Make The Mains OT Edition
The new battle cry for the Vintage Collection is to #MakeTheMains and while this mostly applies to new versions of Luke, Han, Leia and Ben Kenobi from A New Hope. But, with the new addition of barbell hips to the VC, it makes older versions of the main characters look bad. Bespin Luke, Bespin Han, Hoth Leia, Endor Leia (just to name a few) look like crap compared to new figures like Darth Vader, and BOBF Luke Skywalker. But, there's a problem: the cards. Some of those older figure re-used the same Kenner cards. I've solved that problem, as I'll suggest alternate images that can be used. This will be the first of 3 posts over the coming weeks as both the Prequel and sequel eras have mains that are needed. This list will NOT have ANH versions of Luke, Leia or Han as we already have a ANH Leia coming soon. But this list has figures of the main characters that need the new barbell hips as collectors want mains to be all new sculpts. I chose Home One for most of the ROTJ look...