Another Random Blog Post

 Have you ever made a plan, and then just watch as things around you crumble, causing the plan you made to change? Welcome to my world! I had planned to do a full review of the Deluxe Zeb Orelios to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Star Wars Rebels which was this past week. But, the 9-5 ended up taking me on a few unexpected twists and turns. So this blog post will be a Mish-Mash of what I've done this week Star Wars wise. 



The comics lately have not been good. I've been buying them out of obligation, and to keep my local stores in business. But mercifully the monthly Star Wars and Darth Vader series come to an end. Star Wars 50 has Luke instructing Ben Solo by telling a story about how the Rebels took an ancient weapon that could kill anyone be used against Palpy, but there's a catch: using that weapon would kill him, but it would also kill anyone who was ever near him. It's a great morality tale, and written by Charles Soule, who also wrote the Rise of Kylo Ren miniseries, and the excellent post ROTS Darth Vader series. 

Darth Vader 50 wraps up that series. No spoilers but some characters from Anakin's past have their fates revealed, as does Sabe, who was played by Keira Knightly. But was the story good? Yes. It was a good story. But honestly, for covering such a short time in Vader's life (end of ESB going into ROTJ) giving this series 50 issues was a bit much as the previous 2 monthly's only got to 25 issues. The series itself was week, but the end is strong. It's worth getting. 

Insurgency Rising is the 1st of a 4 issue miniseries, and I've been anticipating this for several reasons: 1. We find out what Luke will be up to post Endor. With Shattered Empire we see what Han and Leia are up to in the days after Endor & 2. Who's the bearded dude on the cover, and the guy in the Darktrooper style helmet from the Dark Forces game? Well you get an answer to both. The only spoiler I will share is the bearded dude ain't Gallius Rax, the architect of Operation: Cinder. But this miniseries excites me, and it's been a while since I've been excited about new Canon comics. I'm also reading the Inquisitors miniseries and will give my thoughts on that series as a whole when the 4th and final issue comes out. 


My live for the 1999 Battle Droid is well known on the comments sections of most collecting sites, and any chance to get more of them is one I'll pounce on, if the price is right. Another hole in my collection is C-3PO as he appeared in TPM. All this cost me was $24, which is cheaper than 1 Black Series figure. Not bad! I picked this up from a used toy store in LA, and I felt good about find this. Plus I can use the Threepio figure as stand-ins for other pre-construction protocol droids. There's another used toy store in LA I'd like to hit up, but it's a far drive, and it's football season so it's going to be tough to get to that one this fall. 

I got my Acolyte figures in this week. Mae is going to be on my yearly VC Top 10 as she's an excellent figure. I may work in a review of her paired with another figure review. For Sol I had  sky-high expectations, and for the most part he delivers. Except for his hands. He can't hold his lightsaber at all, so I gave him a spare Anakin/Luke lightsaber and his left hand holds it best. I don't mind a Southpaw Jedi, but being able to hold the lightsaber he's included with is a prerequisite for all Jedi figures. Sol has great articulation, decent elbow articulation too. But I won't review him. But I'll show him off in photos with other figures I review. As for why I won't review Sol, see below. But his head sculpt is incredible. Hands aside a good figure. 


This piece of plastic is growing out of Sol's left hand. WHAT IS THIS?! I am chalking this up as a simple sample error, but I have a Mutant Sol on my hands. Sadly, his Mutant ability doesn't enable him to better hold a lightsaber. I thought it may be some leather strap, but there isn't one on the other hand. If I get another Sol, I'll do a comparison. 

Thanks for reading! Special thanks to Chris and Nomad at BanthaSkull for allowing me to post this link in the comments section! Please share this link on your social media accounts so I can get more readers! 

PS: I have another blog post, my quick review of the Sixer Starkiller:


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