Kenner Endor Princess Leia Organa Kenner Review

 Some of you may be wondering why I'm  reviewing Kenner's Endor Leia Organa the weekend after Mother's Day and not on Mother's Day? I mean, I did Endor Han for the Mom's LOL! It just happened that I wanted to do Leia and Luke last, so Han got the call. So this weekend it's Endor Leia! This was a figure I found at clearance back in the late 1980's but lost during a move and I was able to get one in not only good condition but at an excellent price (she had only her blaster and not her Endor gear). So how well does this figure hold up? Let's find out!

First of all, there is no variant of this figure that I'm aware of, or could find visually. Like the Boushh Leia, on the card there is a separate bubble for her helmet, and she has on her belt and poncho in the main bubble. 

Leia has the 5 basic articulation points, and the sculpt is decent, and the paint apps are well done, but not screen accurate. Her face sculpt isn't bad, and is an improvement over her Boushh version, but I'll let you be the judge on how it came out. Personally, I think it's a little too chunky, but her hairstyle is perfectly depicted, and her hair color is an excellent match. Once you get the poncho and belt off, she doesn't have a lot of painted on detail. However her outfit is sculpted quite well.

Now, if you have the Kenner/POTF2 Speeder Bike this figure can fit, thanks in part to the T-bar that her legs can fit under. They are "pliable" enough to "bend" but please don't try to do that! This is a 40 year old figure and cannot take that. Just sit her on the bike and she'll be good to go. Her 1997 version is the one that fits best on it, and is relatively cheap (under $30 in a lot of cases. The new VC Speeder Bike has caused these prices to drop a bit). Leia comes with her targeting blaster, removable helmet, poncho, and belt which can "hold" the blaster, but not very well. I recommend storing the blaster in a small box or baggie so you won't lose it. Sadly, due to my current health I wasn't able to physically take a picture (bad knees and back) showing her on the bike. 

Now, yes Leia is an essential figure for your Kenner collection! Especially this one as she can feature in not only the Home One briefing but any Bunker display. They never made a version of Leia in her Ewok Village dress, but she can fit in with Ewok Village displays or dioramas. Maybe one day she'll get a fan made version in the Village dress. Since no Retro Endor Leia is being made, you can find a good loose figure for $20, which was what I paid for her years ago. On card you'll shell out close to $200. Fan made versions may be out there, but I didn't search for them. Any loose figures with weapons may run close to $40. But her targeting blaster will run you $3, so you can get a good version for around $25. In my opinion, this is the best Kenner Leia, and with some work (not pictured) can hold a Kenner lightsaber.

Photos from Galactic Figures and eBay. My final Kenner review will be Jedi Luke Skywalker on May 25th! 


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