Make The Mains OT Edition

 The new battle cry for the Vintage Collection is to #MakeTheMains and while this mostly applies to new versions of Luke, Han, Leia and Ben Kenobi from A New Hope. But, with the new addition of barbell hips to the VC, it makes older versions of the main characters look bad. Bespin Luke, Bespin Han, Hoth Leia, Endor Leia (just to name a few) look like crap compared to new figures like Darth Vader, and BOBF Luke Skywalker. But, there's a problem: the cards. Some of those older figure re-used the same Kenner cards. I've solved that problem, as I'll suggest alternate images that can be used. This will be the first of 3 posts over the coming weeks as both the Prequel and sequel eras have mains that are needed. 

This list will NOT have ANH versions of Luke, Leia or Han as we already have a ANH Leia coming soon. But this list has figures of the main characters that need the new barbell hips as collectors want mains to be all new sculpts. I chose Home One for most of the ROTJ looks since those images have yet to be seen on Kenner cards.


Empire Strikes Back

-Hoth outfit (no idea for the new card image)
-Bespin outfit (card image should be the closeup shot of Luke after igniting his lightsaber)
-Dagobah Training. The Cave of Evil one sucks.

Return of the Jedi

-Home One (card image should be Luke's arrival, figure can be same as Light Cruiser Luke with a trimmed skirt AND BARBELL HIPS!)
-Death Star Duel (card image should either be an action shot, or a handcuffed Luke walking up the stairs with Vader to face Palpy)

Honestly I wouldn't mind a new Jabba's Palace Luke, but once you read on you'll see why I went for a Home One version of Luke


Empire Strikes Back: card image should be the close up shot of his helmet in the Carbon Freezing Chamber.


Empire Strikes Back

-Hoth outfit (card image should be one from her in the Falcon)
-Bespin outfit (card image should be her sitting with Han)
-Bespin Escape (card image should be an action shot of her in Cloud City)

Return of the Jedi

-Huttslayer outfit. Dear God, Hasbro make this happen! Make it exclusive to online retailers if you have to! Card image should be her reclining on the dais.
-Home One version. Her figure will have her blaster, as she wore her gun belt in the briefing. (Card image should be her seated for the briefing)
-Ewok Village Dress. Again, Hasbro, PLEASE!!!


Empire Strikes Back

-Hoth outfit. Give him his blue (or is it brown?) coat. No clue about a new card image.
-Main outfit. (Card image should be a shot of him fixing the Falcon, same outfit as the Bespin version)
-Freeze Chamber outfit. Should be easy to do. Shirt should be untucked a little.

Return of the Jedi

-Skiff outfit. Tucked in shirt, and the card image should be Han on the Skiff
-Home One outfit. (Card image should be a close up of Han as he talks to Lando)


A New Hope: he had slicked back hair.

Return of the Jedi: he had a part in the middle of his hair. Use the alternate carded image.

6. C-3PO

Hasbro the current VC Threepio sucks! Please make a new protocol droid buck (which leads to more protocol droids being made), and make his limbs removable! Use the ESB card image, but put the Star Wars racetrack logo on it. For ESB use the image of him being on Chewbacca's back and have a net he can be carried in. For ROTJ have an image of him sitting on his throne.

7. R2-D2

A new astromech droid buck could lead to multiple droids being made. Artoo needs his tools, and maybe making his dome removable he can store them underneath and they could be plugged into the body. No idea on images to use, but his ROTJ version should come with Luke's unlit lightsaber hilt, and his saw.


Return of the Jedi

-Home One outfit. A newly sculpted Lando in General's outfit is needed. Don't pack this more than 1 per case, Hasbro! The buck can be re-used to make other Rebel officers (with a little work). Card image should be the closeup of Lando as it was announced he'd lead the fighter attack. The variant can be Lando clapping at the Ewok Village (sarcasm, folks)!


Return of the Jedi

Throne Room Palpy could use the new body sculpt not just for this version, but one from ROTS as well. Card image should be Palpy on his throne OR as he arrived on the second Death Star.


Since he's never been in the VC, the card image should be the same one as his first Star Wars card, yellow lightsaber and all.

11. YODA

Hasbro, there are blueprints for Yoda (see image above) that if made would be the only Yoda that would ever need to be made again. Dress him different for the Prequels. FOR GOD'S SAKE BUILD IT ALREADY!!! Card image should be Yoda in his hut from ESB, or waving Luke's lamp around.

Thanks for reading! Please share this link on your social media accounts so I can get more readers! 


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