The Choice

 Finally posting this fan fiction! It's my retelling of the Book Of Boba Fett Finale, and instead of the 1st 2 chapters, I'm publishing the 1st 4! Just have 2 more chapters and the Prolouge to write, and the conclusion will come sometime next year. Disclaimers: I don't own the characters and am only writing this for entertainment purposes, and am not seeking financial compensation for this work. In the comments I have notes about the characters. 

Dramatis Personae

Luke Skywalker
Din Djarin
Boba Fett
Fennec Shand
Black Krrsantan
Mara Jade
Pelli Motto
Xanatos (Ren's enforcer)
Ardella (Ren's enforcer)
Cad Bane


Ren sat on his throne, and was attempting to calm the rage growing at the holographic image before him. The Pyke Syndicate representative had told him of what had happened to the Marshall of Freetown on Tattooine. Not the leader of the syndicate, but a lackey tells him this. A lackey! And to top it off, without coming to him for approval, the Pyke's hired Cad Bane to do the shooting. And now take their turn on Boba Fett, who had done Ren a favor by killing Bib Fortuna, and had taken over Jabba the Hutt's organization.

"So let me get this straight." Ren said as calmly as possible. "You hired Cad Bane to kill a town Marshall because he interfered with a drop, and you now target Boba Fett because he approved the matter? Is that correct?"

"Yes, but the Marshall was not killed. Cad Bane only was to incapacitate him so as not to inspire Freetown residents to support Boba Fett." The representative said. Ren hated the fact that Pyke's wore masks so he couldn't read the man's expression. But Ren being unmasked could easily show his displeasure.

"And I wasn't consulted?!" Ren shouted. His blue eyes widened in anger and he stood up, letting his long brown-gray hair sweep off his shoulders. "And your leader Shaze Krim cannot bother to tell me this personally?!" He shouted louder.

"Well, you see he is busy at the moment-"

"ENOUGH!!" Ren yelled. He took a deep breath to calm down. Slightly calm down. This twerp needed to be made an example of. Otherwise the work he put in to take over the criminal syndicates after Qi'ra and Crimson Dawn had failed to stop the Sith would be all for nothing. The Knights of Ren took over without firing a shot, but by killing the leaders of Black Sun, the Pyke Syndicate and smaller organizations like Black Nebula. They answered to Ren. "Tell your BOSS that if anything happens to Boba Fett, I will see to it that he will suffer a long and miserable death." Another deep breath, and he unhooked his lightsaber and ignited it. "Or the Ren will have to provide some harsh discipline before I pass judgment." Ren in this case meaning the red blade of his lightsaber, and not only was it the origin of their name, but his as well. "Am I clear?" He calmly asked.

"Yes, Lord Ren. I will tell him!"

"Good." Ren turned his lightsaber off and placed it back on his belt. "Get out of my sight." With that the hologram disappeared. Ren then activated the lights. His fellow Knights stood before him. He then sat down on his throne, and had calmed down. Slightly.

"What now?" Asked Cindel, she had been one of the recent additions to the Knights. She wore the outfit of an Imperial gunner, complete with the helmet, which was opened to show her face. On her belt was one of the Sith lightsabers the Acolytes of the Beyond had acquired. She had green eyes and black hair hanging out the back of her helmet. "We aren't just going to sit back and do nothing are we?"

"Why not?" Another Knight, Vicrul, chimed in. "Would it be so bad if Fett took out Bane, and the Pyke's at the same time? We can always name their replacements."

"True, old friend." Ren said. "We could do that, but it would cost us tremendously in the long run. It has taken me this long to finally get the Underworld to respect and fear us. The Pyke's have violated the rules and must be punished."

"How do we do that?" Vicrul asked. "Stopping Cad Bane will be out of the question, he's been paid, and it is his duty to carry out the assignment."

"I took no action on Fett because I would have killed Bib anyway for skimming the prophets on slave trading, plus keeping the good ones to himself." Ren snapped his fingers and a woman came to him with a serving tray, which had his favorite alcoholic beverage, a cold, amber colored drink. She presented it to Ren and he took the glass off of it. He then waved her off, and she bowed her head and walked off. Komat, one of the last Acolytes of the Beyond had been made Ren's servant, among other things. Once she left he remembered what he was talking about and took a sip of his drink. "Vicrul, I want you to take some Knights with you to the Pyke's. Maim, but don't kill Shaze Krim. If he shrieks like a whore about what you've done, tell him it's for going behind my back on Fett, and having a lackey tell me about it." Ren took another sip. "Kill the lackey. But dont use the Ren. Use your metal blade. I want them both to suffer."

"Done!" Vicrul turned his face to Cindel. "You want in on this?"

"Absolutely!" She exclaimed. She turned to Ren who took another sip of his drink and nodded. She turned to Vicrul and nodded. Vicrul took a couple more Knights, Ap'lek who used a giant ax, and Kuruk, who was a sniper. Vicrul made certain his lightsaber was on his belt before stretching out his hand and pulling his reaping blade from the armory wall. Moments later, they left. Ren then finished his drink.

"Komat!" He yelled. Komat quickly came as she was called.

"Yes, Lord Ren?"

"Bring in Xanatos and Ardella. Then leave for the night." Ren told her.

"Will you want me in your chambers tonight?" She asked. Ren could sense the fear in her voice. He enjoyed her "company", even more when she didn't. But he wasn't in the mood for that tonight. Komat was his prize after killing the last of the Acolytes, or the ones who resisted him anyway.

"No. You're free tonight." He handed her his empty glass. "Savor your freedom." Komat took the glass and hurried out. Ren then stood up and walked to the armory wall, which stored many of the Knights weapons. Including 2 masks. One was the mask of Darth Momin, recovered from Mustafar and a prized possession of Lord Vader. The other was the mask of Exim Panshard, and had been worn by Giza, an Acolyte of the Beyond who tried to kill Leia Organa and Han Solo. When she failed, the mask abandoned her. Ren could hear the voices of both masks calling him. Perhaps one day he would put one of them on, and unleash his true potential! If he only had the power to choke someone across space, like Palpatine and Vader had done to them during the Crimson Dawn Rebellion. Movement caught his eye. His two most powerful enforcers had come.

"These walls used to only have the weapons we stole, or created for out use." Ren told them. "The dark runs very strongly in you both, which gives you the edge." He then turned to face them. Xanatos wore the armor of the Imperial Deathtrooper, but with a helmet of a Phase I Clonetrooper painted in all black. On his belt, hung 2 lightsabers, stolen from the planet of Ilum. Ardella wore the outfit of a female Inquisitor, complete with a mask that hid her face, and one of their ring-bladed lightsabers. The only thing Ren knew about them was they found an Inquisitor enclave and raided it on Ilum, where the Empire mined the kyber crystals for the second Death Star. And, they were his best fighters. And rivals. Ren knew they wanted his title. Years ago, Ren had been an initiate, and schemed successfully to kill his predecessor and take the Ren lightsaber and title for himself. But, he had a job for them to do. If they got killed, he would have 2 less rivals. But if they succeeded, they could be trouble later on. "Take out Cad Bane, and Boba Fett. If they kill each other, that's fine. But should one be alive in the end, you know what to do. Now get going." With a nod they both left, leaving Ren to think about which person was best to run Boba's former organization.

Komat listened to Ren's orders and made her way to her chambers. Ren never came in here, he would call for her to join him in his. For once, she was grateful. Komat gave herself to Ren to save the life of her friend, Kiza and the a few other Acolytes. But while Ren let Kiza live he killed the ones who had no use to him. But fortunately, Komat had a secret. She had access to an information broker, one who also had no love for the Knights of Ren. In her dresser was a jury rigged communication panel, which she had taken from her ship and hidden in it. She activated a few dials and her contact appeared as a miniature hologram. Mara Jade had shoulder length red-gold hair, a dancer's figure and green eyes. And her arms were crossed. Hanging on her front left hip was a lightsaber.

"What do you have, Komat?" Mara asked.

"Ren is going after your old friend Boba Fett." Komat heard a noise by her door and came back to Mara. "They mean to kill him."

"I'll head to Mos Espa." Mara said as she uncrossed her arms. "Are you alright?"

"Tonight I'll be fine." Komat took a vial and injected it into her neck. "But my Bota supply is running out. I take this and he can't read my mind."

"Be careful with that stuff." Mara warned. "I can still get you out of there, Komat."

"One day, I'll take you up on that offer. But I'm not leaving without Kiza. We've been through too much to just leave her here. I don't want Ren to do to her what he does to me!"

"Ren should be killed for what he does to both of you.  My offer to both of you still stands. Whatever it takes to get you BOTH out, I'll do it!"

"I believe you, Mara. But I have to go now, my signal could be traced." With that Komat signed off. And her plan of escape came into motion.

Mara clicked off the hologram, and buried her face in her hands. After taking a moment to process what happened she left her quarters and made her way to the bridge of the Jade's Fire. At the helm was her protocol droid, BT-17, a reprogrammed former Imperial intelligence protocol droid.

"How is Komat?" He asked.

"Not well." Mara said as she sat next to him. "She's also taking Bota in heavy doses."

"Won't that enhance her Force abilities?"

"Yes, but Komat isn't Force sensitive. All she can do is cloud Ren's mind." Mara said as she dropped the Jade's Fire out of hyperspace. Mara glanced at BT-17 who she knew would want to know what she was doing. "We're going to Tatooine."

"Very well." BT-17 set the course and turned to face Mara. "Why didn't the Emperor order us to stay there? He was after Luke Skywalker at the time."

"The Emperor sent another after Skywalker." Mara said as she set the new course and they were at light speed, destination: Mos Espa, Tatooine. "I lingered in the chamber when he gave the order. My fellow Hand failed to kill him."

"Do you intend to complete that task?" BT-17 asked. Mara paused for a moment.

"A few years ago I would have said yes. But these last 5 years you and I have helped so many people find what they need to move on." She then took the lightsaber off of her belt. "This was his once. The Emperor sent me to retrieve both this, and his severed hand at Bespin." Mara ignited it, the blue white blade was a sharp contrast to her previous purple bladed lightsaber which was destroyed in a recent confrontation with another Hand of the Emperor, Shira Brie. She deactivated it and put it back on her belt  "Besides, Luke Skywalker is the last person I would expect to ever see." She got up. "Take the helm, I need to check on our cargo. Have you reprogrammed them?"

"Yes, they should respond to your orders. It was quite difficult to do this, but they work."

"What would I do without you, BT?!" Mara said as she left the bridge.

"You'd be homeless and jobless." He muttered. But since there was no retort he assumed she didn't hear him. He enjoyed Mara's company, but also enjoyed annoying her. But as far as humans went, he found Mara to be pleasant. Most of the time.

Mara made her way to the cargo hold. The four large items they recently added were connected to a computer terminal. From what she knew of what recently happened at Mos Espa, Boba Fett would be outgunned. But what she feared would be retaliation by the Knights of Ren. That's why she carried the lightsaber.

"You better work out for me." Mara said as she stood in the center of the aisle. The four Darktroopers were in their charging bays, their power level was nearly full. She grabbed the lightsaber again, and the vision came back, just like her recent dreams. She and Luke Skywalker were in the middle of a half dozen Destroyer Droids, lightsabers deflecting blaster bolts. And both of them declaring their love for each other. "Dammit!" Mara said loudly, placing the lightsaber back on her belt. But if this vision was coming back, so would the other vision and dreams. The one in which she would be given the task by Emperor Palpatine, where he tells her the last words she ever heard him say: "You will kill Luke Skywalker!"


At Mos Eisley Hangar 3-5, Peli Motto was finally able to relax. Her last dweller had taken off early that morning and she counted her credits and paid everyone she needed to, aside from those she owed gambling debts to. She even paid her tab at Chalmun's Cantina in full. While her pit droids did standard maintenance she thought now would be time for a nap, but a proximity alert sounded. She sighed and while her eyes were closed, hit the comm button. Couldn't she get an afternoon of peace and quiet for once?!

"Hangar 3-5" Peli sleepily said. "This better be important!"

"New Republic X-Wing AA-589 requesting permission to land." With that Peli woke and jumped out of her seat. Of course it had to be someone from the New Republic!

"Um, permission granted! But, uh, I have that seal somewhere.."

"3-5 no worries, this isn't an inspection. I have a passenger in my fighter who knows you. We just need to land." The pilot said. Peli was beginning to wonder if this was some shakedown attempt. Okay. Fine! He was landing, so she had to start looking for some credits. Peli made a mental note on who owed her gambling debts when the X-Wing landed. The R2 unit in the back raised himself out of the socket while the canopy opened. The pilot, Peli noted wasn't wearing a pilot uniform, but all black clothing. He moved something from his lap and stood up, and leapt down.

"Greetings." He said coming face to face with Peli. "I'm Luke Skywalker and I brought an old friend that would like to say 'hello'." Luke turned to the cockpit. "Come on, Grogu!" Peli thought to herself, 'I don't know anyone named Grogu! What a horrible name!'. But then she saw the most precious child ever pop his head out of the cockpit.

"Bright Eyes, you're back!" Peli exclaimed as Grogu leapt into her arms. She gave him a hug and a kiss on the top of his forehead. "Sorry, love but I'm just going to stick to calling you Bright Eyes!"

"Fair enough!" Luke chuckled. He hadn't seen Grogu this happy, and he could feel his student's excitement. But, they also came here for a reason. "We were looking for the Mandalorian, Din Djarin. Do you know where he is?"

"Sure!" Peli exclaimed. "He said something about going to Mos Espa. I could take you there, it's a very long walk." Peli looked back at Luke's X-Wing. "And I wouldn't trust the Hangar personnel there."

"Thank you for your generosity." Luke said with a half smile, as he looked at Grogu who seemed content to be held by Peli.

"Just make sure you remember that when making your payment when you leave!"

"I will, thank you! We will follow your lead."

Sanctuary was a bombed wreck. Boba had known the Pyke's would strike, and they did. He had assembled his crew. Fennec Shand, Black Krrsantan, and the Mods leaders Drash and Skad. But his latest arrival, Din Djarin had brought some news, Freetown and Marshall Cobb Vanth would help Boba, if he agreed to end the spice trade. Reluctantly, Boba accepted. But if there was a way to get into the spice trade and do it safely...but the Pyke's stood in that way too. Even under a New Republic, things were sometimes the same as it was under the Galactic Republic. Even the Jedi, he heard, were making a comeback.

"Is this it?" Boba asked.

"The rest of the Mods are on the way." Fennec responded. "We need to plan what to do next. Stay here, or go back to the palace."

"The fight is coming here. They want one, we give it to them." Boba said. Nobody seemed to disagree with this statement.

"The people of Mos Espa need protection." Drash pointed out. She looked at Black Krrsantan who nodded in agreement. "That should be our first priority." She glanced at Din Djarin. "If what you said is true and Vanth is bringing help from Freetown."

"He gave me his word." Din Djarin said. "They'll be here."

"Unless the Pyke's sent someone to deal with Vanth." Skad said. He put hand to his ear, and Drash did the same. "Our gang is here." Boba nodded. It was a start.

"Excellent!" He turned to Din Djarin who merely nodded. "We will need to spread out, and keep communication lines open. Fennec?" In a situation like this, Boba could rely on Fennec Shand to come up with a plan. Her years of experience in standoffs were well known, and he could rely on her for this, as well as Din Djarin.

"We need to have even groups in various positions across the city. Krrsantan, I want you in the Klatoonian territory, Skad take some Mods to the Trandoshan territory, Drash you take the rest of the Mods to the Aqualish territory." Fennec sighed as she turned to Din and Boba. "This will have to do until reinforcements arrive."

"Hopefully they are already on their way over." Din said. He knew Cobb Vanth would keep his word. His comlink chirped. "Yes?" He said tapping his helmet, which his link was wired into.
"It's Peli!"

"Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing is wrong! Just got a couple friends here to see you!" She exclaimed. "Where are you? We're entering Mos Espa now!

"I'll meet you at the town gate in 3 minutes!" Din excitedly said. It had been an unusual route, but Vanth and his men were on their way, those must be the friends of his that Peli mentioned.  He turned to Boba.

"Go, and give them updates. And bring Marshall Vanth here, we need to coordinate with his people." Boba knew what was on it's way. His link buzzed. Jade. Hopefully. He had reached out to her as he was taking over Jabba's organization, he needed to know who he was up against, and Mara Jade was one of the better information brokers out there. Din nodded and flew off via his jetpack. Boba went to the back room, and took stock of his gear. He had his blaster rifle, and some new modifications to his gauntlets, thanks in part to Din Djarin's Armorer. She had added a new monofilament line to his grappling hook, capable of electrocuting whoever got wrapped up in it. His right gauntlet had a new fuel source capable of melting through blast shields. But it could only be used once. Between Fennec, Krrsantan and the Mods, as well as some Gamorreans, they had enough to hold out until Vanth's people arrived. If they arrive at all.  He then clicked his comlink to check the message. "Boba, it's Jade. I'm landing in a few moments, and I have a surprise."

Mok Shaiz felt some relief when Cad Bane showed up to deal with Cobb Vanth. But what the mayor of Mos Espa couldn't handle was what the Pyke's brought to deal with Fett. Two massive Scorponek Droids were brought in, along with some mercenaries hired by the Pyke's representative, who was dressed in ornate decorations. Shaiz got the idea that this particular Pyke was a royal, or self proclaimed nobleman. The Ithorian had holed up in his underground Bunker ever since the bombing of Sanctuary.

"What is the meaning of these droids?" Shaiz asked the Pyke. Given the Ithorian's dual throats, it sounded as if he was yelling. The Pyke merely shrugged it off.

"These droids, along with our mercenaries will force Fett to stand down. Once Bane arrives, we will make our way to Sanctuary." The Pyke said as he watched an incoming heavy freighter land. "I said no ships were to land here!"

"It's the Jade's Fire." Shaiz said once he got a look at the ship. "Mara Jade has special clearance to land, or depart when she wants to."

"No doubt she pays you for this service?" The Pyke asked. Shaiz hated him, he could at least tell the man his name!

"Quite well." Shaiz assured him.

"Fett won't fight. Not without Freetown." The Pyke assured him. Moments later the doors opened. Cad Bane walked in.

"Vanth is taken care of. So are the people of Freetown." Bane glanced at Shaiz and turned his attention to the Pyke. "Any word from home?"

"No." Pyke replied. Shaiz could see the Pyke's facade of bravado fade ever so slightly. The Pyke faced Shaiz who merely shrugged his shoulders. "But they gave us a job to do, and paid you to do a job in which you've only half finished!"

"Relax, Pyke." Bane said placing a hand on the hilt of his blaster. "But fair warning if you remind me of what part of my job isn't finished you'll be my next target. Just because you paid me doesn't mean you come out of this alive."

"Only if you want the rest of your payment, Bane!" Pyke yelled. He then smoothed his robes, careful not to mess up his medals. Now he had calmed down. "Check in with the men. I have the droids in place."

"Fine." Bane said as he turned around and left. But Shaiz made a mental note to himself, the Pyke was worried about no contact from his home base. Which could be nothing, or it could be as Mara Jade had told him, the Knights of Ren who took over the crime syndicates after Endor could be asserting their authority over the Pyke's. He should be relieved, but that could also mean the Knights of Ren could come here as well. Shaiz started to get more nervous than he already was.

Din Djarin made it to the town gate, and saw Peli Motto in her special cart. But her guests surprised him. As he landed, Grogu leapt out of the cart and into his arms.

"Grogu! You're here!" He felt joy hugging his Foundling. He was so excited he didn't even notice the other passenger. Yet. "I thought you were in training?"

"We were." Luke hopped out of the cart and helped Peli get out as well. "In one of our vision sessions, we felt the Force guide us here."

"You picked a bad time to come. The Pyke's have declared war on a friend of mine. Once reinforcements from Freetown arrive it could get bad here." Din told him.

"When is it ever good here?!" Peli told them. "It's Tattooine for Force sake!"

"Then I have bad news for you." Luke said, although he had to admit Peli cut the tension with her quip. "We had a vision of a law enforcement officer getting gunned down."

"Is it Cobb Vanth?" Din asked Luke. Grogu reached for Din's mask. For a moment he thought he heard Grogu say 'Yes'. Din turned back to Luke who nodded.

"Grogu recognized him."

"Did you give him my gift? He really should be wearing it if he's here."

"It's in my ship. Grogu has an important choice to make. But we are here to help. Peli told us about the spice runners causing trouble around here."

"We'll take any help we can get." Din said as he put Grogu down. He turned to Peli. "Mind giving us a lift to Sanctuary?"

"As long as I get out before the shooting begins, fine!"  Peli got in the cart as Luke and Grogu sat next to her while Din stood behind them on the back bar. "Anytime now!" Peli yelled at her droid as he began pulling the cart rather quickly. Luke turned to face Din.

"Who's your friend? The one you're here to help?"

"Boba Fett." Din responded. Luke faced forward.

"He may not be pleased to see me." Luke said.

"Why is that?" Din asked. Luke turned back to face him.

"I'm partially the reason why he got into the Sarlaac Pit." Luke answered. "Why don't you tell me what's going on? We will need to work out a plan." Din explained to Luke what was currently happening.

Back at Sanctuary, Boba was pleased to see his latest ally arrive. Mara Jade walked in, and he gave her an embrace. Mara was dressed in a skintight black outfit that left her arms bare. She had black gloves on her hands, and on her belt were pouches, as well as a blaster which Boba knew she kept at the small of her back. Boba could also see her lightsaber on her belt too but for now ignored it.

"Good to see you, Jade!" Boba said as he broke away from her. "Please tell me you have that cybernetic assassin with you!"

"Sadly, no. Guri wanted to find whoever augmented her. Bad enough she took Dash Rendar with her." Mara said. "But it's good to see you, Boba. I just wished the circumstances were better."

"What are we up against?"  Mara took out a mini holoprojctor and activated it.

"Besides about 3 dozen mercenaries, you have 2 Scorponek Droids to deal with. I saw them outside Mayor Shaiz's compound." Mara told him. Boba frowned, especially looking at her waist.

"What's with the lightsaber?" Boba asked.

"I have more bad news." Mara said as she deactivated the projector and put it in one of her belt pouches. She brushed her red-gold hair back behind her shoulders. "The Knights of Ren are sending 2 Knights to deal with you."

"Great." Fennec Shand said. Mara had heard of her, and her reputation. "I thought you didn't make it here very often." Mara nodded.

"No, but every now and then I give Mayor Shaiz special information. That's how I found out what you're up against. You may have enough to deal with the Pyke's, but not the Knights of Ren." Mara told her.

"We still need more firepower." Fennec told both of them. Mara smiled and reached into her belt pouch and pulled out her comlink.

"Oh, I have spare firepower." Mara activated it. "Send them over."

"Is this the surprise you mentioned?" Boba asked.

"Yes, and you haven't even heard the best part: they work for free." Mara put her comlink away. Fennec tensed up, and Boba put a hand on her shoulder.

"You okay?"

"I heard that sound before, Boba. Darktroopers!" Fennec said turning to Mara.

"Relax, I reprogrammed them. Well, my protocol droid did anyway." Mara turned to the doorway as 4 Darktroopers made their way inside Sanctuary. Mara raised her arm and they stopped. "See?

"Not bad." Boba said as he inspected them. "They might be able to take on one of those Scorponek's."

"They would be better helping us with the mercenaries. I saw what these things are capable of." Fennec had calmed down a bit, but if these things made her nervous, Boba knew it had to be for good reason. Fennec turned to Mara. "Your lightsaber should be good enough on the Scorponek's."  A noise outside distracted Fennec. She turned to Boba who nodded and Fennec went outside.

"I can handle one droid but..." Mara trailed off and reached for her blaster.

"What is it?" Boba asked. Mara turned to him.

"Trouble." Mara's hand was still on her blaster. Boba looked as Fennec and Din Djarin walked into Sanctuary. Fennec seemed pleased.

"I have bad news." Din told Boba. "Vanth has been shot, we probably won't get help from Freetown." He turned to Mara who had still had her hand on her blaster. He was about to ask about her lightsaber before Fennec spoke.

"But we have someone who can put the odds in our favor." Fennec said as she pointed to Mara.

"I don't know her, but I found someone with me who can handle anything thrown at us." Once Boba saw him walk in his eyes widened in recognition. Luke Skywalker! Without hesitation, Boba drew his pistol and fired.


"Boba, no!" Fennec yelled. Din Djarin was stunned by Boba's move, but to Luke Skywalker, in that moment his focus was on the 3 shots Boba fired. He deflected the bolts harmlessly away with his hands, striking random sections of the charred walls. He then used the Force to rip the blaster out of Boba's hand, but stopped it just a couple arm lengths out his reach.

"I understand that I'm the last person you would ever want to see, and while you are justified in being angry at me, I'm here to help you." Luke said as he floated the blaster back to Boba.

"Why do YOU want to help?!" Boba said as he snatched his pistol. Luke could relax and take in the other people in the room. Peli and Grogu made their way in, as Fennec sighed in relief. Din Djarin was confused by what had happened: Boba and Skywalker he considered friends, but Boba's actions concerned him. "What can you do, Jedi?"

"Din told me you were confronting the Pyke's over their spice runs." Luke told him. He saw the woman with red-gold hair from his visions, her hands were visible, with her left hand reaching to a familiar lightsaber. "Before our last confrontation I went back to where I grew up here. One of my childhood friends named Deak was murdered by a spice runner. I saw what they did to anyone who got in their way when I was growing up. Stopping them would truly help the people here, so you can say it's personal."

"Alright." Boba said holstering his weapon. He pointed to Fennec. "I'll make introductions, this is Fennec Shand." She nodded to Luke who nodded in return. "Mara Jade." Boba pointed at her. Mara crossed her arms.
"Nice lightsaber." Luke told her. Mara's scowl turned to a smile. She really is beautiful when she smiles he thought to himself.

"It used to be yours." Mara told him. "Who do think found it at Bespin?"

"And it's nice to officially meet you, Fennec Shand. I've heard some interesting stories about you." Luke said dropping the conversation.

"Most of them are exaggerated, but true."

"Wow, Skywalker! You sure know how to make an entrance!" Peli said as she was holding Grogu. Boba could finally let his guard down for a moment.

"Is this your Foundling, Din?" He asked.

"Yes. Although he should be sent away. It's not safe for him here." Din said.

"I agree." Boba turned to Peli and Grogu. "I can have one of the Mods bring you both to the Palace where it's safe." But before Peli could say something Luke spoke.

"Grogu's training will be an asset to us. He's capable of doing a lot." Luke glanced at the Darktroopers in the room and turned to Mara. "Do they need maintenance?"

"It wouldn't hurt them." Mara admitted. She turned to Peli. "Mind giving them a once over?"

"No, but the palace sounds like a good place to go." Peli leaned down to let go of Grogu. "Are you sure you want to stay?" She asked Grogu, who went to Din's side. "Okay, Bright Eyes. Be careful, okay?" Peli scratched his ears and stood up. "Let me take a look at them." She joined Mara with the Darktroopers.

The shuttle touched down on the outskirts of town. The shuttle door opened, and out walked two Knights of Ren. Xanatos was in the lead  followed by Ardella. He was wearing a Phase I Clonetrooper helmet, painted black, and the armor of a Deathtrooper, with 2 lightsabers hanging from his belt. Ardella was dressed as an Inquisitor. One of the local police officers went to meet them.

"Mos Espa Constable Othel, state your business!" The portly human said.

"We're here to see Mayor Shaiz, and Cad Bane." Xanatos said, while not stopping walking.

"No need to show us to their Bunker, we know the way." Ardella said, following Xanatos. Othel stopped following after a few steps. Whoever they were, the sooner they were out of his sight, the better he'd feel. They soon vanished into the Mayor's office building. He took out a flask and took a sip. He wished it was something stronger than water.

Once inside, the Knights made their way to Mok Shaiz's Bunker. Cad Bane, who was chewing on a toothpick,  the Pyke, and Shaiz reacted to their entrance, with Bane being the only one not visibly startled.

"What are you doing here?!" Pyke asked them.
"We are here to keep you in line." Ardella said  her hand on her ring-shaped lightsaber. "And to make sure you kill Fett."

"He's already dead, he just doesn't know it yet." Cad Bane told her, tossing his toothpick at her. Ardella stopped it mid flight before it could strike her.

"Don't ever do that to me, again!" She yelled as she sent his toothpick back at him, which hit his shoulder and fell harmlessly to the ground.

"What do you want us to do?" Shaiz said, not understanding who these people were.

"For you to stay here, Mayor Shaiz." Xanatos told him. "Stay here and be a good little figurehead. Once Fett is finished, my associate and I-" He paused, and turned to Ardella. "He's here."

"Are you certain, I felt a presence in the Force, how can you be sure?" Ardella looked to Bane. Would he be able to stop a Jedi?

"Remember I am a tracker, Ardella. I know what it takes to hunt a Force wielder. This one is powerful, and trained."

"What about the other one?" Ardella asked. Other one? Xanatos gave a small Force nudge, yes. There she was. Mara Jade. This one he knew, so did Ardella.

"Your old friend Mara Jade is with him."

"Who are you both talking about?! Mara Jade is a Jedi? I've had business dealings with her and someone named Dash Rendar, she was fair to me!" Shaiz said almost angrily.

"Jedi can die like everyone else. Nothing you should be bothered by. It's been a long time since I killed one." Bane said as he leaned back against a wall. "But you might want to send out a recon team to see where Fett has his men." Bane said this to Pyke.

"I have my people out now assessing the situation." Pyke said while looking at Xanatos and Ardella. He didn't take his eyes off them.

Peli had made the last second inspections, declared the Darktroopers were okay, modified Mara's control pad and was whisked to the palace. Mara was going over the controls when she felt his presence.

"What do you want, Skywalker?"

"We need to talk." Luke said, being careful to give her space.

"Fine." Mara turned the control pad off and placed it on her belt. "What do you want to talk about?"

"The Knights of Ren. What do you know about them?"

"That they are bad news." Mara turned to face Luke, and for a moment was lost in his blue eyes, but brought herself back to the moment. "They are Force users, some aren't strong. Those are their snipers, they use blasters, and are fairly accurate. The reapers use bladed weapons, and are deadly with them. They have cortosis melted in with the blades so they are lightsaber resistant, and may even short it out. But it's the wielders you need to worry about. They're good using lightsabers, and could probably give you and your 12 other students a run for their money. How can the kid help us?

"I see." Luke said. He had some look of concern. "Grogu, for now is just remembering what he learned at the Jedi Temple."

"I see." Mara crossed her arms. "What do you know of the Knights of Ren?"

"Only that some invaded Vader's lair on Mustafar shortly before Endor. They stole something but lost a couple of their own while doing it." Luke could sense more was going on inside her mind, so much confusion but also anger. Focused on him. "Why do you hate me?" If Mara could kill someone with a look, the one she gave Luke would be the one to do it.

"You took away my life!" She yelled. "I was the Emperor's Hand! Nobody knew of my existence! But it should of been me who was sent to kill you. Instead, I was assigned to Boba Fett to make sure Han Solo got there. Heck, I even rescued him from the Sarlaac."

"You wouldn't have been able to stop me." Luke told her. Mara smirked.

"I saw it in my vision. You call for your lightsaber and I snatched it away. Then to the cheering of Jabba's court you would be tossed into the Sarlaac. And the Emperor would still be alive." She was tempted to pull out the blaster hidden in the brace over her right wrist.

"Not at that point." Luke told her. "But if you want me dead, go on." He spread his arms out wide. "I won't stop you." Mara then pulled out her small sleeve blaster and pointed it at his forehead.

"I just want the voice to stop!" Mara's right hand started to twitch. She had to do this. She needed to do this! "I hear him say 'you will kill Luke Skywalker!'".

"His voice or yours?" Mara lowered the blaster. He had a point, she conceded. But then if she fired...

"I don't know. Maybe my dedication to his service drives me to fulfill the last command I ever heard him give." She then realized what Luke would have done had she fired. "You would have deflected the shot if I fired, wouldn't you?"

"Yes." Luke said lowering his arms. He got closer and put his left hand on her shoulder. "But I know who you are. You've helped nearly 80 people find missing loved ones, and have saved lives in the process. If Palpatine still lived, those people wouldn't have been helped. You may have killed before, Mara. But you aren't cold blooded. You care about people. That's why you became an information broker." Mara backed away and he let go of her shoulder. Dammit, he was right!

"You got me figured out, or you think you do anyway." Mara asked. Then something clicked. "Why did you ask me about the Knights of Ren?"

"Because two of them are here." Mara wasn't shocked. "And we may need to confront them. How well can you use a lightsaber?"

"Not as well as you can." Mara put away her blaster. "Do you mind giving me a crash course? I'm a bit out of practice."

"Not at all." Luke unhooked his lightsaber from his belt and ignited it. "Let's see how much you know and work from there."

Boba Fett began getting reports from the Mods. A shuttle landed near the Shaiz estate and 2 black armored people stepped out. Fennec narrowed her eyes at the image on the viewscreen.

"Who are they?" She asked.

"Trouble." Boba responded. "One of the Mods sent this." He looked around. "Where is Din Djarin?"

"Inspecting our forces. If they come at us in the morning we need to be ready. Which is why I want to talk about an alternative plan."

"Go ahead."

"We have 2 moving teams. The Mods, Krrsantan and Gamorreans stay put. You, me and Jade are on one team. Din, Skywalker and the kid on the other. That way if one is in trouble, the other can come in to assist."

"Good idea." Boba said, but Fennec noted something in his facial expression. He was distracted.

"Do you mind telling me what you're thinking?"

"I've been wondering if this Knight of Ren I keep hearing about are true or not. If I'm a problem to them, why pick now as the time to take me out? And are they responsible for what happened at Sanctuary?"

"No idea, but I suggest thinking about who the Pyke's are sending over. If Jade's information is accurate, we will have our hands full. And since we have a Jedi on our side, we should take full advantage."

"As long as he keeps his distance from me, I'm fine with it." Boba told her as he observed Din Djarin and Grogu return to Sanctuary. "Thanks for removing the bodies from this place."

"Thank the Mods. The Gamorreans buried them on the town outskirts." Fennec turned her attention to Luke and Mara, who were in the midst of a lightsaber duel. "Did you know she was a Jedi?"

"I suspected it when she saved me from Bossk and IG-88 while we were on Gall. She had help from some guy named Rendar who was also looking for Solo."

"Boba, when this is over you may want to consider reaching out to Han Solo. If the Smuggler's Alliance can accept your claim over Jabba's organization, we won't need the blessing of the cartels or these Knights of Ren. Maybe Skywalker came here to steer you in this direction." Boba nodded his head.


Din Djarin found a spot for Grogu to sleep, and tied a sheet between 2 posts, and placed him in it. It was good to have the kid back, albeit temporary. He was going to sleep next to him when he heard soft footsteps approach.

"How is he?" Luke whispered. Din backed away and Luke followed. Once they were away so they could talk he sat on a table edge. Luke followed suit.

"It's good to see him. But I wished you had brought his armor I gave him. The kid is going to need it. Has Fennec told you her plan?"

"She did, and I think it's a good one." Luke crossed his arms together. "But there's a reason why I didn't bring it, along with the lightsaber I wanted to give him."

"Let me hear it." Din said with a slightly angry tone. Luke uncrossed his arms and seemed to nod, like he understood Din's anger.

"Grogu has to make a choice about what he wants. Some of my students will soon arrive and my time will be taken up with their training. But he alone needs to decide his own path his way." Luke took a deep breath. "He will choose to go with you, in time."

"What makes you think that?" Din asked.

"Grogu has a strong attachment to you."

"Ahsoka Tano said that attachments weren't the Jedi way."

"During the Clone Wars, no." Luke admitted. "But my own experiences have shown that attachment are necessary. I have my family, a nephew who will soon be born. People I care about, Ahsoka being one of them. But the thing about attachments is you have to let them go some day." Luke stood up. "Grogu is from the same species my Master Yoda was from. Yoda lived to be 900 years old, he probably could have lived much longer than that. One way or another Grogu will be the future of the Jedi Order, and while you and I are only in his life for a short time we will be the ones who will shape the man he one day becomes."

"If he chooses the Mandalorian path would you deny him?"

"No." Luke said shaking his head. "Maybe he is the one to end the ancient divide the Jedi had with Mandalorians. Maybe he becomes your son and accomplishes many great things. But the Jedi path will be there for him."

"I thought Jedi couldn't be anything other than Jedi." Din said.

"My first student was a former Stormtrooper. One is a former Rebel Intelligence Agent, another a former CorSec officer. Another is an expert on artificial intelligence and one wrote a paper on archeology. In some ways, I'm still a moisture farmer from Anchorhead."

"I never thought Jedi had different lives." Luke chuckled at Din's statement.

"We even put our clothes on the same way others do as well." Luke clapped his shoulder. "But now it's getting late and we need our rest for tomorrow." Luke looked at the Darksaber hanging on Din's hip. He wanted to tell him he could help him learn to use it but now wasn't the time. Din nodded and Luke let him go as he heard Mara Jade approach.

"Shouldn't you be asleep?" Mara asked them.

"I was just about to." Din said as he turned to give a friendly nod to Luke and he went off. Mara watched him go and crossed her arms and rubbed her her hands above the elbows.

"I wanted to thank you for giving me some lightsaber training. You didn't have to do that." Mara uncrossed her arms, and Luke could sense something new from her. Nervousness. Mara must have sensed his reaction to her current state of emotions because she now frowned at him. "Trying to get in my head, Skywalker?"

"You're emotions are plain to see, Mara." Luke said. "You wanted to ask me something, so please ask."

"Fine. Why do you always have to look at me like we've met somewhere before?"

"You know where we've met before. The vision I have seen is the same one you've seen." From her reaction, Luke could tell he had hit a nerve, and was correct.

"Well let me tell you something, Luke Skywalker!" She said with a slightly raised voice but not loud enough to wake anyone. She walked closer to him, and poked her right pointer finger onto his left shoulder. "Whatever vision we happen to share doesn't mean anything! Got it?!"

"Whatever you say, Mara." Luke said as the encounters of Han and Leia's interactions before Bespin replayed in his mind. They had conversations that went like this, so he decided to play this like his brother-in-law and best friend would do. Luke's smirk annoyed her even more.

"Kriffing farm boy!" Mara said turning to walk away. Luke was about to laugh but wisely decided  not to.

"Goodnight, Mara." With that Mara stopped and turned around  with a look of exasperation.

"Goodnight!" She said through clenched teeth. After a deep breath she seemed to calm down and walked away. Luke watched her walk away, and another phrase he heard Lando Calrissian say come into his mind: "I hate it when she leaves, but I love seeing her go." Luke hadn't understood what Lando was talking about until now.

Mara got to where she had planned to sleep for the night, and was upset how she let Luke Skywalker get into her head like that. But, while she wouldn't admit it, he was right. She had been having visions of them fighting Destroyer Droids and declaring love for each other. She found him attractive, but in this situation her feelings were a distraction. Tomorrow would be a battle with whatever the Pyke Syndicate would throw at them. Including 2 Knights of Ren. Mara soon settled down in a makeshift cot which was 2 small tables pushed together. As she curled up to sleep, the other dream began to replay. Palpatine voice once again saying:


 Chapter 3

The morning came, and Xanatos was awake as soon as his feet hit the floor. With his room in total darkness he went into the refresher and took a quick sonic shower. A few minutes later he got dressed, and into his armor. He turned on the lights as Ardella walked in.

"It's about time you woke up!" She angrily exclaimed. "We never should have let the Pyke's mercenaries fraternize all night long!"

"They may all be dead at the end of the day." Xanatos grabbed his lightsabers and placed them on his belt. "Besides, we have a bigger problem. The Jedi."

"How do we handle it?"

"Let the pawns get sacrificed. By midday they'll no longer be hungover. If the Jedi is hurt or weakened it's our advantage." He motioned to her Inquisitor lightsaber. "You okay using that?"

"I've gotten better." Ardella said taking it off her belt. "I'm now able to use the spinning feature." She activated both blades and when she pressed a switch it started spinning.

"Just be sure you don't cut your arms off. And be certain you have control of that thing. We've never faced a true Jedi before."

"Jade isn't the problem." Ardella said deactivating her lightsaber. "How should we handle Skywalker?"

"Cad Bane's logic is sound." Send the heavy units in first, observe their fighting styles and tactics. Then if they defeat the droids and are worn out, move in for the kill."

Boba Fett could barely sleep, he thought of asking Skywalker to do some Jedi thing to make him fall asleep, but got a few hours rest. His teams reported no overnight activity at all. But he knew an attack was imminent. Just where and when it would happen he had no clue. He looked into the alcove where Skywalker was, and could see him teaching the kid how to lift things things the way he had seen Jedi do during the Clone Wars. Din Djarin observed this, and once he saw Boba gave a slight nod in his direction. Jade had told him what he was up against, including Cad Bane. Would it come down to a duel with Bane? He hoped it wouldn't. Bane was a faster draw, he had more experience with a pistol. Boba had used a rifle most of his career. Maybe Skywalker or Jade could help? But he dismissed it as it would be a dishonor to have them interfere. He was so lost in his own thoughts he didn't even hear Skywalker approach him.

"Are you alright?" Luke asked. Boba glanced at the kid, who was now showing off his leaping abilities to Din Djarin.

"I won't lie to you and say that I am." Boba growled. He didn't care if he offended the Jedi, but Skywalker didn't seem to acknowledge it. Not like he  would apologize anyway.  "He seems to be doing well, the kid."

"For the first time Grogu is making genuine progress. Having Din with him has been beneficial."

"So what are you worried about?" Luke glanced at Boba, asking the question he wanted him to answer a moment ago. He focused his attention back on Grogu who leapt off the walls and began stacking chairs while doing so.

"While attachments can be beneficial, I worry that Grogu may not be willing to let go of them." Luke kept watching as Grogu leapt and unstacked the chairs he had stacked. "But he will be the one who has to make that decision." He turned to Boba. Boba nudged his head indicating he wanted a private conversation out of everyone else's ears.

"Have you ever heard of Cad Bane?" Boba asked. Luke shook his head indicating that he hadn't. "Cad Bane has been in my former line of work longer than both our lifetimes. He's a fast draw, possibly faster than me."

"You fear him, don't you?" Luke knew this already, as he could sense Boba's fear. "Confronting fear should be nothing new for you, but reputation can be something even better to use against him. Your blaster and armor are good weapons but they aren't your best weapon."

"What is my best weapon?" Boba asked. He could hear Mara and Fennec talking and approaching where they were. Luke simply smiled and tapped his forehead with his right pointer finger, and Boba understood what the Jedi was telling him. His best weapon was his mind.

"Jade, are you paying attention?" Mara snapped back to the moment. She had seen Luke and Boba talking and after he made a motion, Luke walked away. Her conversation with Luke the night before had played in her head as she saw him. Mara nodded.

"You, me and Boba patrol near the main street, we stay in range of our enforcers and draw out the Pyke's offense." Mara glanced at Fennec. "I was paying attention." Fennec then turned to glance at Luke as he walked away.

"Just checking." Fennec turned back to Mara. "I don't want your feelings for Skywalker to cloud you."

"I kinda want him dead." Mara said, a bit too convincingly. Fennec caught on.

"Sure you do." Fennec said half smiling. By that time Boba approached them.

"Filling Mara in on what to do?" He asked. Fennec nodded.

"Yes. Any word on the morning patrol?" Fennec asked.

"All quiet." Fett responded. Mara decided to leave them both.

"I need to double check the Darktroopers." She said as she left. Boba turned to Fennec.

"You figured out she likes Skywalker, right?" He asked.

"Yes, although she talks a lot to defelect from it." Fennec put her hand to her ear. "We have company." As she turned to leave, Boba followed her, and grabbed his helmet which was resting on a table close by. He put it on and followed Fennec.


Boba followed Fennec as she hurriedly walked to Sanctuary's main entrance. To her left she saw Skywalker, followed by Din Djarin. A dozen people approached, with 2 stepping forward from the group, which was armed with various weapons like gaderffi sticks, long rifles and a couple blasters. The 2 who stepped forward were a young dark skinned human female, and a Weequay male, who spoke.

"My name is Taanti, and the girl is Jo! Cobb Vanth was shot by a Pyke mercenary and we want to find this snake and make him Batha poodo!" Tannti said, being careful not to raise his blaster rifle. He saw Boba and recognized the armor as the same as Cobb Vanth had once used. "We're here to help, as promised." He said to Boba. Din Djarin had already walked past Skywalker.

"They're from Freetown." Din said. Jo nodded her head to Din. Boba stepped forward to face Taanti.

"I am grateful for the aid from Freetown." Boba said shaking the man's hand. " Is Vanth going to live?" Jo hung her head, Taanti let go of the handshake and sighed.

"He lives but is in Bacta treatment. He was alive when we left." Taanti slipped his rifle back into his hands. "Now where do you need us?" As Fennec stepped in to give them there assignments, nobody noticed a small probe droid recording the new events at Sanctuary.

Fennec ordered the Freetown army onto the rooftops. If something happened they could radio either Boba or Din Djarin. The roving teams of Skywalker, Djarin and Grogu made one circle, while the other circle of Boba, Fennec and Mara Jade made the other. After an hour, Luke could sense what was about to happen.

"Black Krrsantan is about to be in trouble." Luke said. A second later blaster fire could be heard in the distance. The Battle of Mos Espa had now begun.

Cad Bane surveyed the scene through his microbinoculars, flanked on either side by Xanatos and Ardella. The shooting match had begun. He lowered the binoculars and tapped his wrist communicator.

"Remember to leave Fett alive. Kill the rest." Was all be said. Xanatos chuckled next to him. "Something wrong, mighty Knight of Ren?"

"You're wasting time, Bane. Release the Scorponek Droids and be done with them all!" Xanatos said. Ardella tensed and grabbed Xanatos's arm.

"Those roof gunners are taking out your backups!" She shouted to Bane. Bane's only response was to put a new toothpick in his mouth.

"All part of the plan, sweetheart." He then turned to face her. "Don't you two have a Jedi to kill or do I have to do all the heavy lifting myself?" Both Knights turned to face each other and left. Bane then turned his attention to Boba Fett. Now where did he go?

Black Krrsantan had no warning when the first shot came and hit his Mod partner. He turned and then was hit just above his hip and he went down in pain. Before he lost consciousness, he saw Skywalker leap in front of him, his green blade deflecting the killing shots meant for him. Luke could sense he was alive, but the other Mod and their 4, now 3 Gamorreans were overmatched. Until rockets launched from the air landed on the attackers, killing 80% of them. Din Djarin and Grogu landed next to Skywalker.

"Grogu, see if you can help Krrsantan!" Luke said deflecting bolts from a now reinforced attack group.

"Their backups have arrived!" Din said as he saw Grogu leap to Krrsantan. "I could use another blaster!" Luke got the hint and ripped a blaster pistol from one of the dead attackers, ironically a blaster just like the one he had taken from a guard at  Jabba's Palace. Once it landed in Din's hand he began firing.

"Din, I deflect and you fire! Got it?"

"Got it!" Din stood in front of Grogu, as Luke deflected blaster bolts, and Din along with the remaining Mod and Gamorreans took out the rest of the men. Luke went to check on Krrsantan. "Will he live?"

"Thanks to Grogu  he will." Luke looked at Grogu and placed his left hand on top of Grogu's head. "Well done, young one!" Luke's smile made Grogu coo happily, although Grogu looked a little tired. This part of the battle was over. For now.

On the other side of Mos Espa, flanked by Darktroopers in a diamond shaped escort formation Boba Fett was flanked by Fennec Shand on his right, and Mara Jade on his left. So far, things were quiet. Fennec's plan was to make themselves targets, but something was bothering him. Through his helmet, Boba's communication with Din Djarin was cut off, which meant they were being jammed, or about to be attacked. If Mara knew anything Boba knew she would tell him.

"How good are you with that lightsaber?" Boba asked Mara. She kept looking off at the rooftops where Freetown residents took up sniper style vantage points.

"Well enough to deflect multiple shots. But you'll soon learn just how good I am with it." Mara didn't look at Boba while responding and holstered her blaster while unhooking her lightsaber. A few seconds later the shots rang out. The Darktroopers found the initial shooters and opened fire. Mara deflected some shots with her lightsaber, the one that once belonged to Luke Skywalker. Fennec used her blaster rifle to take down mercenaries as the Freetown fighters mowed down the rest. In less than 3 minutes, the fight was over.

"They wanted to test us." Fennec said.

"This is just the first phase." Boba responded. "Cad Bane has something else up his sleeve."

"The Scorponek's." Fennec said turning to face Mara. "Can they take on one of them?" Mara shook her head no.

"I don't know how long they would hold up, but they can take a beating." Mara told her. She took out the data pad that controlled the Darktroopers and typed something into it. "Their sensors show nothing so far. Can you raise the others?" She asked Boba. Boba looked off into the distance.

"No but I hear more blaster fire." He paused. "Silent."

"Skywalker and Djarin. Those two could stop anything." Fennec said.

"Don't count out the child." Mara said. "My Force abilities are nowhere near Skywalker but I can sense the kid is quite strong." Boba put his hand to his antenna.

"Krrsantan is down, thanks to Skywalker and the kid he'll be okay." Boba said. He then removed his hand. "Jamming is back." He tried to locate the source, but to no avail. His best guess was that Bane was close by.

Cad Bane watched the show unfold, just out of Fett's sight. He had to give Pyke credit, the jammer worked. But unfortunately it also blocked the Scorponek Droids from receiving signals. Whatever the Knights of Ren were up to now wasn't his concern. He saw what he needed to see. He tapped his wrist communicator after he turned off the jamming device.

"Release the Scorponek's." He then spit out his toothpick and replaced it with a brand new one.

"I have Jo." Din Djarin told Luke. The other man nodded. "No casualties on their end."

"Good news! Any idea where the jamming is coming from?"

"I can't get a lock but it's strong enough to jam transmissions to battle droids."

"Which means they need to shut it off when they unleash the Scorponek's." Luke glanced quickly at Grogu. "Grogu, can you grab those grenades from that person?" Grogu looked at one of the dead mercenaries, with a surprised look on his face.

"Trust me kid, we need them more than he does." Din said. With that, Grogu pulled the bandloier full of grenades and floated it to Luke.

"Excellent work, Grogu!' Luke said with a big smile, which Grogu returned. Luke was genuinely happy Grogu could now do this, but he also felt he was showing off for Din's benefit. Din touched his helmet. Luke noticed but turned back to his apprentice. "Now I want you to stay close to Din. You'll be safer with him. But if I tell you to do something, I need you to do it. Understand?" Grogu simply smiled, and Luke could sense he understood what he had told him. Din came by them, and Grogu leapt onto his right shoulder. "I told him to protect you." Din nodded and scratched the back of Grogu's right ear. "Any word?"

"Jo says there's movement." Once Din said that, Luke's hand went to his lightsaber. Jo's voice yelled on the comm loud enough for Luke to hear it.

"Monster droid headed your way! Tannti says there's one closing in on Boba!" She yelled.

"Skywalker and I will draw it's fire!" Din yelled back as he drew his blaster. "Don't fire until I tell you to!" Grogu saw Luke's expression and made an angry looking face in the direction Luke was looking at. His lightsaber ignited and it was all Grogu could do to not stare at it and focus on the 3.5 meter tall droid. It had 2 giant arms with 2 blaster cannons on each "hand" and 4 legs. A red eye sensor was on the top, and it was protected by a shield generator. "Jo, open fire!" The blasts came and bounced off the shields. Din unhooked the Darksaber and lit it, along with Luke charged walked into its shield bubble and attacked. Din clumsily swung his blade, while Luke's swing was more precise. But once both blades struck the droid, they shorted out.

"What does that to lightsabers?" Din asked.

"Cortosis alloy." Luke said as he hooked his hilt back on his belt and pulled a blaster off a dead mercenary into his hands. He then pulled out his comlink. "Artoo, take off! Looks like we might need you here!" Luke and Din kept firing, but it was clear nothing was happening. Meanwhile, Grogu closed his eyes and stretched out his hand. The droid began to lift up, ceasing its blasting as it happened. This gave Luke an idea: use the grenades. Splitting his concentration, Luke helped Grogu keep the droid afloat as he pulled the grenades to go underneath the droid.

"What are you doing?!" Din asked as Luke pulled all the grenade pins on the bandolier. The droid now resumed firing.

"Tell Jo to keep firing!" Luke yelled. Din changed his aim and Luke tossed the grenades. "Let's lower him down, Grogu!" The droid came down, and the grenades, now inside the shield all exploded, damaging his shield generator. Luke's X-Wing came roaring in. Luke pulled his comlink. "Artoo, use blasters!" Artoo complied and Luke's X-Wing fired out and destroyed the Scorponek Droid. Using the 2 proton torpedoes wouldn't have made more sense with all the buildings and people around, it wouldn't have been possible. "Artoo, you need to do whatever Din Djarin and Grogu need you to do." Luke stared off in the distance. They were approaching. Both Knights of Ren. He turned to Din. "Tell Boba how to take the shield generator out. Artoo can blast that other droid."

"Got it. Can you handle them alone?" Din asked. Luke's expression told him he could. "This is the way." Luke looked as if he would accept, but no. The Force showed him th

"May the Force be with you." Luke said, and ignited his lightsaber. Din nodded, with Luke's words echoing in his mind from the first time they had met as he and Grogu landed on the wing of the X-Wing 'I will give my life to protect the child'. If they survived this, maybe, just maybe Mandalorians needed to think about making a new alliance with the Jedi.

Xanatos and Ardella approached Skywalker, who waited for them with his lightsaber ignited. Xanatos initially wanted to take Skywalker on himself, but changed his mind once he saw the battle with the droid. The Jedi now faced them, lightsaber in hand.  The Mandalorian  hopped onto a wing of fighter, along with the child and it flew off. Skywalker no doubt protecting his apprentice. Xanatos unhooked both of his lightsabers and ignited them, as Ardella ignited hers.

"You're about to become one with the Force, Jedi!" Xanatos yelled.

"We'll make this quick, for your benefit." Ardella added. Luke didn't look impressed, or fearful of them.

"Shut up and fight." Luke said raising his blade, and the Knights of Ren activated theirs. People who had been watching now went into hiding. 


  1. 1. Mara Jade helped Boba bring Han Solo to Jabba, and helped rescue him from the Sarlaac in my head canon.

  2. 2. I'm using the Knights of Ren as new crime bosses, loosely based on the rumored George Lucas version of the sequels having Darth Maul running the criminal Underworld. The Knights of Ren played a role in the Canon comics Crimson Reign.

    1. Ren in the Disney Canon was the only one who used a lightsaber, but since he does fear a new Jedi Order, he makes exceptions. The categories of Knights of Ren came to me as I was making potential custom action figures to be Knights of Ren, and I had spare swords, blasters and other weapons to use.

  3. 3. No Talon Karrde, sorry! But I made up for it referencing Dash Rendar, and Guri is a cyborg in my version, not a human replica droid. Also BT-17 is a droid figure I got that came with a Boba Fett figure in a 2 pack. Mara's ship is the Jade's Fire, but is her Imperial Intelligence ship as seen in the Mara Jade comic miniseries "By The Emperor's Hand".

    1. After Endor, and Palpy's death, Mara removed BT-17's restraining bolt and with his help was able to stay connected to the Imperial Intelligence computer systems, and she uses this knowledge to help people reconnect with lost family members, and sell some classified material to other information brokers.

  4. 4. The students Luke refers to are Kyle Katarn and Callista. I kept Kyle's origin the same and made Callista be the same as Cray Mingla, since in Legends Callista took Cray Mingla's body. There is no Luke/Callista romance.

    1. The CorSec officer is Corran Horn. And I'm ignoring the restrictions on Corellian Jedi that Legends had. He can use telekinesis. I always hated that.

  5. 5. As someone who believes in love at first sight, I didn't want to hide the mutual attraction to each other that Luke and Mara have once meeting each other.

  6. 6. Wokkiees and Trandoshans hate each other. Having Krrsantan patrol that sector in the BOBF finale made no sense to me. At all. I corrected it.

  7. 7. The Choice isn't just about Grogu choosing his path, it's also about several other characters making a big decision at the end of this story, and setting the set up for a larger story ahead.

  8. 8. I realize I do need help on editing. But also this is my 1st attempt at writing action, so please bear with me.


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