Jango Fett Vintage Collection Review


After a 13 year absence, Hasbro finally got around to making a new Jango Fett, utilizing one of the new Mandalorian sculpts (maybe more than one actually). But with Hasbro being Hasbro they made this a deluxe release. So is the "Jango Fett Tax" worth it? And how does it compare to the previous VC Jango? You better believe I have some thoughts on this! 

First thing off the bat, once I opened this figure what really stood out to me was the paint apps, especially on the armor. It's glossy without being vac-metalized. Similar paint apps were used on the Disney Exclusive TC-14 (not pictured). If Hasbro ever gets around to doing a new C-3PO, I would like to see the same paint style applied. The sculpt appears to borrow from the Death Watch Mandalorian, and maybe parts from the Super Mandalorian Commando. Those figures have the new barbell hips, so he can be put into some neat action poses. However, he cannot move his arm to touch the other gauntlet to fire off his "flamethrower". But other than that, all joints move well and were not tight. 

The paint applications alone make this sort of worth it under the deluxe banner. They are somewhat complicated, and maybe had to be hand applied before the figure was constructed. When I get into the accessories though, this is where I put into question about whether or not this deserved to be a deluxe release. But with all the articulation, excellent paint apps, and some minor tooling changes, this figure is "new" without being an all newly tooled figure. Acceptable for a near main character, but it wouldn't be acceptable to collectors who want mains to be fully newly tooled figures. 

Jango's accessories include a swappable head, a helmeted head, his 2 blasters, removable jetpack with 2 flame effects, and a long "fireball" effect I had trouble fitting into the left gauntlet. Well  for pictures anyway. I got it to fit when I opened it. But when taking photos I couldn't get it to fit, as the tip was too gummy, and I feared it would break. The rangefinder on the helmet can move up or down. Having a swappable helmeted and normal head works better than the removable helmet. The Jango head looks exactly like Temuera Morrison did when portraying Jango, and they have done an excellent job on it! His blasters can easily be held in each hand, and aren't gummy like past weapons have been. I'm happy to see that improve! As for how he compares to the previous Jango, and his holsters, check out the photos below! 

The previous Jango has the old articulation style, with swivel hips. He has a removable helmet, and different jetpack. That Jango is sourced to Kamino, as his gauntlets have blades extended to stop his fall when fighting Obi-Wan at Kamino. The holsters on the new Jango I felt were a bit too bulky until I dug up the old Jango. Now I like the new holsters, although it is a slight hassle getting the blasters to fit. But when they are in, they stay in. So there's that. And I apologize for the blurry photos on the comparisons but these were the best of what I had shot. 

Now is this Jango essential? For any Geonosian display he is. But he is not worth the extra price for paint and flame effects. Had he just had his heads, blasters and jetpack he'd be on a Kenner style card. Now don't get me wrong, this is an excellent figure from head to toe. Jango Fett has been one of the most requested VC updates (he's also been requested by Black Series collectors for an updated version as well). This is still a good figure, and I'm glad I got him. But paying Deluxe prices for this figure is tough to justify, especially since the Mandalorian Fleet Commander has some similar paint applications but comes on a standard Kenner style card. But like his original VC figure, expect the current deluxe price to be a bargain. I've seen this figure at multiple Gamestop locations, as well as a Target store. If you get him, open him up, and have young Boba hold an empty Jango helmet...and have the Jango head fall out. Now don't get mad admit it: you wanted to see this happen in Attack of the Clones, didn't you?!

Currently, Marvel has a Jango Fett mini series which is actually quite good. It takes place just before The Phantom Menace, and it also features another well known Star Wars Bounty Hunter: Aurra Sing. The final issue is coming soon (4 issues total when complete). You should be able to find all issues at your local comic book store. 

Thanks for reading! Please share this blog post on your social media accounts so I can get more readers! 


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