The Worst & Best of 2024 Collecting

 As we come to the final day of the year that was 2024. How good of a year was it collecting wise? I'll get into it. The title should be a giveaway, but it wasn't all bad, but then again it wasn't all good. But, I am the type of person who wants the bad news first, so naturally that's where I'll start. So it's time to look back on the year that was and say "good riddance!". Especially if you're a Vintage Collection fan. Like me, and most of my readers are. So let's get the bad news out of the way first. 

The Bad

1. Long waits between waves. My first new figure of 2024 was reviewed in April. That's 4 months! Meanwhile the Black Series had 2 waves out by that time. It's not that Black Series had figures out, it's that the VC had none in that same time frame. It also isn't good for brick and mortar retail: if pegs sit empty for too long, something else takes their place. So about the 1st wave of 2025? That will come later on. 

2. Deluxe figures. I got the Deluxe Zeb, and I could see why the figure was deluxe. His dual accessories, complex paint apps, okay. I get it. But Jango Fett? F*ck no! Paint apps are now deluxe?! Well it makes sense as I go to my third point. But the upcoming Hammerhead figure is a rumored deluxe figure, and a Kenner Original 96 not to appear on a standard card may just enrage the fan base in a way I haven't seen before. 

3. Lack of paint apps on VC figures. Professor Huyang was one of my most anticipated figures, and it was clear that the paint apps were done on the cheap. For $17-$18 we should be getting screen accurate figures. The Epic Hero Series figures have paint apps that look close to onscreen, and at a smaller price. But that's not a premium line, the Vintage Collection is. Also, Hasbro: while VC collectors do want and enjoy Kenner cards, especially for the modern counterparts to the Original 96, we do NOT want Kenner style paint apps on these figures. The ANH Darth Vader would have been in my best of 2024 if the paint apps on the shoulders had been done correctly. 

4. Look, a new hat! For those that don't get this reference: it's from The Simpsons. In that episode, Lisa convinces the creator of Malibu Stacy (their version of Barbie) to create a new doll. To counter, the owners of Malibu Stacy give her a new hat, and the Malibu Stacy figure outsells the new doll by a ton. That's how I feel about the recent repacks of Bo Katan and Din Djarin (aka The Mandalorian). Bo has a new shoulder piece (look, a new hat!). Din has a new thigh pad (look a new hat!). I honestly passed on both figures, even if Din came with another Darksaber (which actually looks like it's the best one). I don't mind repacks, but give me a reason to buy it. Bo should have had a new head sculpt and maybe a slightly different paint job, along with the shoulder piece. Din should have been given barbell hips. I like these characters, but I want something different with each release. It's great that new collectors can get into the line, but you also need to get the collectors you have interested in buying what comes out. That's the delicate balance Hasbro needs, and what the VC collectors want. 

5. Poor elbow articulation and no elbows on 8D8. In a world where pencil thin armed IG-11 has elbows, it's complete bullshit that 8D8 had none. Inexcusable!!!! Don't even get me started on figured like Dooku and Ezra that need full range of elbow articulation, and don't have it. Same with Thrawn: like I said before, for nearly $18 a figure, there should be no shortage on articulation. 

6. Tiny lightsabers, and being unable to hold weapons. While the Acolyte was a garbage show, in my opinion, I actually looked forward to the figures, Master Sol in particular. Tiny lightsabers began with the Obi-Wan Kenobi from the Obi-Wan miniseries, and continued with Count Dooku, Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger. Sol couldn't even hold his lightsaber! Personally I have plenty of spare lightsabers, but I see this as a growing problem down the line. So far only Force users are affected by this, and I'm worried about the upcoming VC ANH Ben Kenobi because of this. 

The Good

1. Themed waves coming back. Just as 2023 had a nod to the 40th anniversary of Return of the Jedi, 2025 has Return to Tattooine as its main theme. With Tattooine having a big role in the OT and PT, plus The Mandalorian, it's a safe bet there will be enough to make those fans and collectors happy. Plus it's long overdue, and maybe. Just maybe, we can complete a crew in the VC. 

2. Ultimate troop building. With the Phase I Clonetrooper and VC 231 Stormtrooper getting repacked, this was a great year on the troop building front. I missed out on VC 231 before, but I'm glad a gift card came in handy and I was able to build a squad. 

3. Some factors were beyond Hasbro's control. The writers and actors strikes running long interfered in some of Hasbro's plans for the VC. Recently, the port workers walked off the job, until they agreed to work through Christmas in order to keep things flowing. I have a feeling that's why the Ghost has been a slow trickle and not a complete haul. Just my opinion on that matter. Inflation is also out of their control, and it forces collectors to make changes. Trust me, I'm in that club. 

4. My ANH Luke Skywalker VC figure has a delivery date of January 6th. Looks like my 1st figure of 2025 will actually arrive in January! Someone check the temperature in Hell....wait. if it didn't freeze when the Saints won the Super Bowl...never mind! But this is great news...

5. The Cantina HasLab was a success. Don't let anyone tell you any different! Despite having 14 fewer days, it funded 2 out of 3 tiers. I also wouldn't be surprised if one day it gets offered again as I feel there will be massive collecting regret, the same regret I have by not backing the Razor Crest. Hopefully Arliel Schous gets made for 2027, the 50th birthday of Star Wars.

6. Vehicle, Playsets and Creatures. The E-Wing fighter looked great, the Armorer's Forge and Imperial Light Cruiser Playset appear to be hits. Plus, we finally got the Blurrg (and I picked one up yesterday, review coming soon)!! We'll soon get the Howler with Sabine, a streets of Mos Eisley playset, and hopefully a Bantha, Dewback and reissue of Luke's Landspeeder next year. 


This past year I discovered the Zenger Fake YouTube Channel, and they make long form videos of Star Wars characters using AI. They also do short videos, using 3.75 inch action figures and AI voices that sound like the voice actors and actresses. These shorts are NOT FOR YOUNGER VIEWERS!! Here's just one of their short videos, and trust me, you'll get hooked on these!

You'll get hooked, just make sure no kids can hear it! 


How do I define the best? Well, I had to buy it, or receive it as a gift. Real simple. Like a certain creator of a now ended cable TV show (Yellowstone) it's time to subvert expectations. 

1. Favorite item of the year: The Last Command 4 pack, Black Series. 

I collect the Vintage Collection, but this set was INCREDIBLE!! I'm a huge fan of the proper Star Wars sequels (the original Thrawn Trilogy), and I would rather have orginal EU/Legends figures over some OT and PT figures. I'm rare, I know. But this set delivered, especially since my Sixer Mara Jade has a broken holster, and I got a replacement for her. I have a flap down Jedi Luke, plus Luuke Skywalker (aka Clone Luke) and Joruus C'baoth. I ended my Black Series collection once Dr Aphra arrived, but this set is amazing. I almost hated to open it, but I'm glad I did. And that I'm done chasing Sixers. But this helped inspire the upcoming Heir To The Empire 3 pack for the VC, so there's that. 

2. Best Repack: VC 231

Honestly, this was the only choice. Plus I don't need a bag to keep the blasters in! But now I have nearly a dozen and a half RO Stormtroopers with no home....oh well! 

3. My personal favorite figure of the year: VC 316 Princess Leia Organa

Notice I didn't say best figure, but FAVORITE figure. She's well done, comes with good accessories, and is a breeze to move. While I have no doubt we'll get a version with a soft goods skirt, this figure is one I'm happy to have in my collection. The only downside is I now need new Hoth and Endor Leia's since this figure makes other past Leia's obsolete. 


And now to what you came here for, my Top VC Figures of 2024! Normally I do a Top 10, but the selection this past year was, well, not optimal. But, there are some great figures we got this year. The only catch is I have to actually own the figures, and open them, and they have to be new, or newish.  The Blurrg Mando, and Osha from The Acolyte have yet to be opened. The best are shown here: 


I had originally hoped to get all figures in one shot, but splitting them into eras helped. Normally deluxe figures are their own category but Jango and Zeb came out great, and I felt that the Clonetrooper was an outstanding figure, and had to keep that. Leia is my favorite figure, but isn't the best figure. So without further word salad....

8. Ezra Bridger. Very solid figure. But limiting elbow articulation puts him at the end of the list. He had tiny lightsaber syndrome, but just swap lightsabers with Sabine and he's good to go. 

7. Phase I Clonetrooper. In a bad year, we managed to get troop builders from both major eras in the same year! The only change from the Phase II Clonetrooper is the different bucket. So he's newish. But qualified for this list. 

6. Mae. The Acolyte was garbage, but this figure? Chef's kiss. She has excellent articulation, despite the vinyl skirt, but has one of the best head sculpts of the year. She fits in with both the PT and OT/New Republic Era figures, too. 

5. Princess Leia Organa. My favorite figure, but the plastic skirt limits her display wise. She can't sit in the Falcon, or lay down in her cell meeting Stormtrooper Luke, but she's perfect for the Tantive IV playset. 

4. Jango Fett. He shouldn't have been a deluxe figure, and honestly the flame effects are in my flame effects trash bin. I deducted style points for being in the deluxe tent, but also the holsters being out of scale. But still an outstanding figure. 

3. Count Dooku. If it weren't for an excellent overall sculpt, and a head sculpt that resembles the late Sir Christopher Lee so well, I would have ranked this figure lower. Had he had full elbow articulation, he would have been the top figure. 

2. Garazeb "Zeb" Orelios. I could see why he was a deluxe figure, size wise. His 2 accessories are the 2 versions of his staff: standard and blaster rifle. Articulation, the paint apps are all flawless. Great design, and wonderful execution on this figure. Any other year, he'd be my top figure. 

1. Kanan Jarrus. 

These 2 pictures show why he's my top choice. Uninhibited articulation, plus excellent sculpt, paint apps, he's the total package. Jacen Syndulla's father is an incredible figure. He was one of my most anticipated figures of the year, and he delivered on all counts. He's the standard all future Jedi figures will be judged by, for me at least. This Kanan almost makes me want to open the one that comes with the Ghost. Almost doesn't mean I will. 


1. A New Hope Mains. Luke, Han, Chewie and Ben Kenobi are my most anticipated figures for next near, VC wise. 

2. The Cantina. The Tonnika Sisters my be my most anticipated figures of all time. Definitely opening them, along with Wuher, Greedo and Nabrun Leids. 

3. More Legends figures? With the Heir To The Empire 3 pack coming to the VC next year, I hope this means we get some Legends love in the VC. Mara Jade is my top choice, but I'd love to also get Xizor, Guri, and Dash Rendar. You better believe they're all high on my 2025 March Madness list. 

4. March Madness. No, not college basketball, but the VC March Madness Tournament! Some winners in the past got action figures, hopefully the same rings true this year. 

5. My VC Top 25 for 2025. I'll start this up on the blog once March Madness wraps up. I've done a VC Top 25 before, but with sculpting and articulation upgrades, it's time to make a new list. I'll put an emphasis on the figures over the cards, and also put figures on the Top 25 that I don't own. Like the Gamorrean Guard. It's a good figure, but he didn't make my previous Top 25 because I don't own him. But, now he's under consideration. 

Thanks for reading! The Last Command 4 pack photo is from Hasbro Pulse, all other photos were taken by me. A special thanks to Chris and Nomad at BanthaSkull for allowing me to post this link in the comments, and please post this link on your social media accounts so I can get more readers! 

Happy New Year! May 2025 be a great year for you! 


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