Kenner Dengar Review

 As a kid, I grew up dyslexic so in the Ewoks animated series I kept thinking they were saying this guy's name "Dengar" when actually they were saying "Dane Jar!". But my learning disability aside, this is one of the more unique Kenner figures from 1980, and while I am a fan of bounty hunters I'm not a fan of this figure. The modern ones have been better. I'll go into detail on this review as to why it isn't a favorite.

Dengar has the same simple 5 POA articulation and his lone accessory is a long blaster rifle. As a kid I had a friend who called him Ragman because of the head wrappings, but he had him as a good guy. I still had my Luke Skywalker figure cut him down though. I really didn't like that friend later on but he had Star Wars toys and until he turned into an a-hole was okay. Like the Snowtrooper Dengar has a backpack molded onto the figure. There is some detailing on it, and on his repainted Stormtrooper armor (which is what his actual costume was). The rifle is best held in the right hand.

I think the reason why I didn't like this figure is because there really isn't any "cool" factor. IG-88 was a killer droid, Bossk and 4-LOM were cool looking aliens. Yes, back then 4-LOM was an alien. Zuckuss was up there with IG-88 and Boba Fett, well I've said all I need to about him. I have no clue as to why Dengar has his head wrapped but in Legends he raced Han Solo and got hurt so he had to get wrapped up. He's also in ROTJ in a blink and you miss it cameo, because he was in love with a woman who worked there (not the happy fat dancing chick). His origins weren't covered much if at all in the 1980's Marvel series, but over the years more was known about him. While I don't like his Kenner figure his more modern figures have added a blaster pistol, long rifle and removable backpack. I wouldn't call Dengar essential, but since IG-88 and Bossk were Marvel partners, and since 4-LOM & Zuckuss are as well, sometimes Boba needs Dengar's help like he did in Dark Empire. But this guy seems more like a loner to me, as Fett should be. Disney Canon actually has him get pardoned by the New Republic. Maybe he'll show up in Book of Boba Fett if it gets a 2nd season. Images from Galactic Figures.



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