VC Garazeb "Zeb" Orelios Deluxe Figure Review


This review has been a long time coming. I had shot some photos a while back, but I wasn't happy with how they turned out, so I deleted them and put it on the back burner as other things came up. Finally, I was able to shoot more photos, and this time I was okay with them. So how does Zeb measure up? Not bad, actually. He's definitely in my Top 5 VC Figures of 2024. But there is no way this figure should have been "Deluxe" at all! I'll go into that nitpick later on in this review. 

If you watched Star Wars Rebels, Zeb is the "muscle" for the Ghost crew. He's actually designed by The Great One, aka Ralph McQuarrie, and was originally intended to be Chewbacca. Had I been able to find where I placed my McQuarrie Chewbacca you would have seen the similarities. So please accept this image from an eBay seller instead since my figure isn't loose: 

Garazeb "Zeb" Orelios is a member of the Lasat species, which was thought to be wiped out by the Empire in a mission taken part by Agent Kallus. Later on, Zeb would find survivors, and that his people had a homeworld unknown to even him where the Lasat thrive, and that Kallus would be welcomed after he defected from the Empire. Kicking Stormtrooper butt was a staple for Zeb, and being Ezra's "annoying big brother". Rebels is also a fun series to watch, so if you have Disney Plus or the entire series on Blu Ray, it's worth your time. And also, The Ghost will ship around December (as just announced at NY Comic Con), just in time for your Christmas Holiday shopping! 

The sculpt and articulation is amazing! As you can see in the above photos, he's easy to pose. Sitting cross legged is a challenge, but he doesn't tip over. His balance is incredible, standing him up is easy, even posing him in action stances. Some more of those will be in the photos below. No joints are too loose or to tight. And a reminder if you have a figure with very tight joints, bring water to a boil, and dip your figure in it for a minute. I use an old glass measuring cup for it. Just be sure you don't use that cup for anything else. The face sculpt is well done, it has that mix of realistic and animated that I find desirable for characters based off animation. If they ever make Zeb in his pilot outfit, they have a way to make him. The shoulder armor doesn't inhibit his arm movement too much. 

The paint apps are also well done. The detail on the shoulder armor, as well as on the entire body are well done. This was probably why Zeb was a deluxe figure, because accessory wise he doesn't come with much. The stripes are well done, even behind his head. Some people have reported that their versions don't have the stripes painted on the back. But for comparison to the old 5 POA Zeb, you can see the changes, and get an idea on the paint apps: 

As you can see, while the 5 POA figure is brighter, the VC Zeb is slightly taller and has more definition to him, including a screen accurate color. But you also see the accuracy of the stripes, there's more detail on VC Zeb than 5 POA Zeb. Now while I'm tempted to do what Jason, aka MAKMCSWF does with 5 POA figures after getting a VC upgrade and toss them into the bushes.  I got the other Zeb from a 3rd party seller, and I'm too lazy to dig in bushes for something I toss in them. Actually that's not true. I found a near empty bottle of Crown Royal one time. But back on topic now! The photos below will be with his accessories, and the VC Zeb offers something that the Black Series version should have had, but doesn't. 

Zeb has an unusual weapon, which is a staff that can be converted into a blaster rifle. On the Black Series version, it's an all in one accessory that can go from staff to blaster rifle.  For the Vintage Collection you get 2 separate pieces: the staff and the blaster rifle. There are electric effects you can add to the end of the staff, but I lost those when I packed my loose figures up before Hurricane Francine hit. He has no trouble holding either accessory in his hands, but his right hand is the best for the blaster, and he gets the much celebrated THWG that the Vintage Collection Collecting Community loves as much as breathing air. But where to store these accessories? You may have noticed in the above comparison photos he has 2 peg holes on his back, similar to the Black Series one, where you can store them. It does take a few moments to put them on since you have to line them up just right....but they fit. That's all that matters. Check it out in the photos below: 

And now to show off Zeb doing what he does best: smashing Bucketheads (Stormtroopers)! 

Those last 2 pictures are what I'm most proud of. The only PITA (pain in the @$$) was getting the Stormtroopers to not fall over, plus it looks like Zeb is slamming them into each other, something he frequently did to them on the show. And I decided on using the Rogue One Stormtroopers instead of the newer ones with the holster because I couldn't pose them crashing into each other without them falling over. One time where newer isn't always better. But it's for taking action photos, I'm happier with the new Stormtroopers. But if there's one photo I like the most, it's this one: 

And now The Ghost crew is complete. Ignore Sebastian Shaw Anakin and the spider creatures on the right. 

Okay, so I made it clear I like this figure a lot, but this should have been a standard VC figure. The version coming with The Ghost is on a standard card, and I will admit I don't have it in hand to compare. It would appear paint is now a price premium, and Zeb certainly has a complex paint scheme, which may be the reason why he's priced this way. Is he worth getting? Yes. If you can afford to keep one on card and one open, do it. But if you can only get one, open him up! You'll have fun posing him in all sorts of fun poses, but be sure you give him bucketheads to crash!! As someone who collects primarily from the OT/New Republic Era (as well as the PT Era), Zeb is essential to me. He is a crew member on The Ghost, a main character on the best (animated) original Disney series, and checks off some Ralph McQuarrie design nostalgia. But I hope the next Zeb we get is a New Republic Pilot version...maybe it's time to add that for my 2025 March Madness list...

Thanks for reading! A special thanks to Chris and Nomad at BanthaSkull for allowing me to post this link in the comments section! Please share this link on your social media accounts so I can get more readers! All pictures except the RM Chewbacca (source eBay) are mine. 

LAGNIAPPE: So The Ghost is coming around December. So yes I'll be doing a review, but in parts. I'll cover the carded figures first, and then the ship itself, including The Phantom II. I'm not opening these figures, so no loose ones to review. Plus I'll see how the carded Zeb looks, and what is included with him. Taking photos of the ship will take the longest to set up, as I have the spot ready, but it's setting it up  putting it together, etc. It will probably be a couple weeks between reviews once it arrives. As far as reviews I have some Figures That Make Me Happy that I'll be doing as new releases for me will be slow, mainly due to the Ghost shipping out soon. 

LAGNIAPPE PART 2: NY Comic Con reveals! While I'm not a Hoth scene collector, despite Hoth Luke being my 1st ever Kenner Star Wars figure, the new Snowtrooper looks amazing! Gotta love that cloth skirt, too! Dr Evazan is getting repacked, with a new card image, so that's a plus. After waiting 4 years for a Blurrg (5 actually), we get another creature, this time from Ahsoka in the Howler, which comes with a carded Sabine Wren, with a swappable helmeted head this time! No jetpack though. Bummer. Jude Law's character from Skeleton Crew had his official review after being leaked a few days ago. Good head sculpt but I'm not wild about the trench coat. London's Comic Con is next week I believe, so we may get some more VC reveals then. As of this moment I'm not pre-ordering anything yet. Come on Ponda Baba! 

LAGNIAPPE 3: I don't know if it's a miniseries or a new monthly, but the Ewoks have a new comic book out, and it's surprisingly good! The Dulok's are now in Canon, Wicket deals with being a new warrior, and there's a mystery Ewok who gives off a Batman/Wolverine vibe. It's a post ROTJ series, and I like it. Another comic coming is Jedi Knights, which will be a monthly and takes place before The Phantom Menace. Disney has actually done better with the Prequel Era when it comes to comics, and I'm looking forward to it. Insurgency Rising issue 2 is out, and it's a good read. After a year and a half of just mediocre stories, Star Wars comics are fun again! Please go to your local comic book store and buy them, or buy whatever else catches your fancy there. One store near me has a Tycho Celchu figure I've been wanting to get...


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