Target & Wal-Mart: Can We Talk?

Target & Wal-Mart: pull up a couple of chairs, we need to talk. Want some coffee or tea? Here, your choice! Comfortable? Good. Let's get to why you're here.

First of all, I love your stores. Target stores are all clean, and well organized. Wal-Mart well, not so much at all of your stores but you're improving. Both of y'all employ great people and customer service, a problem at Wal-Mart's in the past I've noticed has gotten better. I have not had a bad in store experience in a very long time in either of your stores. Also, ordering from your online stores is great. Point, add to cart, checkout, all smooth. Points to Wal-Mart for being able to shop online as a guest. But that isn't why you're here. You see, when I go to your stores for groceries, or for clothes or alarm clocks, I pass by the Toy section, looking for what's new, or for items exclusive to your stores. Finding those exclusives are a giant pain in the ass.

Target, you're up first. Why can't I preorder your exclusives online and have them shipped to me? I understand wanting foot traffic but what's the point in going if I leave without spending any money?! Sometimes I can, most times I can't. However, when you do have items that can be delivered they come well packed and the cards are undamaged. Which is why collectors favor you over the competition.

Wal-Mart. Oh boy. Please stay seated. While I like your ability to preorder, you need to do a better job on it because 10 seconds later it's sold out. I've ordered some figures I wanted to keep on card, and one arrived in good condition, the other was well the obvious opener.  I understand the long hours people work in your shipping department, but PLEASE tell your employees to treat toys as they would glassware, as fragile. It would save some trouble. Also, please update your system so preorders made 6-8 months before the product is released doesn't have to be preordered again. Also, when you have exclusive action figures, they should be placed BY THE TOY AISLE!! I found the Endor Leia/Paploo/AT-ST Driver wave not by the toys, but by towels. Why not put it at a toy aisle endcap? Heck, put them by the Barbie's, or in the adult collector aisle. Not by towels, not by sporting goods and not by the pharmacy.

I hope that advice helps out. We no longer have Toy's R Us (as a big box store, now in select Macy's), KayBee, K-Mart, Service Merchandise, etc. It's just the 2 of you now. It's not just Star Wars but Masters of the Universe, DC & Marvel, Transformers, GI Joe, Fortnite, My Little Pony, Care Bears, Cabbage Patch Kids & Barbie. You are our last brick and mortar hope for collectors. 


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