
Showing posts from September, 2021

Blog Updates, What's Coming Soon

Just random stuff: 1. My fan fiction is on an indefinite hold. I need a computer to write it out. Also, the Thor Skywalker Channel on YouTube is doing a good fan fiction regarding undoing the sequel trilogy. He just finished part 8, here's a link to his channel: 2. I do plan to have more Legends stuff covered on this blog, but collecting is really the big focus. So far, had done a great job with Legends. Since I have read some  Legends books recently I'll post a review on Sunday, and will try to post 2 reviews a month. 3. I will expand on a couple of my "What if?" ideas, the 1st being "What if Luke Skywalker chased Ben Solo?" Spoilers for the Rise of Kylo Ren Miniseries! It will be multiple parts, and will guest star Han, Leia, Lando and Chewbacca as they all go save Ben from Snoke, and deal with Luke's revalation about Palpatine being alive, as do his 3 surviving students.. 4. A

3. Ponda Baba aka Walrus Man

Back in 1978, he was Walrus Man. And the figure looked nothing at all like the onscreen version. Fast forward to 2011 and Hasbro would utilize new technology, and some extra hands, and a removable arm to make him modern. And thank West End Games for Walrus Man's real name: Ponda Baba! Sporting 14 POA, he's a huge improvement over the Kenner, POTF2 and Saga versions. It should also be noted he was repacked in one of the last waves of the Wal-Mart exclusive 3.75 inch Black Series and that was hard to find. Still is. Ponda comes with 2 sets of hands, 1 set with flippers and one with hairy hands as he was shown onscreen with 2 different sets of hands. He also comes with a swappable right arm to recreate Ben Kenobi cutting it off with his lightsaber. He also comes with a blaster which can stay in the holster. While his head is well sculpted, it is the only body part that doesn't move well. But don't let that discourage you, his head is quite massive. Probably one of the re

Stormtrooper 1978

The only troop builder in the 1st line of Kenner figures, unless you count the Jawas or Tusken Raiders, is the Stormtrooper. Another figure that barely changed in the line's 7 year run. The  figure also has only 4 POA, as the head cannot move. The only Stormtrooper figure with any head articulation was the Stormtrooper Luke, which would be part of the final 17 figures in 1985. But, this still is a good figure, despite the lack of head movement. Like all of the Kenner figures from this time (1978-1982) he comes in a standard pose, meaning straight arms and legs. He's perfect for a display of figures standing at attention. Most collectors display their Stormtroopers in this manner, whether it's Kenner or the more modern Hasbro Stormtrooper from Rogue One.  He comes with his blaster, which he can hold best in his right hand. Now, if you have bought some loose versions of this figure without his weapon, and buy the reproduced weapons he will will have difficulty holding the r

Season 2 Retro Mandalorian Wish List

According to rumors, the next wave of Retro figures won't be from Return of the Jedi, Droids or Ewoks. Although Target will get VC figures on Droids cards (Fett, C-3P0 & R2-D2). Instead, we'll get figures from Season 2 of The Mandalorian. In my opinion, 2 on my list will definitely be in. As for the other 4, 5 or 6 I'll speculate. Definitely in: Boba Fett (clean armor) Luke Skywalker Pretty simple, really. Slap Boba Fett in any toy line and watch him sell out. Plus all they'd need to do is reuse the old Boba mold, slap on some bright green paint and boom! With Luke it would be a careful repaint of the 1983 Luke to add his belt and a black cloak. Who Might Be In: 1. Din Djarin (Imperial disguise). I don't see a Mandalorian wave without the title character, yet Hasbro did it with the 5 POA Solo toy line so you never know. A popular choice in VC & Black Series fan polls. 2. Migs Mayfeld (Imperial Disguise) have to get max use out of the trooper mo

Darth Vader Kenner Review

If there is one Kenner figure I always wanted and never got, well until I got much older, it's Darth Vader. He was the ultimate villain. So what did I do for an adversary for my Luke Skywalker? Mostly used GI Joe figures. Fun, but missing that edge. Of all the Kenner reviews I have or will write, this one is my most anticipated. Also if any new Vader figure comes out, I have to get one. If I can find it ;) Vader is simply articulated, he has the standard 5 points. Like the Ben Kenobi and his not yet known to us son Luke Skywalker his right hand has a telescoping red lightsaber. Yes, there is a double telescoping version, and yes that is worth a fortune. Like Ben, and his not yet known to us daughter Leia Organa he comes with a vinyl robe which is supposed to function as his cape. It feels out of place for a toy in 2021, but for 1978, it fits right in. But what really sets Vader out is the attention to details on not just the overall sculpt, but the little paint details most peo

4. The Mandalorian (Din Djarin)

Din Djarin is his name.  Beskar Armor is his game.  Well it is for the latest version (VC 181), which is a repaint of his 1st season look (a great way to reuse the tooling from VC 166), and is by far the one you need. Let's take a look at why he's 4th on my list, and why he's an incredible action figure. Sporting 16 POA, his articulation isn't any different than his predecessor VC 166. However a big addition is made here with the jet pack. Just as the previous version, his long rifle can be attached to his back, but if you have the jet pack on his back the rifle will not be able to be put there. His accessories are his pistol, which fits and stays in the holster and his right hand, long rifle, removable cape (it's easy to remove his head to remove the cape) and the newly made jet pack which fits on his back, and you can keep the cape on with the jet pack. He can achieve some great action poses, but if you get one with stiff joints boil some water, turn off the hea

Dark Empire: Art & Action Figures

When you mention Dark Empire to a Star Wars fan, you get some comments about the story and art inside, both good and bad. But when you mention it to comic book enthusiasts, they rave over the covers, as do SW fans of course! Dave Dorman was the cover artist and he would do a lot of cover work for Dark Horse Comics over their run over Star Wars comic books. The cover to issue 1 is striking, and the only bad image is Leia, which would be corrected later on to be more accurate to her likeness. Then the cover of issue 2 with Luke in a Vader like outfit is even more breathtaking! He would do the covers for all 14 Dark Empire/Empire's End comics. Dark Empire 1 Covers: For Dark Empire II, he upped his game. The cover to issue 3 is quite enticing for young teenage boys just discovering girls, and was the best selling issue amongst my age group at the time. Dark Empire II issue 3 cover:

Target & Wal-Mart: Can We Talk?

Target & Wal-Mart: pull up a couple of chairs, we need to talk. Want some coffee or tea? Here, your choice! Comfortable? Good. Let's get to why you're here. First of all, I love your stores. Target stores are all clean, and well organized. Wal-Mart well, not so much at all of your stores but you're improving. Both of y'all employ great people and customer service, a problem at Wal-Mart's in the past I've noticed has gotten better. I have not had a bad in store experience in a very long time in either of your stores. Also, ordering from your online stores is great. Point, add to cart, checkout, all smooth. Points to Wal-Mart for being able to shop online as a guest. But that isn't why you're here. You see, when I go to your stores for groceries, or for clothes or alarm clocks, I pass by the Toy section, looking for what's new, or for items exclusive to your stores. Finding those exclusives are a giant pain in the ass. Target, you're up fir

Star Wars "What if..."

Marvel has had the "What if" comic books out long before the Disney Plus series. They were fun, and naturally since Spider-Man is my favorite Marvel character, 2 stories stand out: 1. What if Peter Parker never married Mary Jane? 2. What if Spider-Man kept the Cosmic Powers? They're some of my favorite Spidey stories. In Legends, Star Wars Infinities started "What if" style tales. What if Luke missed his shot at Yavin? What if Luke died on Bespin? What if C-3PO lost his head before talking to Jabba? Fun stories, but how about new ones? Here are my top 5: 5. What if Maul beat Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon? A dark tale which sees Anakin brought to Sidious as a child, and his baptism to a Sith Lord is a vicious battle with Maul years later,  but Anakin then turns the tables on Palpy and becomes the Master. 4. What if Luke hadn't vanished after Ben Solo turned to the dark side? Luke confronts Ben as he joins the Knights of Ren. The end result is Luke tells Ben t

The Case for a Dedicated Legends Wiki

Someone sent me a post this week, and it made me wonder: could Wookieepedia get rid of their Legends section?! If they wanted to, they probably could. Do I think they will? No. But it does show a glaring hole in Star Wars fansites: not many highlight or promote Legends. So, if Wookieepedia does the unthinkable and end Legends pages where would Legends fans go? Here are a couple places to go. I've told people about the changes made to the ownership of and how they have focused on Legends era stories, even doing casting calls, director wish lists, etc. They highlight a character or event for the week. Legends fans should definitely go there every week, they have good stuff! A newer site is a Star Wars database site called : This site is a database that is still under construction but has a LOT of information to pour through, but it is easy to find. It's a site made for fans by fans themselves of the movies, toys and books. Also, my blog here i

5. Rey (Episode 9)

Rey. No, just Rey. I won't bash the character, that's been done to death and I won't add to it. But this action figure is incredible, and shows just how the Vintage Collection should be treated. Great sculpt, paint apps, and accessories! Rey has 17 POA, and comes with a cargo bag, her staff, blaster and lightsaber. Normally VC figures get 1 or 2 accessories tops. They went all out for Rey, and I'm glad they did. One nitpick I have about Hasbro's newer lightsabers is they have eliminated the "flame" effect off the hilt. They did this with the 5 POA line, but it just feels off to me. Anyway, she can hold most of Anakin's old lightsabers pretty well, although for Episode 9 she made the hilt shorter after it exploded in the previous movie. Her blaster fits in the holster and rarely comes out if you store her loose. She can do a 2 handed weapon grip on her staff and any old Anakin lightsaber. The best part of this action figure are the paint apps and

Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi 1978 Kenner Review

Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi was released in 1978, and while some may have not wanted to collect him (he is considered the first "peg warmer" of the line, or so I'm told. I don't know as I was not there back then), as collectors and even actor Mark Hamill has said: "Arthur needed Merlin to start him on his journey." So you really do need this figure, after all, Luke Skywalker said so! Plus, who is going to fight Vader so that out heroes escape the Death Star?! Like Han Solo, there are 2 different versions, 1 with gray hair and one with white hair. Personally, I prefer the gray haired version, looks more like Alec Guiness, IMO. There aren't outfit differences, no color change mid run. Also, you'll notice the colors are not accurate to the film version, Ben isn't the only Kenner figure that happens too. I'll talk about Greedo and Walrus Man later on. He comes with the easily torn vinyl "robe" that lasts about 10 minutes once you open it. If

Vintage Collection Hasbro Pulse Livestream Reveals

VC fans like me have kept low expectations on live stream reveal shows and have been pleasantly surprised lately. On the one this past Wednesday VC fans weren't disappointed. Let's get into it! Bad news Razor Crest HasLab backers: it will arrive late. Expect it by Christmas time or by January. So you might be getting an early Christmas present to yourself if you ordered it! The Retro Collection gets a prototype colored Stormtrooper that will have 3 different color patterns and be a Target exclusive. What have VC fans been asking to have for years? A troop builder pack! What is Hasbro releasing? A troop builder pack! 3 Stormtroopers and 1 officer will be in a 4 pack from Hasbro Pulse! Hopefully more will come in the future! Need Rebel Fleet Troopers and a new Captian Antilles... The VC Carbonized Collection is back with the Armorer, Moff Gideon, Incinerator Trooper and Shoretrooper. The Shoretrooper is in the same colors as his 6 inch counterpart and looks fantastic! Plu

Black Series Hasbro Pulse Livestream Reveals

The Black Series made a lot of reveals, mostly repacks. Good news for fans of the Credit Collection: it's back with Din Djarin, Greef Karga, Kuili and Moff Gideon done in the artwork shown at the end of Mandalorian episodes based on concept artwork. From a nostalgic perspective, at least in my opinion, they are colored the way they would have been if they appeared in the 1980's Marvel Comics books, especially Gideon.  The figures will be on Kenner style cards. The Armorer is also in the mix, and they will be at multiple retail and fan channel outlets. (Amazon, Best Buy, Target) The Gaming Greats line is back, this time with a 501st Jet Trooper. It will be exclusive to Gamestop, as all other Black Series Gaming Greats figures are. Target gets another Din Djarin and Grogu 2 pack, this time Din is covered in mud, and Grogu is using the Force. He also comes with a new Pram. From the 2nd episode of the series. Hopefully this one will be able to be found in stores this time. Fi

What Luke Skywalker Means To Me

I saw a post, and it made for a great idea for a blog post: What does Luke Skywalker mean to you? Well, (cracks knuckles) here I go! Luke's journey starts with being separated from his twin sister Leia shortly after his birth and being delivered to his Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru on Tatooine. He grows up wanting to be anywhere but there, as we would learn in 1999 his father Anakin would also like to be anywhere else. Unlike Anakin, Luke grew up a free person and not a slave, but at the age of 19 in ANH, we could see Luke beginning to rebel against his Uncle as his friends Biggs and Tank left already. His hero journey begins when his Uncle purchases 2 droids, who show him a princess. She leads him to Obi-Wan Kenobi who leads them to Chewbacca and Han Solo to rescue (unplanned) the princess who just happens to be his twin sister Leia. After his mentor sacrifices himself so he and his friends can escape, he doesn't rely on technology but the powers of The Force to destroy the Death