. This novel explains what that mission was, and not just what Obi-Wan & Anakin went through but also Luminara Undili and her Padawan Barris Offee. While this is a Legends novel Disney has yet to explain Ansion in their Canon so for all intents and purposes this IS Canon as far as I'm concerned. Now I have read this before but it has been a while. But what I do remember holds up still for the most part. This was written before the Clone Wars animated series so Bariss is much different here. Instead of a young Padawan she seems to be closer in age to Anakin than Ahsoka (for this novel). Dooku shows up only in the final few pages but it is Commerce Guild leader Shu Mai who is the main villain along with a Senator of Ansion, some humans and Soerrg the Hutt who hires assassins to take out the Jedi, but instead get healed by Barriss and serve as guides on the Jedi mission. The author is a familiar name to Star Wars fans, Alan Dean Foster who ghost wrote the Star Wars adaptation and the 1st follow up book Splinter of the Mind's Eye, which came out before ESB. Here he does another novel before another 2nd Lucas movie. There will be some spoilers so if you haven't read it here's your fair warning.

Okay. The conflict is the Separatists pulling out of the Republic. Shu Mai sees Ansion, a small but insignificant planet is the key to unraveling the Galactic Republic. The reason why is actually a genius plan on her part, Ansion has many trade and shipping agreements with numerous worlds. If they pull out, because of those agreements, the worlds they signed the treaties with would also pull out. Simple enough.

But the problem of the book is it's a road trip. To get to the Ansion Clan capable of either breaking or accepting the trade deals it takes a good 70% of the book. To be fair there is some action scenes and one part where the 4 Jedi must provide entertainment for the evening. Anakin sings, Obi-Wan tells stories while Barris & Luminara impress with Jedi level acrobatics. A nice distraction, and emotional for Anakin as he has been dreaming about his mother and the song he sings is one she sang to him. Sadly we know those dreams come true.

There are some errors, Barris & Luminara are constantly referred to as humans, but it is mostly by the people of Ansion who say that, so I can forgive their point of view here. Some characters such as a Corellian industrialist play a part in the beginning and end but isn't named. Coming to Funko is the Corellian Industrialist Pop! But the errors don't take away from the enjoyment. It is a good read, but it takes time for the payoff. Yes, Ansion decides to stay in the Republic. But the war is soon to come as we see in Attack of the Clones.

I remembered Anakin & Barris having a sibling like relationship, and they kind of get there but there is some mutual hostility between the two. Anakin knows he's more powerful and while he doesn't tell her directly he often acts like it. Eventually the sibling like relationship is formed as they come to genuinely respect each other and their abilities, with Barris being a healer who would later star in the MedStar Legends novels and not be a traitor framing Ahsoka as she did in Clone Wars. The Barris you see in the Micro Series is very close to the Barris you read here.

Now Obi-Wan & Luminara. Let's just say I got the feeling they knew each other a bit too well. Obi-Wan had Siri Tachi in Legends, a fellow Jedi who was Adi Gallia's apprentice and his 1st girlfriend. In Canon Obi-Wan loved Satine and well, Maul came back to kill her off. Siri also died tragically. I got the impression that something could have happened between the 2 of them before the events of this book. Maybe they made out in a diplomatic shuttle once, but I got some romantic vibes when they interacted. They cared about the well being of each other for the mission. But this was out after Siri in Jedi Apprentice and well before the Clone Wars animated series. We really didn't know much about either character at this time except we know Anakin as Vader & Obi-Wan live beyond the prequels.

Overall I give this a solid B-, or a 3.15 out of 4 stars. It isn't a bad read, the political plot is simple and easier to understand than the one on film and seeing Obi-Wan and Anakin in their prime just before the galaxy is torn by war is delightful to read. Especially now that a post AOTC Obi-Wan and Anakin novel is out now, set in Disney Canon. But do give this a read or download the audio book. It is a good story and that's what counts. 


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