
 Is Wookieepedia now Wokepedia? Well, yes. And before you jump down my throat, the people who run it are free to run it however they wish, as long as the information is accurate regarding their biography, personality and traits is correct. But, Wookieepedia has made up something, or rather one of their editors has. You see, on their LGBTQ+ page, they have Luke Skywalker on that list. The editor at Wookieepedia claims that in a Disney Canon short story that Luke felt "Romantic feelings towards a man.". However, an article from Bounding Into Comics exposes the truth: Wookieepedia is making things up.

In a short story by writer Sam Maggs, Luke and a Rebel soldier named Sgt Reye Hollis fall into some ice on Hoth, and have to get out, but also stay warm at the same time. Hollis is distrustful of Luke since he has bought into some anti Jedi thoughts, which for some reason he has. In order to stay warm, Luke holds his hands and thinks of Tatooine, and this gives Hollis the strength to keep going. Both men escape, and are able to go on their way. The story takes place in 'Stories of Jedi and Sith' a collection of stories aimed at kids 9-12. Now, speaking as someone who has never been in a situation where I could freeze to death, I have never had to hold someone to keep them warm. In the comedy "Without A Paddle" the male characters have to huddle to stay warm, and it's one of the movie's funniest scenes. But, as in Without A Paddle, there was no signs of male on male attraction.

And, I am not the one to judge people for who they are attracted to. If a man is in love with a man, or a woman in love with a woman, I am not judging you. I'm not the Westboro Baptist Cult, and I'm not God. God is the one who judges you, not me. And yes, there are characters in Star Wars who are gay. Dr Aphra, Sana Starros, Lucky (a guy who is in the current Dr Aphra series), Tarkin (who had a wife in Legends, and an affair with Natasi Daala), Rae Sloane, Obi-Wan (I haven't read the story but from what I have read it sounds like a story similar to Luke's even though he had a relationship with Satine Kryze in Canon and in Legends he had a relationship with Siri Tachi, she was Adi Gallia's Padawan and like Satine was killed in the Clone Wars). Those are just a few, from off the top of my head.

Now, the activists will say "But Luke has never been declared straight!" I can only laugh and say "Bullshit!". In the old Marvel comics the female Zeltron Dani had a crush on Luke, and while Luke didn't exactly return her affections, he didn't pull away to violently when she kissed him. In Star Wars 89 he fell in love with Mary, a revolutionary who he would declare his love for, only to die and bring Luke on the edge of falling to the dark side. In the Star Wars novelization, Luke is lusting after Camie and not Biggs Darklighter. In other Legends stories Luke shares a kiss with Gaeriel Captison, has a relationship with Callista and sex in hyperspace with Akanah Pell. But he would marry Mara Jade and have son named Ben. And who could forget Shira Brie, who was actually an Imperial agent who Luke accidentally shot down? Shira would survive and became Lumiya, who eventually turned Jacen Solo into a Sith Lord, Darth Caedus, and would murder Luke's wife, Mara.

"Okay, okay!" The activists concede. "But that's Legends, and not current Canon!" Sigh. I mean there's only 34 years of stories that have Luke straight, but sure. Let's do new (Disney) Canon! In the novel Heir to the Jedi, Luke meets Nakeri Kelen, and even expresses romantic feelings for her, which she was willing to return. In the comics, Luke met Tula Markona, and they shared a kiss. But the death of her father ended any further romance. So how about now, activist? Nothing? Good! Because I have more to rant on. Now listen up!

As I have shown, Luke is definitely not LGBTQ+. Someone at Wookieepedia has an agenda, and it's wrong. And it isn't just Luke Skywalker. DC made Tim Drake, aka Robin bisexual after years of being attracted to women (Lynx from his 1st miniseries and the vigilante Spoiler). Just as it was wrong to make Tim Drake a bisexual (again, years of stories of him being attracted to women) it would be just as wrong for Sana Starros to fall in love with Lando Calrissian, or Dr Aphra being swept off her feet by Wedge Antilles. Marvel Comics Northstar, a member of Alpha Flight was the 1st gay character I can remember in comics. If he married Black Widow or Black Cat that wouldn't be right either. Writers should respect the characters they write. That includes respecting their history and what happened before. Most of today's writers just don't have the imagination to create their own characters, and instead have to change characters who are widely known, and loved by fans to fit an agenda.

Like I said earlier: Wookieepedia can run their site how they wish. But what they have shown is that it's time for fans to create their own site. Free of modern political leanings and presenting what has happened to these characters. I've often wondered when the day comes that Wookieepedia would delete their Legends pages, and I fear that could one day happen. That's why it's important fans find a way to create their own wiki type sites, and their own stories. So if you want to make a fan fiction with Luke falling in love with Wedge, Han, or Din Djarin (there are fan fictions that have this), have at it! But those stories are as Canon as my alternate universe Star Wars stories. You might enjoy them, but they aren't Canon. And never will be.

Article source for my post:

Thanks for reading! A rare political blog post from me, but on Sunday I'm back to collecting focused posts! 


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