My Top 5 Expectations for the VC in 2025

 2025 is a big year in so many ways. It's the 20th anniversary of the last George Lucas live action film. Some say that one is the best of his stories. It's the 40th anniversary of the original POTF and the 30th Anniversary of POTF2, and the retail presence of Star Wars toys is still there. Impressive. Most impressive. For some collectors, the Black Series is their preferred line. One thing I'm glad I wrapped up is that line. But I keep my eyes peeled for whatever may end up at Ollie's. Although I was disappointed that the newer Marvel Legends aren't in scale with the Black Series. My Erik Killmonger and Shuri figures will just have to be boxed, although I gave Erik's spear to Morgan Elsbeth. My preferred brand is the Vintage Collection. It's easier to store loose figures, and it doesn't take up as much space. But like many VC collectors, I have some high hopes for the line next year. So I'll give my thoughts as to what I expect, what I feel will actually happen, and a schedule for the rest of the year, since we're at the end.


1. All Mains being newly tooled. No more Endor Han, which saw recycled parts. No more Endor Leia which was the same. I don't even want to say some older figures need a touch up. I want Chewbacca to be all new. Will he? Probably not. But at the very least, barbell hips. When Hasbro does all new tooled Mains, we get Dark Times Vader and this year's Leia Organa. Both are very good figures. For Ben Kenobi, he needs barbell hips. Same with ANH Han. Figuring (pun intended) a way to better head sculpts is a must. If the new Sixer ANH Luke is any indication, Hasbro needs to get more VC Bo Katan when it comes to head sculpts, and not whatever could be going on with the ANH Sixer Luke.

2. Themed waves success bring about more themed waves in the future. It's all about Tattooine next year. But what about later? Bespin and Endor could use some attention, as well as new Mains. The Prequels need some attention as well. Naboo, Geonosis, and Mustafar could use the same attention as well.

3. Crews will be completed. We have crew for The Ghost. But my Hunter figure is lonely. Same with Chirrut Imwe. Hunter needs the rest of Task Force 99. Chirrut needs Baze Malbus. I don't expect either to happen next year, but knowing they could come would be a big relief to many collectors. This is a problem with the Vintage Collection. Skeleton Crew seems to be a hit, and Jude Law's figure could use some company as well.

4. More troop builder packs! The Stormtrooper pack was what Hasbro got right. No named characters, same with the recent X-Wing Pilot pack. I'd like to see an updated Stormtrooper pack based off VC 231 which has the holsters attached to the belts, and some ANH Tuskens, and another Imperial Officer pack, but have 4 carded figures. Keep the nameless troops in the white boxes. Keep named characters on cards.

5. Vehicles and Creatures. We got surprised with the E-Wing and the Blurrg, and I expect next year to offer something new in both categories. A Dewback and Bantha top my creature wish list. Vehicle wise it would be nice to get Luke's Landspeeder and maybe a Y-Wing repack. Maybe a couple Pod Racers like Anakin and Sebulba, since that was also from Tatooine. As far as new vehicles, I don't have a suggestion, so please leave a comment below.


1. Repacks and more repacks. I get having to save money, but let's be smart here. Bom Vimdin makes sense as a repack. If the tooling for Rum Sleg or Bane Malor is still there, repack them! But, these repack waves need to stay Fan Channel only. Repacks are going to happen, no matter if we like them or not.

2. VC collectors will complain. Loudly. Come on, you know we do. But what we need to do more is bring others into the community. Which is one reason why I am all about more Prequel figures coming in. The collectors who are under 35 tend to favor those movies over the OT, and the more figures made from the PT, the more the VC collecting community can grow.

3. The Cantina is going to make collecting fun again. This one is geared more towards me. The last few years have been good, but this year felt like a chore. Until the Cantina HasLab officially began. The Tonnika Sisters, Wuher, Greedo and Labrun Needs get all new, or first time figures. Arleil Schlous didn't have his tier get reached because the campaign ran 2 weeks short, but with his win in Last Figure Standing, he might get the go ahead on a release. Hopefully. Collectors will scramble to find older figures to fill it out, I got a start on a couple already. But I predict the regret from those who passed on this will gnaw at them. It's how I feel about the Razor Crest.


Dec 15th: a VC review. I have Peridea Ahsoka, Live Action Thrawn and VC 231 Stormtrooper. It will be one of those 3

Dec 22nd: I will have a post, maybe Christmas related. What will it be? It could very well be an updated short story. 

Dec 29th: My year end review of the Vintage Collection's best and worst. Plus, what was my favorite item this past year? You might be surprised!

Not bad for being out of town! Thanks for reading! A special thanks to Chris and Nomad at BanthaSkull for allowing me to post this link in the comments section! Please share this link on your social media accounts so I can get more readers. 


  1. 2025 is going to be a great year for Tatooine and ANH mains, especially. I would also love to finally get Baze to go with Chirrut. A Y-wing would be awesome, but I want an all new one. I think 2026 is going to be a massive year for prequel figures. I think Hasbro has heard the call, but we're already deep in the Tattooine theme. Cheers, Coleman! MTFBWY


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