Kenner Imperial Officer

 Hey it's another General Veers! Well. Sorta. You see, card images, along with the rank and yes, even the face sculpt it does look like General Maxmillan Veers. But you'll also notice a big difference in the uniform, which is not olive drab but black, similar to the officer seen chatting with Darth Vader in the Tanitive IV hallway in ANH. But taking a closer look at Veers shows, yeah it is kinda him. But it isn't.

The Imperial Officer has simple 5 POA and can be a perfect random officer to get choked by Vader, order troops to attack or launch fighters. The hat actually does a good job shielding the face so that from a distance they don't look alike but up close they do. He comes with a standard Imperial blaster.

He also really isn't necessary for your collection however. If variants had been made with different rank insignias and faces (like with the Bespin Guards) than yes, this would be mandatory for your collection. Instead, you'll probably get this if only to make your own Tarkin or Thrawn figures. He is accurate for the Imperial Army, but sadly isn't wearing the Naval uniform that Veers did. Images from Galactic Figures & Pinterest. 





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