Star Wars Month!

 This month marks a couple big events for Star Wars. And no this isn't a May the 4th post! There are a couple big monumental events for Star Wars. It is not only the 20th Anniversary of the release of Attack of the Clones but also the 45th Anniversary of A New Hope aka Star Wars hitting the big screen. But how big are they? I'll delve more into AOTC since I am saving going more in depth with ANH on Wednesday.

I have never hidden that AOTC is the weakest link in the 6 film George Lucas Era chain. The dialog is well, bad. One of the Legends comic Tag & Bink stories have the 2 misfits as 10 year old Padawans who sneak out following Anakin and being the SW version of Cyrano de Bergerac feeding him lines when talking to Padme. But the end at the Arena and Hangar Duel is exciting! Plus it answers the question of what exactly were the Clone Wars, a question fans had at the time since 1977.

For me personally, this was my 1st midnight movie Star Wars movie I would go to. Also my last SW midnight premiere. I mean my last one was a Riddick movie. But it also is one of my favorite movie watching events in my life! Hard to believe it has been 20 years, damn I'm getting old!

May of course used to be THE month that new Star Wars movies would drop. Only Solo kept up that tradition once Disney took over. Disney opted for December which also isn't a bad movie month but Chriatmas music and Star Wars movies don't really mix well. Just my opinion, yours may differ. The next Star Wars movie, Rogue Squadron is slated for a December release in 2023. Or is it 2024? 2025? Who knows?!

But this May will see a Star Wars debut in Kenobi. Will he face Darth Vader in a dream or for real?! It is a debate among fans. I will show how it could be seen that Obi-Wan and Vader met before ANH, but that will come later on. I need to get a little back on topic.

In conclusion May is Star Wars MONTH! It's debut, all the movies of the Lucas era, 1 from Disney all happened in the month of May. So this is a month that Star Wars fans always look forward to. The unofficial Star Wars Day of May 4th, the official Star Wars Day of May 25th, and the time when George Lucas shared his story about a young man, a princess, a scoundrel and a couple of droids which started us on a journey, leading us to the stories of how certain characters become who they are when we first see them. Yes there are Star Wars days. But they all are in the month of May! 


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