
Showing posts from October, 2024

My Last Figure Standing Votes

 As Round 2 voting will soon begin for 2024's Last Figure Standing, I decided to recap not only the Top 12, but why I voted for who I did. I am not using this as an influence to say "Vote my way!", far from it. Personally all 12 figures deserve to, and should be made. I had some difficult choices, including 2 that caused me some anguish. Below is the Top 12:  An impressive group, to say the least. Again, ALL OF THESE FIGURES DESERVE TO GET MADE! And now for how I voted. For the purpose entertainment, I broke things down into brackets to make things more interesting. So please take that into consideration as you read along.  1st Bracket Easy no brainer for me. While Wrecker is a Bad Batch Main, the whole story of the Saga is about Anakin. Movie Main over TV Main. Wrecker is also a tougher figure to do, and would likely be a deluxe figure. For that reason, I went with Anakin. Besides, he was on my Top 10 LFS List. I couldn't pick against him.  2nd Bracket I love Baze Ma

Another Random Blog Post

 Have you ever made a plan, and then just watch as things around you crumble, causing the plan you made to change? Welcome to my world! I had planned to do a full review of the Deluxe Zeb Orelios to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Star Wars Rebels which was this past week. But, the 9-5 ended up taking me on a few unexpected twists and turns. So this blog post will be a Mish-Mash of what I've done this week Star Wars wise.  READING   The comics lately have not been good. I've been buying them out of obligation, and to keep my local stores in business. But mercifully the monthly Star Wars and Darth Vader series come to an end. Star Wars 50 has Luke instructing Ben Solo by telling a story about how the Rebels took an ancient weapon that could kill anyone be used against Palpy, but there's a catch: using that weapon would kill him, but it would also kill anyone who was ever near him. It's a great morality tale, and written by Charles Soule, who also wrote the Rise of Kylo

Black Series Starkiller Review

 As I wind down and conclude my foray as a Filthy Sixer, I thought it would be good to cover an interesting figure, and one that I would like to see in the Vintage Collection, Starkiller AKA Galen Marek. Now the VC has a decent figure already, but honestly it could use an update. However, I was disappointed with this figure. Not disappointed enough to turn around and sell it, but disappointed that for the price, it lacks accessories. And don't give me that "You should have bought the deluxe Comic Con exclusive!" argument! If I'm paying $25 for a figure, that damn thing better have some extras!  SCULPT & ARTICULATION That head sculpt alone looks exactly like Sam Witwer! On that part they nailed the likeness down. The head sculpt was one of the knocks I had on the VC Starkiller. The plastic skirt doesn't inhibit the leg articulation as much as I had thought it would. He can get into some decent poses, as you can see in the photos above. One thing I don't lik