VC 2023 Speeder Bike With Biker Scout


When Hasbro announced the new Speeder Bike coming to the Vintage Collection, I was excited, yet also nervous. How much would this cost?! At $45 it's a high price. At the most it should be $30 but eggs are now $5 a dozen (at the time of writing where I live) so there's that. I decided against pre-ordering it since at that price I'd gamble if it became available on shelves. Like the Mandalorian and BOBF versions of Boba Fett and the Dark Troopers have been. And to my surprise, Wal-Mart actually has them! On an unrelated note Target has the Endor Bunker! The only other vehicle coming to the VC this year is the AT-ST and at $90 that is a no go. Besides that's coming in the Summer. With ROTJ's 40th Anniversary days away, I thought now would be the time to review a good new vehicle. Why is it good, and how does it compare to the original Kenner/POTF2 version, please read on to find out!

Vintage Speeder Bike

Fooled you, didn't I?! Well, the POTF2 version is Kenner's version with a better paint job. Seated on this is the 2008 era Biker Scout figure, which isn't a bad figure for this bike. It's also the only Biker Scout figure where his blaster stays in his boot holster, but more on that later. The T-bar keeps the figures legs on the bike, and even some POTF2 figures like Endor Luke and Endor Leia, who also came with Speeder Bikes had bending knees to better fit, and stay securely on the bike. The handles move back and forth to help whichever figure you put on the bike stay on. This bike is a classic, and while I didn't show it, pressing the pack on the end causes the bike to "explode". All in all, it's a fun toy you can pick up for under $30 on eBay. Not a bad vehicle, all these years later.

Other features include moving the foot stands to open and close the vents. Closing the vents "stop" the bike, open vents allow the bike to "go". Sometimes these vents can unclip, so you have to attach them back but it's easy and you won't break it if you have to do so. The bottom gun barrel can turn a full 180 degrees to give you blasting options while playing. Once you press the back to "explode" the bike  reassembly is easy. This one is still worth getting.

Hasbro Speeder Bike 2023 Version

Hasbro pit out a lot of stops here. The sculpting, paint apps, it's all better! But, it is lacking a very important detail: the handlebars don't move. At all. As you'll see in some pictures down below, non Biker Scout figures were a pain in the ass to put on the bike. And get a decent shot. But it is still a great vehicle.

One neat feature is you can lift the front to see the engine. Like a proud sportscar owner lifting the hood to show off what's under the hood! There's a lot of detail, and it's really neat that it is added, and there to enjoy! Does the hatch fully close? Well, no. But this isn't something I will nitpick about. The way the Biker Scout fits on this I barely notice it, but if you have OCD, I'm sorry. It could drive you nuts.

The foot pads on this bike don't move at all. Which is fine, but it does take away from how it was able to moved onscreen, and you know how collectors want the figures and vehicles to move, LOL! The rear vent covers move independently so you can keep them open or closed, depending on your personal preference. Simple rule of thumb is if the figure is on the bike, keep the vents open. If no figure is on the bike, keep them shut. The pack at the end is removable, but I'm not going to attempt doing it due to physical limitations which I go into below.

But the absolute BEST feature is the stand. Hasbro included a 3 sided display stand to feature your bike at different heights. In the center of the bike is a peg hole to rest the bike on. Sadly, due to my nerve issues in my hands I could only get this to sit right on the lowest level. But it makes for taking good pictures, and proudly displays your loose Speeder Bike! I'm happy it's included because as you can see in the 2 photos there is no good way to display the Vintage/POTF2 Speeder Bike, except to have the top tip down. No problem with the modern Hasbro version!

Other Figures on the Speeder Bike:

Endor Luke: Pass

Endor Luke fits decently, I got one foot on the foot pad. If he had the new neck articulation he could fit it much better. Not bad for what is mostly a 12-13 year old figure! But they still need to make a new one that could properly fit on here. But, this one will do. And this shot took me nearly 5 minutes to set up, the easiest part was swiveling the wrists to properly grab the bars like you would to start a motorcycle.

Endor Leia: FAIL!!

While I have admired the new head sculpt for this figure, they really needed to make an all new version because after 10 minutes this was the only pose where she would stay on. This was why collectors were in an uproar over this figure, and needs an entirely brand new sculpt from the neck down.

Scout Trooper Action Figure

Now we finally get to the included figure, the Scout Trooper AKA Biker Scout. And he isn't a bad figure at all! I saw his card is unpunched and I nearly had a meltdown opening it, but I had to! I would also point out the card is in perfect condition, no scratches or dents. How to spot him in the picture with his other fellow Scouts is his head and helmet is the largest one (he's in the center with the Gaming Greats on the left and Legacy one on the right). He has the new ball joint neck articulation (double barbell neck) so he can better look forward while piloting his Speeder Bike. He's a perfect fit, and his feet hit the pedals. That's all you can ask for him to do! While he is a slight retool of the 2019 Biker Scout (which was the 3.75 Black Series Biker Scout) he has the brand new helmet sculpt, neck articulation and his hands are slightly different in order to better grip the control handles. He has the near standard 17 articulation points that most Vintage Collection figures currently have.

The paint is simple, black and white. But it isn't sloppy, always appreciated when it's done right. Moving him isn't a hassle, but with Hasbro's new sculpting and articulation technology Hasbro could one day make a better version of this figure, but simply put the demand isn't there. For now. (Prequel lovers should request the camouflaged version of this Trooper for Clone Wars displays! It's the only way they might make a new sculpt!) His helmet isn't removable, which is one reason why it looks so good! He comes with his blaster pistol, which he really can't hold too well unfortunately. Also his blaster keeps falling out of his boot holster, a problem the Legacy version doesn't have. Sadly that Legacy version can't fit on this Speeder Bike. I didn't take a picture, but the Gaming Greats Biker Scout can fit as well, but not as good as this one that comes with the bike.

All in all, $45 plus tax gets you something decent. If you want a big collectable to celebrate ROTJ'S 40th, this is the cheapest one out there! I would recommend getting it, as you'll never get the opportunity to get the Scout on a single card. Hasbro took great care in offering a flashback from the past, and as someone who collects out of a fondness of nostalgia, this fits the bill. I only regret not having the 2012 version to compare, but you're in good hands with this new version.


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