Kenner ROTJ Jabba's Palace Figures

 While I love doing Kenner reviews, sadly they are my least viewed posts. So instead of covering individual figures, I'm covering figures in scenes where they appeared. Since I've done Jabba the Hutt, Gamorrean Guard and Bib Fortuna, I felt it was good to continue my Kenner reviews by focusing on other characters in his Palace who were lucky enough to get action figures. Including a MASSIVE figure!!

The Rancor

This monster not only chowed down on Oola and a Gamorrean Guard (RIP), but tried to make Luke Skywalker his next meal! He has only arm and leg articulation, but also a movable jaw (Image from eBay seller Smokepants). He also has swivel wrists and swivel knees, but I would not try moving the knees, it doesn't really add to his play value, and you would probably only moves the legs back and forth anyway. There is a button on his back that moves the jaw. When the Rancor got released in 1998, Hasbro opted for a more realistic looking Rancor that ditched the swivel knees and movable jaw.

Rancor Keeper

A fat guy finally gets an action figure! While he is simply sculpted he has a lot of detail, especially his pants, and the bracelets on his wrists and arms. He comes with a gaffe stick, and has the basic 5 articulation points. He also has a vinyl plastic "cloth" head covering that can be removed. He is bald underneath. The closest modern equivalent was the 2009 Legacy figure. And sadly, Kenner didn't make a Porkins figure he could pal around with.

Ree Yees

Now, his back story varies. He's either Yakface's drinking buddy or sworn enemy. Either way, he is an interesting looking figure. Kenner found a way to get the standard 5 articulation points, and gave him a made up accessory which they say is a blaster rifle but looks more like....I can't explain. It just looks odd. But back then, you could use your imagination and make it something cool. His hands are quite large as you can see, and his face has great detail in its sculpt. They also did well sculpting his clothes, which is also greatly detailed. Not a bad figure, really. He's also coming back to the VC in a 4 pack later this year.


Also known as the torture droid, he's the one giving a Power Droid the "hot foot" action as R2 and 3PO get their instructions on what they'll do in Jabba's service from EV-9D9 (who I already reviewed). He has the same basic 5 articulation points, and has a decent body sculpt, but otherwise there isn't much to him. You don't need him unless you have a droid dungeon playset, and honestly don't feel bad if you skip it.


AKA Squid Head is one of the coolest looking Kenner figures. The head sculpt could still be considered good. And get this: he was Jabba's accountant!! In Legends anyway. Who knows what The Mouse will do to his story. He comes with a blaster, and a cloth outer robe which with a lot of work can be removed and a lower cloth skirt which cannot. It was just announced that Tessek will be in the Vintage Collection as part of a Hasbro Pulse exclusive 4 pack.

Max Rebo

You know him best more recently for his Robot Chicken spoofs, as he "never miss no gig, man!" The top billed figure in a 3 pack, Max is hidden behind his organ, so that's why he has 2 photos instead of one. He has the standard 5 POA, and was sculpted so well that the same base was used in the POTF2 version in 1998, in which only had new arms sculpted. Admittedly, I flip flop on whether the band could be essential figures to collect, but if you like weird alien figures, you can't go wrong here.

Droopy McCool

The flutist of the band, Droopy comes with a flute and microphone stand to amplify his notes while he plays! He has only 4 articulation points as his head can't move. However he holds his flute quite well, and all you need him to really do is stand there, which he can easily do! But you can find a POTF2 version for a lower price than the classic, and it could also fit into any classic Kenner collection.

Sy Snootles

I won't talk about her Clone Wars episode, but just know she was Ziro the Hutt's former girlfriend and a cold blooded monster. Literally. But the way I prefer Sy is a singer with a great voice. Which this figure captures quite well. Sy comes with her microphone stand, and is sculpted in a singing/dancing pose. Her pose mimics how her puppet was used onscreen, but in the 1997 Special Edition, she was CGI, and could not only sing, but dance much better than she could in 1983. She has no head articulation but her arms and legs can move. Her POTF2 release is from the 1997 ROTJ, so if you want her 1983 look, this figure is the only way possible. No word on when, or if, the Max Rebo Band will get modern VC figures.

And finally, Princess Leia Organa Boushh Disguise!

What I remember from my childhood was how cool this card looked, as there were 2 bubbles on the card. One held the figure and her weapon which is a staff. But the other bubble was above the figure and had the helmet, which was a perfect fit. Leia also got a new head sculpt since she had a new hair style, but I'm not a fan of it. Don't get me wrong, a figure with a removable helmet was very cool in 1983! Leia and Lando are the first to have this feature in Kenner's line. But her face looks too pudgy. Later versions, such as the POTF2 version had the same pudgy face. But it took modern times to get it right, as the current (2019) Leia Boushh is quite definitive! The only thing this figure is missing is a thermal detonator. I would say this is a figure that is essential to your collection  especially if you have the POTF Carbonite Han Solo. If you don't, you might as well keep the helmet on so she can fit in with the other aliens and bounty hunters in Jabba's Palace.


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