
Showing posts from July, 2024

2024 San Diego Comic Con Reveals

  It's been a big week for Star Wars collecting, and for many others as the San Diego Comic Con wraps up today. Earlier this week, Hasbro Pulse and Collider revealed new stuff coming to the Vintage Collection. So I'll give my thoughts on these new reveals, and a breakdown of all the Star Wars releases and some non Star Wars items that I find interesting....let's go! Photo sources from X: Yakface, Toy Bro, Preternia, Toy News International and Pixel Dan. I also got a picture from UsualMike Television from YouTube. If anyone recognizes a photo from someone I haven't mentioned please let me know in the comment section, and it's obvious I don't own the pictures and didn't take them.  For a change, I'm going to talk about some other lines before I get into Star Wars, I want to cover some other interesting reveals from other lines and companies.  1. Transformers  Knight Rider will forever be my favorite guilty pleasure, and on a personal note, I dealt with a p

The Five VC Figures Needing An Update

 The Cantina HasLab more or less dominated my blog for well over a month. I'll go back to that later on, especially when Hasbro shows off the new ANH Mains (Luke, Ben, Han & Chewbacca). But what to do for a blog post? A while back I took a bunch of pictures of some figures, even photos of the VC Professor Huyang action figure, which I will do today as well. And I have a lot of pictures of Black Series figures, but I'll save them for slow times. On a Black Series note, I just got the shipping notice from Pulse that The Last Command 4 pack is shipping. Another option would be to dunk on The Acolyte, but that's a YouTube thing. My take is the plot actually was good, the execution though was bad. But I hope Sol isn't the only Jedi we get from that show in the VC. But what to do? Well I took some pictures of some VC figures that need some slight upgrades in order to be definitive. And the good news for Hasbro it won't be too difficult to do, at least for a couple of

VC Professor Huyang Review

 If you read my VC Five review, you'll know I was shocked I had these photos and this review wasn't done, so better late than never!  Professor Huyang's first appearance came on an episode of Clone Wars episode "A Test Of Strength" which featured younglings being taken by Huyang to Ilum to construct their lightsabers. Huyang also played a big role in the Ahsoka series, and this Vintage Collection figure shows him from the show.  As you can see in the photo above, Huyang is tall. Not taller than Vader but tall enough over Ahsoka & Sabine. But, he is not without some controversy. His paint tone doesn't appear to match his live action appearance. I have to go back and watch the show again to be certain, but those that say this pay a bit more attention to that detail, and may have seen the show more than the one time I watched it. The sculpt  however does resemble Huyang as seen on the show (and just as he was in Clone Wars he's voiced by former Dr Who act

Revving Up the Retro Collection

  With recent Retro Collection waves tied into buying boxed sets and trapping buyers into buying 6 figures when most want 1,2, or possibly 3, Retro collectors are being forced by Hasbro to also buy figures they don't want. I get it. Retro Kenobi figures can still be found at Ollie's (I've managed to grab a few extras of Reva and the Grand Inquisitor to do some possible head swaps in the future). But how can Hasbro keep Retro alive? How could collectors who have otherwise ended their pursuit of Kenner style figures (like me) get back in the game? I'll show you how, Hasbro! 1. Get rid of the Retro sticker on the cards. I cannot emphasize this enough. Part of the allure of Kenner figures is the card itself. I don't mind the fake weathered look, but that Retro sticker is heinous! Putting it as a smaller logo near the bottom of the card would be ideal, in my opinion. 2. Smaller figure waves & figure runs. Retro waves are mostly 6-8  figures per wave. I suggest goi

HasLab Cantina Wrap Up

  It took a while to get there, but the HasLab Cantina has been backed, with 2 of the 3 tiers unlocked. While this is a success from a funding standpoint: the VC is now 4 for 4 on that front.  It is the first HasLab to not hit all the tiers. So yes, a success to be sure, and while I want you all to know this is a very good thing, I also want to show in my opinion how Hasbro could have done a better job pushing this campaign. But first 2 quick takes: 1. VC HasLab's are a perfect score of 4/4. 2. Don't be sad: 2 out of 3 tiers ain't bad! And now, what I've learned from this particular campaign. Some of what I say may be upsetting to some, but I call it like I see it. There were some in the collecting community that didn't embrace this, for various reasons. The ONLY valid reason to not embrace this was if the individual collector couldn't afford it. For the VC to continue and not get canceled by Hasbro, these campaigns need to be successful. But, there are some p

The Cantina Is Backed/James Bond Day

  As I write this, the VC Cantina HasLab has been backed, and is at 8,879 backers. I had anticipated it would be backed sometime on July 5th, and that happened. However the tiers, particularly Greedo can still be reaches, and yes, even the final tier of Arliel Schous could be possible as HasLab's gain more attention near the final day of the campaign. So this is your last chance to #BackTheBar!!! If you can afford this, please do so!! Of course every bar or Cantina has patrons, and in the Star Wars universe they come in all shapes, sizes and species. But there is another world that I go to for relaxation and entertainment. And it's a franchise that has gone strong for 71 years: James Bond! I wasn't much older when I saw my first James Bond movie than I was when I first saw a Star Wars movie. And with today being July 7th (07/07 or 007), I thought for a change of pace I'd cover another franchise that I enjoy. Even if the last movie was horrible. And if Bond ever went out