2024 Last Figure Standing

 Once again, Last Figure Standing is back for 2024! The rules are simple, 10 figures in order of preference. And another reminder this is for the Vintage Collection, I don't know if there is anything similar for the Black Series but if there is I'll share it here. Also note this was written in late July, as after SDCC, I have a few changes from last year's list since some of those are being made, but I don't see any changes for when this will start. And I should point out that voting hasn't started yet, but I am simply getting a jump start as I just got the VC Jabba the Hutt yesterday, and don't have time for a review and comparison to the 2010 Legacy Collection Jabba ready to go. Now, not all of these figures will be new sculpts, and of course I have just about all eras of Star Wars represented in this list.

10. Rey (Episode 8 Throne Room Duel). I hate the Disney Trilogy, but I want this figure since Rey looks like a Jedi. I wouldn't say no to a Rey Skywalker (with her yellow bladed lightsaber) from Episode 9, but I want this version of Rey before that one. Rey is unchanged from where she was a year ago.

9. Kylo Ren/Ben Solo (Episode 9). Another repeat at this spot. Make a new Kylo sculpt, have an unmasked and a repaired helmet, and pack him with Kylo's lightsaber and Leia's lightsaber. And make sure he has swappable gloved and bare hands. Why is this so hard to do?! And all that just makes him deluxe, doesn't it?! #HasbroLogic

8. Merrin (Jedi: Fallen Order). And finally a break from last year's list! We have Cal, but he needs his girlfriend (I know they aren'ta couple in this game). There are more than enough troops for them to fight, and no, I have no Inquisitors on this list. The Morgan Elsbeth buck could easily be used to make Merrin, just sculpt a new head. Plus my custom attempts to make Merrin have been an utter failure.

7. Kyle Katarn (Jedi Outcast). I'm picking Kyle over Dash Rendar. While the Comic Pack Kyle isn't bad, he needs an upgrade. And there hasn't been a Kyle made from this game, which is still a favorite for some. He needs a blaster and a lightsaber, plus an unlit hilt. I'd be okay if he was a kitbashed figure.

6. Padme Amidala (AOTC Trial Scene). I had this version under a different name a year ago. In a deleted scene, Padme was on trial. She's in her unripped white outfit, and could also double as a Clone Wars Padme. And this could double as a Droid Factory Padme as well! But this version, in my opinion, is her signature Prequel Trilogy look.

5. Anakin Skywalker (ROTS). Now that we have OT Mains being established, it's time the PT Mains get the same attention! Sculpt a new Jedi buck for Ani, give him a swappable head with Sith eyes to recreate the Mustafar duel. Again Hasbro: why haven't we gotten this?! I do want a robe for Ani/Vader but that might put this into the deluxe category.

4. Obi-Wan Kenobi (ROTS). Anakin needs someone to duel at Mustafar, doesn't he?! Obi-Wan should be a brand new sculpt head to toe, come with his lightsaber, unlit hilt and a robe.

3. Garindan (Mos Eisley snitch). This is the dude with the elephant trunk-like face who tells the Imperials where those droids are, leading to the showdown at Docking Bay 94. He hasn't had a figure in nearly 20 years and is long overdue. I know he wasn't in the Cantina, but his absence is felt.

2. C-3PO (ANH). I just want a good C-3PO. No sand stains, no battle damage, no! Just a normal Threepio on a Kenner Star Wars card. No ESB, no ROTJ. Hasbro hasn't done a good Threepio since 2006. As long as his knees can bend, and can sit in the Falcon's cockpit or Engineering Station, that's all I want. That way Hasbro can make a Threepio with removable limbs with backpack for ESB so Chewie can tote him around Bespin, and a ROTJ version that can sit in an Ewok throne.

1. Mara Jade (Heir To The Empire). While I had Mara from Vision Of The Future here last year, I want Mara from HTTE. But this time Mara is my top choice, not my 2nd. Yes that means Catsuit Mara, and IDGAF. She's my favorite Legends character, she helped bring Star Wars back in the early 90's and if we have Thrawn, we need Mara. Go the Sixer route and use Dr Aphra's buck if you have to, at the very least. Or, use one of the Tonnika Sister bucks to make her. She's long overdue in the VC!

So that's my list. But for lagniappe, I'm offering my other figures that missed the cut. Needless to say, I may have my list for the 2025 VC March Madness already done too with these other figures!  There is no ranking so here they are:

-Bespin Luke/Death Star 2 Luke. With a definitive (hopefully) ANH Luke, Hasbro needs to upgrade Bespin Luke very badly. Same with Jedi Knight Luke. New sculpts and barbell hips are needed for both! And as a bonus, a damaged Bespin Luke could be a deluxe by adding the weather vane he holds on to at the end of ESB. And it's also time for a new Death Star 2 Luke as well. He needs a swappable chest plate with the flap up and down, binders, lit and unlit lightsaber hilt and barbell hips. This Luke was my top choice a year ago.

-Seventh Sister (Rebels). I almost went Kallus as an Imperial Agent here. I'd be okay using the Reva buck for this figure. Just get her done!! It would be a great figure to have Kanan duel, just saying!

-Ackmena (Holiday Special). My quest to have a Bea Athur figure in the VC cannot be denied, and she will be on my March Madness 2025 bracket.

-Ben Skywalker (Legends). My 2024 March Madness winner (I did my own with 4 brackets: OT, PT, ST & EU. Winner was determined by coin flip, coins from the 30th Anniversary line) is one reason why I want Mara, so I can have the next generation of Skywalker's ready to carry that legacy forward. I might have this figure done already as a custom and might review it here, if there's a time when VC product release is slow. Key word is might.

-Dash Rendar (Shadows of the Empire). I almost swapped him with Kyle, but I still want Dash in the VC. He needs his blaster, and if he could get his backpack with rifle attachment, it would then be possible to make a VC Migs Mayfeld from Mando S1. I have a 25th Anniversary Flash GI Joe figure that I'm planning to make a custom Dash. Dash was in my 10 last year, but with a Xizor coming to the Black Series, I feel his Black Series version is coming in the future. So he dropped. Such is the way of things.

-Bo Shek. He's the guy who recommends Ben Kenobi should talk to Chewbacca about finding a ship. He's had a figure before, and like Garindan it's been over 20 years since then. He's a Cantina patron, and I feel he could already be in the 2025-2026 pipeline. Which is the sole reason why he's not in my Top 10 here. But he will be in my 2025 March Madness Top 25.


Since this is a sort of short blog post, I'm going to show you what I'm working on for future blog posts. These aren't in order, but are random. Except for Jabba, he's coming next week! 

1. VC Jabba The Hutt 

Since where I display Jabba isn't good for photographs, I managed to fit him on my BB-8 Playset. He ain't sticky like my 2010 Legacy Collection Jabba, who is literally stuck on the dais. But, there are a couple things I'm disappointed about. It's good though. There are some critical areas that should have been done for Jabba. 

2. ANH Darth Vader

I had this shot in my head the moment I got Vader, and just found another one since my attempts to paint his shoulder tabbards flat black and flat clear have been a disaster. But I found an opener at Wally World this morning that will be my main display with my previous opener going into my Prequel bin. 

3. Figures That Make Me Happy: Legacy Collection Ben Kenobi

I managed to fund this figure the only time I ever saw it in 2009. But, this is a custom, as I swapped his hands with a spare Evolutions Dooku figure, and his robe is from Aayla Secura, which fits better than the one he came with. But for now he's definitive, and I'll explain why the upgrade will be needed. 

4. Black Series Starkiller 

While this figure is amazing, and makes upgrading the Vintage Collection Starkiller necessary, I won't post the link on BanthaSkull when I review it. Instead I'll put the link in my VC Review that I will post there, and then you can read my gripe about him only coming with 1 lightsaber...

5. Custom Inquisitors 

It's amazing what you can do with 2 sided tape. That's how I got the Officer Deena Shan head on the Reva buck. On the Grand Inquisitor buck I painted the neck black and put on a spare Antares Draco (Imperial Knight) that with a little work and tape fit on the GI neck post, but the head is slightly loose, but it works. I don't have names for these figures yet, but will when I review them together. 

6. Thrawn Trilogy TPB Review

Since the price for the Marvel Essential New Republic Volume 4 prices are insane, and my individual issues are in very bad shape, I bought this off Amazon since my local co.ic stores were sold out. I'll pair this with my review of the Black Series Last Command 4 pack, as well as my custom Joruus C'baoth and Mara Jade in Vintage Collection scale. 

Thanks for reading! Special thanks to Chris and Nomad for allowing me to post this link in the BanthaSkull comment section, and please post this link on your social media accounts so I can get more readers! 


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