The Case for a Dedicated Legends Wiki

Someone sent me a post this week, and it made me wonder: could Wookieepedia get rid of their Legends section?! If they wanted to, they probably could. Do I think they will? No. But it does show a glaring hole in Star Wars fansites: not many highlight or promote Legends. So, if Wookieepedia does the unthinkable and end Legends pages where would Legends fans go? Here are a couple places to go.

I've told people about the changes made to the ownership of and how they have focused on Legends era stories, even doing casting calls, director wish lists, etc. They highlight a character or event for the week. Legends fans should definitely go there every week, they have good stuff!

A newer site is a Star Wars database site called :

This site is a database that is still under construction but has a LOT of information to pour through, but it is easy to find. It's a site made for fans by fans themselves of the movies, toys and books.

Also, my blog here is a great way to keep up with Legends. I will start doing reviews of Star Wars Legends characters here, unless I find someone who could do a better job of it. The reviews will come soon.

If course there is another alternative. Star Trek has 2 wikis: Memory Alpha which covers the TV episodes and movies, and Memory Beta which covers the novels and some of the comic books. Forming a Legends Wiki would be a huge undertaking, but it could be done. While I doubt Legends pages on Wookieepedia are going anywhere, there could come a day when they vanish.


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