3. Ponda Baba aka Walrus Man

Back in 1978, he was Walrus Man. And the figure looked nothing at all like the onscreen version. Fast forward to 2011 and Hasbro would utilize new technology, and some extra hands, and a removable arm to make him modern. And thank West End Games for Walrus Man's real name: Ponda Baba!

Sporting 14 POA, he's a huge improvement over the Kenner, POTF2 and Saga versions. It should also be noted he was repacked in one of the last waves of the Wal-Mart exclusive 3.75 inch Black Series and that was hard to find. Still is. Ponda comes with 2 sets of hands, 1 set with flippers and one with hairy hands as he was shown onscreen with 2 different sets of hands. He also comes with a swappable right arm to recreate Ben Kenobi cutting it off with his lightsaber. He also comes with a blaster which can stay in the holster. While his head is well sculpted, it is the only body part that doesn't move well. But don't let that discourage you, his head is quite massive. Probably one of the reasons he picked a fight with Luke Skywalker. His last accessory is perfect as it's a drinking glass, which he can hold in either of his hands, furry or flipper.

The sculpting and paint apps are incredibly well done. If this figure were to be repacked today it likely would not need any photo real head sculpt update. Of course it doesn't resemble the Kenner Walrus Man figure at all, which is good, but given how fans are about retro colors, it wouldn't surprise me if a Kenner colored variant became a retail exclusive in the near future.

So why 3rd? He fits the bill in what I want in the Vintage Collection. He's a background alien character who can help in world building, has a lot of accessories and from an on card perspective is one of the best ones. His head movement is his only issue, but this figure is still a work of art. I had a tough time placing this one, but the next 2 choices were fairly easy. And yes, I've been looking to add this figure into my collection, but the prices for him are sky high!



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