Why Retro Has Me Excited


Let's just take a moment and drink this all in. I'm not big on Retro Collection figures lately. I did love getting the entire 1st wave of Mandalorian figures, and some others from Kenobi. But what I've preferred, and other collectors have noted, is Hasbro needs to make Retro figures not made by Kenner. Stick to the OT, and lines from that era like Droids and Ewoks. I'll break down these 6 figures, but it will all be speculation on my part, so take note. 

1. Stormtrooper Han. This should have been made in 1985. Well, 1978 or 1979 actually. I expect it to be like the Kenner Stormtrooper Luke and be able to actually turn his head. The helmet may come in its own bubble, similar to Skiff Guard Lando and Boushh Leia. Plus the normal Stormtrooper blaster. 

2. Sandtrooper. I am going to draw some hate, but given Hasbro's lacking paint apps on some new figures, I doubt any weathering or dirt will be painted on him. He should come with his large gun, and my guess is the backpack will be sculpted onto the figure, same with the pauldron. If his head can turn, it would be amazing. But I doubt it. This one may be well loved at first, but the lack of paint apps will get collectors vocal cords some work. 

3. Yavin Luke. A great choice, he will no doubt come with a blaster, but my only real question is will he have a removable medal, or will it be sculpted on? Please be removable! Oh, and Pandora just happened to play the music from this scene. Meant to be. 

4. Walrus Man. He got a figure in the late 1970's, but I hope he gets film accurate colors from head to toe. The old body type is fine, but film accurate colors would be the preferred choice here. From what I've read on some forums, this sounds likely. 

5. Dr Evazan. I hope it's a good figure, definitely going to be a kitbash and I'm all for it. The head sculpt will be interesting, to say the least. 

6. Rebel Fleet Trooper. Finally to the crown jewel of the wave, and the 3rd possible troop builder in this wave. Will he be a slightly repainted Death Star Commander like the ones my friends made when we were all young? One things for certain: there is excitement for this wave, due in part to this figure's presence. 

So there you have it. I hope this won't be a boxed set but a normal wave of figures. And don't think this will be ones to wait to get to Ollie's or Ross. I think this could give Retro Collection a huge boost. 

Picture isn't mine. Thanks for reading! 


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