My SWTVC March Madness Top 25

 So I've finally gotten around to making my Top 25 for the SWTVC March Madness Tournament, and as a a reminder, the final day to get your Top 25 list is January 31st! When making your list, 1 is the most desired, with 25 being the least desired. So here is my list, with an explanation why they're ranked at their position. Some obvious omissions are Luke and Han from ANH because I think they'll both be in March Madness, and I did my best to spread it across the 9 episodic movies, plus video games and other expanded universe material. And as Casey Kasem said: "On with the countdown!"

1. Joruus C'baoth. He's my top choice because he's coming to the Black Series, and he's a Legends character. Plus since we have Thrawn, I want a C'baoth to better interact with him. This would have been Legends Thrawn, but due to the rules he couldn't be made as there is already an officer buck.

2. Mara Jade. You may have noticed my Legends trend, and you'd be right. I want more Legends/EU than any other source! Mara is one of my favorite characters. While the "catsuit" isn't my favorite, it has become Mara's signature look. And the 3.75 Black Series Mara doesn't interact well with either Light Cruiser Luke or Jedi Academy Luke.

3. Kyle Katarn (Dark Forces). Kenner made this figure in the Expanded Universe Wave in 1998's POTF2. A modern update would be greatly appreciated!

4. Dash Rendar. Same as above, but he got a Kenner figure in 1996. Plus Shadows of the Empire is still a popular game. He deserves better than 6 POA!

5. Admiral Natasi Daala. There isn't a female Imperial Officer buck, and Daala played a big role in numerous Legends stories. And she better have the correct badge, too!

6. Iden Versio. We don't have a female TIE Pilot buck either, and Battlefront II is a popular video game. Plus if Iden is made, Del Meeko wouldn't hopefully be too far behind, although sadly he misses out on my list.

7. Tonnika Sisters. They won Last Figure Standing, and are long overdue to get figures. They didn't get Kenner figures, so getting them in action figure form has been a long request, and I feel they'll make the round of 64 quite easily.

8. Garindan. He's the long nosed dude that helps the Sandtroopers find C-3PO and R2-D2 at Mos Eisley. Plus it's been nearly 20 years since he last had a figure.

9. Greedo. Hasbro needs to have more Cantina aliens, and if they are making ANH Han Solo, he needs a Greedo to blast away at in a booth.

10. Obi-Wan Kenobi (TPM). Hasbro really needs to come back to this figure since 2024 is the 25th Anniversary of The Phantom Menace. And Jedi need advanced articulation that only barbell hips can provide.

11. Qui-Gon Jinn (TPM). Same reason as above. Plus a new Jedi buck could be used to make Mace and ROTS Anakin.

12. Darth Maul (TPM). An excellent figure back in 2012, but he needs an update, and the 25th Anniversary of The Phantom Menace would be the  perfect time for it.

13. Padme Amidala (Theed Battle, TPM). She's coming in the Black Series, and a VC version is also needed.

14. Anakin Skywalker (World Between Worlds). This could have easily been from Revenge of the Sith, since it would essentially been the same figure. But since we got new Phase II Clonetroopers from Andor, I feel the only way a new ROTS Anakin could get done is if he's on an Ahsoka card. And he should come with a swappable dark side eyes head and red lightsaber to go with his blue one from his WBW duel with Ahsoka.

15. Ki-Adi Mundi (AOTC). He is the coolest looking Jedi, at least from a head sculpting point of view. Pun intended! ;)  But he is a Jedi Council member in the final 2 Prequel films, and there is a long gap as the last KAM figure was his concept look from 2008. His last proper figure as a Jedi was from the ROTS line, and that's pushing almost 20 years now.

16. Plo Koon (Clone Wars). We have several Ahsoka figures from this time, but we don't have a Plo Koon for her to interact with. And a neat fact, James Arnold Taylor who voiced Obi-Wan also provided the voice for Plo!

17. Super Battle Droid (Clone Wars). We have enough of the normal Battle Droids, although admittedly I prefer the 1999 Battle Droids to the ones in the VC, but we need new Super Battle Droids to not only fight our Jedi, but the near half dozen Clone Commanders Hasbro has released the last couple of years. He needs to be sturdy, and be able to stand up on his own, some of my older ones were wobbly, and don't hold up well compared to newer figures.

18. Fifth Brother (Rebels). It's the 10th anniversary of Star Wars Rebels, and with this year being the year for The Ghost, and Season 3 & 4 figures coming with that ship, and main line getting Kanan, Ezra and Zeb, they need someone to fight, and while the Fifth Brother also was in Kenobi, he needs to be on a Rebels card, please.

19. Seventh Sister (Rebels). Voiced by Sarah Michelle Gellar, who is married to Freddie Prinze, Jr who voiced Kanan. Plus she had some cool lightsaber fights with Kanan, and it would be nice to recreate those battles.

20. Kallus (Rebel Alliance). I would have preferred him as an Imperial Agent, but due to the March Madness rules, a Kallus from the Rebel Alliance would be an all new sculpt.

21. General Madine. The Rebel officers need a buck, and Madine can get us other officers, including ones from The New Republic as seen in Ahsoka.

22. Carson Teva. While I almost put Porkins on my list, I feel Carson being made first could justify Porkins being made eventually. Plus he's been in both Ahsoka & The Mandalorian, and aside from Hera, the only competent member of the New Republic Defense Force.

23. Guavian Enforcer (Episode 7). This was the coolest looking 5 POA Sequel Trilogy era troop builder. A neat red and black color scheme, and give him a blaster rifle he can hold with 2 hands and he would make a great troop builder for any collection!

24. Kylo Ren (Episode 8). I won't take Kylo Ren off my Top 25 until Hasbro makes an all new version of him from Episode 8. He needs his unmasked head, and a swappable helmet, and his lit lightsaber and unlit hilt. He will need for his duel with the next figure on this list.

25. Rey (Throne Room Duel Episode 8). Just as with Kylo, I want Rey as seen from the Throne Room scene from Episode 8. Soft goods on her lower skirt would be nice so she could achieve some battle poses, and with a new Rey movie (possibly) coming soon, Hasbro will need to test the waters to see if collectors will want to add any new versions of that character. But Rey's signature look from the Sequel Trilogy has yet to appear in the VC, and while I loathe that movie, there are fans who would (again possibly) buy this figure, and a collector like me who easily would. Also, a break apart unlit lightsaber hilt would be a nice touch!

So that's my SWTVC March Madness Top 25! Click on this link:
to submit your Top 25! Remember all figures must be brand new sculpts!

Thanks for reading! Please share this post on your social media accounts so I can get more readers! 


  1. I had wanted to add FX-7 due to the comment by Hasbro's Chris in a livestream that they couldn't make him, I may omit one figure from my list to add him in, SWTVC allows an edit!


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