My Last Figure Standing Votes

 As Round 2 voting will soon begin for 2024's Last Figure Standing, I decided to recap not only the Top 12, but why I voted for who I did. I am not using this as an influence to say "Vote my way!", far from it. Personally all 12 figures deserve to, and should be made. I had some difficult choices, including 2 that caused me some anguish. Below is the Top 12: 

An impressive group, to say the least. Again, ALL OF THESE FIGURES DESERVE TO GET MADE! And now for how I voted. For the purpose entertainment, I broke things down into brackets to make things more interesting. So please take that into consideration as you read along. 

1st Bracket

Easy no brainer for me. While Wrecker is a Bad Batch Main, the whole story of the Saga is about Anakin. Movie Main over TV Main. Wrecker is also a tougher figure to do, and would likely be a deluxe figure. For that reason, I went with Anakin. Besides, he was on my Top 10 LFS List. I couldn't pick against him. 

2nd Bracket

I love Baze Malbus as a character, and I liked Rogue One a lot. So much that RO, along with Rebels and The Mandalorian (plus Resistance and certain Acolyte & DT characters) are what I prefer to collect from Disney Era productions. But, I had C-3PO in my Top 10. And he's an OT Main. This one hurt me. A lot.  Now I'm going to see how much that SA 3.75 Baze will cost me on eBay right now. 

3rd Bracket

Luthen Rael is a fan favorite. So is Crosshair. So why did I go for Crosshair? 2 reasons: of the two, the least amount of work is needed to get him out, and Luthen is a (Black Series anyway) peg warmer. The buck already exists for Crosshair, a new head sculpt and helmet would be needed, as well as his sniper rifle and there are plenty GI Joe Sniper Rifles that could be used (with some slight changes) to fit him. I liked Andor, but honestly I'm happy with what we have. I felt both of these figures would have to be Fan Channel, though. To me, Luthen is a great character, but a boring figure. Which is probably why we'll never get Lor San-Tekka or Sim Aloo anytime soon. This was my 3rd most difficult choice, though. 

4th Bracket

This was my 2nd toughest choice. And the only one I thought about changing. While I hated The Acolyte, Qimir/Stranger is an interesting character, like Sol was. The Snowtrooper could be appearing in The Mandalorian & Grogu movie, and needs an all new sculpt as the last ones from 2013 are BADLY out of date. But, a major VC problem is lack of villains. Sure it's fun to troop build, but someone needs to lead them. If there's no leader for your enemy troops, battles and displays make no sense. As a kid I had Cobra Troopers, but didn't have any Cobra leaders (ar first).  But I had Stalker, Rock N Roll, Scarlett and Snake Eyes. Plus later Duke, Flint  Roadblock and eventually got Destro, Cobra Commander and Baroness. But while the OT is my primary collecting focus, Hoth isn't on my list. I dug the Rebel Hoth Dude from the 1st wave of VC 2.0, and I have several Namathtroopers from Solo, there aren't many Hoth figures I want, except for Hoth Leia and Toryn Farr since they can share the same buck. The Stranger needs to have swappable heads:  helmet and normal. Plus his weapons. 

5th Bracket 

This one is gonna be controversial. Arliel Schous is the new "It" of the VC after his HasLab Tier didn't fund, which was due to the campaign being 2 weeks shorter than normal. If hisntier had funded, I would have sold his figure anyway: he's not Lak Sivrak, a figure I want updated (for those who don't know he's the original wolfman from the 1977/1981/1995 VHS versions before the 1997 Special Editions). Asajj Ventress has been a bad @$$ since appearing in the 2003 Clone Wars, Republic comics from Dark Horse, and the 2008 Clone Wars. How she's still alive in Bad Batch is a mystery to me, as I have yet to see BB S3. I love alien weirdos, but a main villain.....which is why I chose Asajj without any hesitation whatsoever. Like in The World Is Not Enough when Bond took down Elektra King in cold blood, I operated the same way. Because...Asajj can be quickly done. Morgan Elsbeth's buck, sculpt a new Ventress head, add her lightsabers, done. I feel that Arliel will move onto the 2nd round anyway. 

6th Bracket

Obi-Wan Kenobi over Tech. Like I said before: Film Mains > TV Mains. While Tech could be done right now...Obi-Wan is a top Saga character. While I struggled with this choice, so much that it was my toughest one, I would have chosen Obi-Wan over any other figure except C-3PO or Anakin. I honestly had both chosen before clicking submit but always hesitated to think it over. And over. And.. you get the point. Both are excellent choices. But, Obi-Wan has the high ground. 


Round 2 leaves things interesting. None of my top choices (3PO, Anakin & Obi-Wan) made it. I end the bracket format and will go into my Top 3 votes, and why one choice is for fan favorite reasons. Now please, I'm not attempting to influence how you, or anyone else, should vote. I'm only explaining WHY I am making my decisions. 

1. Asajj Ventress. The lack of VC villains has been a problem for VC 2.0 since the line came back. We have Vader and Dooku, but Asajj has long been a favorite adversary for me since 2003, and in her Dark Horse Comics appearances in the Republic comic series. 

2. Qimir/Stranger. Again, lack of villains. Plus he's needed for other Acolyte figures. But I'll reiterate: he needs swappable helmet and normal heads included. 

3. Arliel Schous. I've made my thoughts clear on this figure, as I think he's coming anyway. However, collectors fear that unless he wins this, or March Madness, he'll never get made. I can respect that. So, if you wanted to rip me a new one for not taking him in Round 1, now you get to eat some crow. 

So those are my choices, again: VOTE FOR THE FIGURES YOU WANT TO VOTE FOR!!! 

Thanks for reading! A special thanks to Chris and Nomad at BanthaSkull for allowing me to post this link in the comments section. Please post this link on your social media accounts so I can get more readers. 

Lagniappe Part 1: I'm still recovering from LSU's amazing come from behind win last night over Ole Miss. What a game! I have no voice, and working on less than 4 hours of sleep. Worth it! 

Lagniappe Part 2: Chris talked about this on BanthaSkull, which was having a March Madness style event for background aliens for the VC. I can understand and respect his wishes to bot be the one to do it. So, I was thinking about stepping into doing that. I don't want to touch this now, since it's football season, and don't want to do something during March Madness that's splitting collectors attention. So I think once MM wraps up, I am thinking of doing something for those alien/background characters that involves fan voting. Since I'm low tech (my tech experience is turning computers on and off, plus point and click. Dont ask me how it works, but I could call on on a livestream, I just can't do video chats). I'll work out a way for people to submit their submissions. I could possibly get this started on May 4th, 2025 and having the final round on May 25, 2025. I would appreciate any comments/suggestions on what to do (preferably here, but on BanthaSkull comments too) but since I have 7 months until this possibly starts that can give me enough time to plan something out. I'm thinking a format like the NFL Playoffs with 14 figures, 2 figures at the top, and a Wild Card Round, followed by divisional rounds, a conference championship and Super Bowl. So what do you think? 


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