Star Wars "What if..."

Marvel has had the "What if" comic books out long before the Disney Plus series. They were fun, and naturally since Spider-Man is my favorite Marvel character, 2 stories stand out:

1. What if Peter Parker never married Mary Jane?

2. What if Spider-Man kept the Cosmic Powers?

They're some of my favorite Spidey stories. In Legends, Star Wars Infinities started "What if" style tales. What if Luke missed his shot at Yavin? What if Luke died on Bespin? What if C-3PO lost his head before talking to Jabba? Fun stories, but how about new ones? Here are my top 5:

5. What if Maul beat Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon? A dark tale which sees Anakin brought to Sidious as a child, and his baptism to a Sith Lord is a vicious battle with Maul years later,  but Anakin then turns the tables on Palpy and becomes the Master.

4. What if Luke hadn't vanished after Ben Solo turned to the dark side? Luke confronts Ben as he joins the Knights of Ren. The end result is Luke tells Ben the truth about Snoke being Palpatine, and along with the Temple survivors Hennix, Tai & Vo take on not only the Knights of Ren, but Palpatine and Snoke on Exegol

3. What if Maul didn't kill Satine? Instead of killing Satine, Maul cuts off her legs. As she heals, Mandalore is united and Obi-Wan leaves the Jedi Order. Anakin and Ahsoka go their own way, and eventually she will be pregnant. However Obi-Wan senses Anakin's fall to the dark side and the rise of the Empire. Mandalore openly rebels with Obi-Wan sacrificing himself to save Satine and his unborn child as they escape.

2. What if Padme lived? Padme survives, but after learning what happened to Anakin, she reluctantly agrees to separate her twins. She will form the Rebel Alliance with Bail Organa and Mon Mothma. Years later, after Endor, she comes out of hiding and reunites with her children as Luke rebuilds the Jedi and Leia helps restore the Republic.

1. What if Luke and Leia switched places? Leia goes to Tatooine while Luke is raised as a prince. Luke becomes a royal pain, while Leia is resentful over doing chores. Ben Kenobi will train her in her free time to become a Jedi, but when Vader senses her, the galaxy changes as Leia falls to the dark side. Yoda then trains Luke to confront his sister, father, and the Emperor himself.


  1. These are great Star Wars 'What Ifs'. My favorite is #1 - Where Luke and Leia switched places. For some reason, I could see Leia going to the dark side!


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