Captain Needa Legacy Collection Review


The Vintage Collection slow crawl of 2024 has led me to cover some of my Black Series figures, and with my set up, it's hard to get good pictures on a playset designed for 3.75 inch AKA 1:18 scale figures. So what to do?! Well, BanthaSkull has been doing a great segment called "Figures That Make Me Happy". And needless to say, I love it! It's both a detailed look at the figure from a previous line, but done in a new way. I've got several Black Series figures done just for that, and once the HasLab campaign is over I'll post them. But, the One True Scale needs some time in the spotlight. 

Captain Needa for those who don't know was the CO of the Star Destroyer who found the Millennium Falcon, and later lost it, with Han attaching the ship to Needa's Star Destroyer, Avenger. Needa went to Vader to personally apologize and got Force choked. Needa got released in the blue card wave of 2008 on the Legacy Collection in the Empire Strikes Back wave that includes a couple Hoth Rebel Troopers, Medical Frigate Leia and Luke, Palpy and an Ughnaught. Or as current VC Collectors call it "the good old days". 

Needa sports 14 POA, the only swivel articulation points are his hips, waist and wrists. Everything else is ball joints. In the photos above you can see just how well balanced this figure is, I typically have to lean figures against the wall to get a good shot but he stood unassisted. I titled the head back to get a clear face shot. Needa has 3 accessories: a blaster rifle which I lost long ago, a hat that I forgot was removable because it stays on, and his tank badge is also removable. I've never attempted to remove the badge. 

When this figure came out, Hasbro promised more Imperial Officers, but that never happened until 2023 and the release of Admiral Piett and Moff Jerjerrod. But for displays and other figure interactions I used this figure to represent other Imperial characters, besides Needa, since he does make for a good generic background officer. 

A deleted scene from Empire Strikes Back! Or me being lazy and bot taking out Vader's lightsaber. You make the call! 

But the officer I used Needa the most for was to be a stand in as Captain Pellaeon. Here he is with the Comic Pack Grand Admiral Thrawn: 

So how does Needa compare to the modern Imperial Officer sculpted figures? You can see how below: 

As you can see, he still fits in. The only thing that looks out of place is his rank badge, but honestly it doesn't bother me. Now Needa can't sit down due to the skirt, while the newer officers can, in a way. He can either be Needa, or Pellaeon. His head cannot be swapped out on the new officer figures since his neck ball is too wide on the new neck post. Possibly with glue or 2 sided tape you can make a fit possible if you want to. I don't, obviously because I'd be stuck on which head to put on Needa's body. Now if Hasbro were to make a new Captain Needa I'd buy it, and keep the old version as a generic officer. If you want this figure, there aren't a lot of sellers on eBay but you can find him loose for $19-$25, if you want. With the new officer buck, I'm glad I kept this figure and he still makes me happy because he's quite versatile and can still function how I need him to in my collection. 

Thanks for reading! Please share this link on your social media accounts so I can get more readers, and a special thanks to Chris at BanthaSkull for the inspiration and permission to post this entry in the discussion page! 


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