HasLab Cantina Wrap Up

 It took a while to get there, but the HasLab Cantina has been backed, with 2 of the 3 tiers unlocked. While this is a success from a funding standpoint: the VC is now 4 for 4 on that front.  It is the first HasLab to not hit all the tiers. So yes, a success to be sure, and while I want you all to know this is a very good thing, I also want to show in my opinion how Hasbro could have done a better job pushing this campaign. But first 2 quick takes:

1. VC HasLab's are a perfect score of 4/4.

2. Don't be sad: 2 out of 3 tiers ain't bad!

And now, what I've learned from this particular campaign. Some of what I say may be upsetting to some, but I call it like I see it. There were some in the collecting community that didn't embrace this, for various reasons. The ONLY valid reason to not embrace this was if the individual collector couldn't afford it. For the VC to continue and not get canceled by Hasbro, these campaigns need to be successful. But, there are some problems on the horizon when it comes to playsets. Most of the people I would read in comment sections on collecting sites showed support, even if not backing it. That was pleasant to see! And now onto my takes:

1. This was the 1st HasLab Star Wars Playset. Now technically Jabba's Sail Barge could be deemed a playset, but it's a vehicle. Same with the Razor Crest & Ghost. But this was the 1st true playset offered via HasLab. Heck, the sail barge took a while to fund, and then it only needed 5,000 to fund (campaign ended with just over 9,000). So, something new often takes time to be processed by collectors. New can be exciting and scary. Which brings me to the next point.

2. Hasbro REALLY messed this campaign up. A near 1 month delay on the start of the campaign sabotaged this from the beginning. Originally it was going to be unveiled on the May the 4th livestream, but a few days before they announced it was being pulled. We in the VC collecting community knew it was going to be the Cantina. Even a web page leak confirmed it. But starting the campaign late, and ending it in a shorter than normal time frame, plus wrapping up the campaign on a major holiday weekend just was baffling. Next time, Hasbro needs to work out all kinks before presenting HasLab's. I'm willing to bet the GI Joe Classified (rumored) Rattler HasLab won't have that problem. Not showing off a prototype at a convention is also a miss. Fortunately those at the San Diego Comic Con will see the Cantina in person. Better late than never.

3. It was a huge gamble on Hasbro's part to do back to back VC HasLab's. The Ghost hasn't shipped yet, and another HasLab? I respect Hasbro for taking a gamble, and on a new product. But it does over work one's wallet 

4. The tiers were too high. Playsets don't sell as well as vehicles do.  Playsets have a single use, while vehicles look better, and even for adults have some sort of play value, and can be displayed in a way that doesn't take up too much space. Can't do that with a playset. With that in mind, Hasbro should have lowered the tiers from 11 grand, 14 grand and 17 grand down to 10 grand, 12 grand and 14 grand. Had that been the case, all tiers could have funded, and maybe many more could have been sold as collectors could easily attain all 3 tiers. If that had been the case, I could see this project doing north of 17,000 backers even with the limited time frame.

5. This HasLab proves why a Death Star HasLab will be impossible. The Cantina has a fairly large floor plan, and for $400-$500 it's a large chunk of change. But a Death Star would be several times larger than the Cantina. There's the detention level, gunner station for the super laser, throne room for a DS2 display, command deck, trash compactor and the room where Vader and Ben Kenobi have their duel. I don't see Hasbro doing a $1000 HasLab for Star Wars, as that would be the minimum price I could see all of that being done for.

There are some I skipped over, like repacking some hard to find Cantina patrons from the Legacy Collection, and when can we get a look at the new ANH Mains and Hammerhead, but that is further down the road. The VC collecting community should celebrate this win, and yes even Black Series collectors should as well. I know one day there will be a well planned out Black Series HasLab that will fund (the Rancor should have funded but Hasbro kept moving the goal posts on that project and set the tiers too high). Either way, some great figures are coming to the Star Wars line, and for all collectors that is what matters.

Now, I had a low estimate as the campaign rolled on. I felt it would fund late, and we'd get Greedo. Honestly if Greedo didn't fund I had briefly considered backing out, however the Tonnika Sisters are 2 figures I couldn't pass up. Thankfully I talked myself out of doing that. I was surprised we ended up getting over 14,000 backers. I know Arliel Schous was popular with many collectors, but there could be a silver lining. The Jedi Luke from the Rancor HasLab was used to make the Black Series Light Cruiser Luke. So maybe Arliel will be used as a possible Lak Sivrak, or Arliel with a different colored outfit. In many ways, this campaign exceeded my expectations for it. Now that it's ended, and it's successful, that is what needs to be celebrated. If anyone gives you grief about backing it, make them pay a cover charge when they ask to see it!! Because you know they want to see it.

As for the next VC HasLab, it may be time for something from the Prequels. The Naboo Royal Starship, Republic Gunship (in true 1:18 scale), AT-TE (in scale, aka 6 Leg Walker), or a playset: Naboo Royal Palace, Geonosian Arena and Mustafar. But please, not one next year. Wallets need a break.

Thanks for reading! A special thanks to Chris and Nomad from BanthaSkull for allowing me to post this link in the comments section. Please share this blog on your social media accounts so I can get more readers! 


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