New VC & Black Series Reveals!

 Another Mando Mania reveal happened this past Tuesday, and this weekend Celebration London revealed a LOT of new stuff coming, and for a change I think it was a double home run for both Vintage Collection and Black Series collectors! While I had hoped to get pictures of all the reveals, sadly I can't as a lot of stuff broke on Saturday. My first reviews in each section are the Mando Mania reveals, followed by the other reveals being from SW Celebration London.

Black Series

Black Krrsantan!!

Last year Hasbro did a Comic Book version of Black Krrsantan which was a repainted Chewbacca with newly sculpted armor.  Ugh. Horrible! So when Black Krrsantan was announced as a pipeline reveals a while back, many in the collecting community assumed that previous figure would be getting repacked. But today, no it isn't!! Now BK is a lot taller than Chewbacca, and has more bulk. Something this figure definitely has is the bulk, now whether he's taller than Chewbacca is another factor. But this Black Krrsantan looks 100% better than the last one, and looks more accurate to his comic book version. Now this will be priced as a deluxe figure. BK comes with a heavy blaster rifle, with the same targeting scope that Chewie has on his blaster rifle. Black Krrsantan is $33.99, and is available for preorder.

Darth Vader!

The Sith Lord gets a new removable helmet, and with a much better scarred head sculpt of Anakin Skywalker than the last version from a few years back. This will be on a Kenner card.


This looks like an all new sculpt, and while I didn't grab the picture it looks like you can extend R2's dome to fit in an N1 Starfighter, I don't think any of his previous versions could do that. All he's missing is Luke's unlit hilt but he has all the gadgets including his sensor scope. This will also be available on a Kenner card.

Luke Skywalker!

This Luke comes with 2 chest plates to have his flap up, or when he hacks off Vader's hand the flap is down. The new Luke headsculpt is on this one, which is good because I almost bought the old one last week which was on sale for $45. Like the other 2, this will also be on a Kenner card, but much like VC 23 while dressed in his Endor Duel outfit, his card is from Jabba's Palace. Maybe they change it up after the initial release like they did for VC 23, but if you like Luke, you get both his main looks from ROTJ (Mando Luke has the same outfit Luke wears on Dagobah, Home One and Ewok Village).

Emperor's Royal Guard!

This is a slight repaint of the Comic Pack Kir Kanos (Carnor Jax) action figure, even has the old EU armor underneath as seen in the Crimson Empire Comic miniseries (New Republic Volume 6 by Marvel reprints the Crimson Empire stories and it is worth your time to buy it). He will come on a Kenner card, and is perfect for guarding your Archive Palpy (I expect Palpy will be on a Kenner card soon).

Deluxe Black Series

Jabba The Hutt w/Salacious Crumb

Now this one, I don't get. With  a Jabba's Palace full playset coming for the VC (with a throne for fat Bib Fortuna and Tatooine Boba Fett to sit on) it would make sense to offer this for the VC. But instead it's for the Black Series. Jabba has no dais to lay on, but has his hookah pipe set up, and a Salacious Crumb to keep him company.

Jedi Spirits 3 Pack

Now this, I like!! On 6 inch Kenner cards, this looks like the VC 3 packs, but now the Black Series is in on the multi-pack action! The spirits of Anakin (Hayden Christensen), Obi-Wan and Yoda (which is an all new sculpt based off the Dagobah 2 pack with Jedi Training Luke). I got the previous Spirit Yoda, who seems too tall. Honestly this is my favorite Black Series reveal!

Coming soon (no pictures)

Gaming Greats Old Master Maul (Gamestop)
Galaxy's Edge Dok Ondar (Shop Disney)
Final Duel Obi-Wan (miniseries) and Force Spirit Qui-Gon (this isn't a 2 pack but both are Wal-Mart exclusives)
Damaged Vader (Target)
Pre Vizla (mainline)

Vintage Collection

Jedi Academy Luke Skywalker!

2 new Luke Skywalker VC figures in the same year?! I'll take it!! Luke is seen in the outfit he was training Grogu in at his "Jedi Academy" on the planet Ossus. The sculpt for Luke appears to be all new, however that doesn't necessarily mean he is "all new". But, on the surface it looks like Hasbro has a blueprint to use parts of this Luke to make a Tatooine Luke from A New Hope, he just needs new arms, boots and a proper belt. But back to this new Luke, he only comes with his ignited lightsaber and an unlit hilt. Hasbro Pulse didn't show the Luke figure in their video, just still photos, so I can't tell if his unlit hilt clips onto his "belt". His card image has Grogu in his backpack, but of course neither are included in this standard version. But like the Black Series having a Luke/Grogu pack, I expect a future deluxe VC Luke/Grogu pack similar to the Ahoska/Grogu pack. Jedi Academy Luke is $16.99 and is available for preorder.

Moff Jerjerrod!

He greeted Vader on his arrival on the second Death Star. He shares Piett's buck, and he comes with a blaster and removable hat. Squint your eyes a bit he could pass for General Veers. I won't get into the rank insignia mess like most collectors do.

Nien Numb!!

Back in the original VC run, I snagged this one which was the only one I found at brick and mortar, excluding conventions and shows. I'm glad he's repacked since he is a hard figure to come by, and he just looks so good on the Kenner card!

Black Krrsantan!

Coming in the deluxe package due to his size, but with more accessories than his Black Series counterpart! If you have the VC Aphra, and Triple Zero and BT-1 droids you can recreate some of their adventures in the comics, as well as anything BK got involved with in BOBF.

Mandalorian N1 Starfighter!

Din Djarin's new ride comes with the Spider Planet Din with a repaint (I have that figure and will soon do a review) along with a cloth cape and Grogu whose hands are in a "raise the roof" pose, or he can press his hands against the glass in the droid socket. It appears to be a repaint of Anakin's N1 Starfighter but there appear to be new things added besides the bubble for Grogu. No word if R5-D4 will also be repacked, but I think he could be somewhere down the line.

Jabba's Denizens 4 Pack!!

I have to admit, I choked up a bit seeing this. Tessek, AKA Squid Head is the one figure I had hoped could come in the VC. I felt if he came in the VC, this could be a successful way to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Return of the Jedi. Now we have him, along with humans Velken Tezeri & Taym Dren-Garen (I think he's the guy who shot Luke's hand). Velken and Taym are popular requests on collecting site article forums, and they'd peg warm if they weren't in this pack. Sadly so would Tessek. Now Ree Yees is the only head scratcher. He was in the Palace Playset with Han in Carbonite. But as he was Yakface's drinking buddy (or adversary depending on the writer), and since Yakface is coming back then he needs his drinking buddy or enemy.

Pipeline VC Reveals (no images shown)
Grand Admiral Thrawn (implied as the Rebels version, not from Ahsoka)
Grand Inquisitor (Obi-Wan)
Pre Vizla (Clone Wars)
Director Krennic (about f--king time!!)

And an all newly sculpted DARTH REVAN!!

Hasbro, all I can say is thank you! Already I can feel and see collector's being more optimistic about what's coming!

Images from Rogers & Cowan PWK, as published on BanthaSkull


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