Fan Fiction Short Story: Attachments

 My attempt at a quick fan fiction. Fits into my Star Wars alternate universe. I don't own the characters and am just using them for entertainment purposes. Some notes as I begin this story:

-Takes place 5 plus years after Endor (after The Rescue and during The Book of Boba Fett)
-Han & Leia only recently married, and have no child yet.
-Luke has other students but they don't appear here and are not yet at his Temple
-The New Republic & Empire are still at war, although the battles have cooled now. However with Gideon's capture a couple factions are planning to attack the NR.
-The Knights of Ren have taken over the Black Sun & Black Nebula criminal syndicates. Ren helps Bib Fortuna take over not only Jabba's cartel but the entire Hutt cartel as well. So here, Boba Fett is in Ren's crosshairs after offing Bib.
-Events that happen in The Mandalorian are in this Canon.

Dramatis Personae

Luke Skywalker-Jedi Knight, human male

Ahoska Tano-former Jedi apprentice, Togrutan female

Grogu-Jedi learner, male, unknown species

Wicket W. Warrick-Ewok warrior, male

R2-D2-droid, male programming

Anakin Skywalker-Jedi Knight, human male (appears in spirit form)

On Ossus, the planet where the new Jedi Temple was being built, Luke Skywalker took Grogu to where their training for today would take place, a large river flowed into several smaller streams before reaching the ocean. One of these smaller streams had rocks scattered across it, making it a perfect place to train Jedi students. He had been carrying Grogu in a back pack and then took it off and laid it on the ground. Grogu cooed as he lowered the pack enough so he could walk out. Once he was out, Luke turned to the task at hand. Grogu had already shown some promise, but as Yoda had done with him it was time for a physical test. Jumping the rocks. Luke leapt out towards the first rock and landed. He turned to face his student. He then jumped to the second rock, to hear Grogu make a cooing noise.

"You're going to have to jump, Grogu. Just as I did." Luke told him. Grogu looked at Luke, then at the first rock. "You can do it! Just do what I did." Luke jumped back to a rock closer to Grogu. "See? It's that easy!" Grogu cooed and then looked back at Luke after staring at the rock. "If you do this, you can play with the swamp frogs." With that, Grogu leapt and landed on the first rock. "Chase me if you can!" Luke called, Grogu leapt after him. Luke kept leaping until he crossed the creek, and keeping an eye on his student. But he wasn't keeping his mind on where he was going on his last leap, which nearly caused him to collide with Ahsoka Tano. Seeing her, he altered his trajectory to land beside her.

"Getting carried away, aren't you?"

"He is finally showing progress." Luke said as Grogu took the final leap and landed near Luke. He cooed at him, and Luke nodded his head. "Well done, Grogu!" Grogu turned his head and pointed. "Yes, Artoo is with some of those frogs now." Grogu then leapt in the direction he had been pointing. Luke waited until he was out of his sight before turning back to Ahsoka. "He is still holding back."

"He has yet to confront his fears about surviving Order 66." She told him. "There is also his attachment to the Mandalorian. As a matter of fact, his new ship came in with the supply ship." Luke nodded. He knew Grogu wasn't the only one who needed to confront their fears.

"They have a strong attachment to each other." Luke couldn't deny that. "But he needs to learn to let it go."

"He can't do that. And neither can you for that matter." Ahsoka said as she crossed her arms together. "I could argue that your attachments not only are still a part of you but have made you into the man and Jedi you have become." Luke looked as if he was about to speak, but couldnt. Ahsoka uncrossed her arms and placed her right hand over his heart. "You have the abilities Anakin always wanted to have, but you have Padme's heart. In time, you will earn Grogu's trust, and get him to open up to you."

"Why couldn't you train him?" He asked. She moved her hand away from him and  looked for a place to sit down and did as Luke sat next to her.

"Finding Ezra Bridger is the path I must take. I told you about Grand Admiral Thrawn, and the threat he poses."

"I even told Chancellor Mothma and the New Republic Senate. They didn't believe me." Luke told her. Ahoska nodded.

"We may have to stand alone when the time comes. But he will come."

"You're ignoring my question." Luke said with a smirk that reminded Ahsoka of Anakin. She smiled.

"Yes, but you do deserve the truth." Ahsoka then looked up at the sky before turning back to Luke. "I came from the era of the Galactic Republic. Jedi of that time were taught that attachments were not for Jedi. I could see how Anakin struggled with his over the course of the war. There was Obi-Wan, your mother of course. Then there was me, Rex, the Clonetroopers under his command. Plus, growing up in the Temple they never prepared you for the emotions you experience outside of it that aren't Jedi related."

"Such as?" Luke asked. Ahsoka smiled again.

"Friendship, companionship. Even love." Ahsoka had learned not to hide her feelings from Luke, but he caught who she was thinking about.

"Nyx Okami." Luke said. He had known of her feelings for the smuggler who made occasional cargo runs to the Temple that was being built here. Ahsoka blushed. "Very convenient that he has a ship that has explored Wild Space & the Unknown Regions."

"So what are you getting at?" She asked him.

"I felt I could train Leia, even with her attachments to become a Jedi, but failed. With Grogu, I want to change that."

"Leia has her own life ahead of her. Being a Jedi is important to her but so is establishing the New Republic Senate. Politics is her place for now." Ahsoka told him as they began to walk. "But then again, you have your own attachments to deal with." Luke placed hand on her shoulder to stop her pace and had a confused look on his face. She continued. "Such as Han, Lando, Chewie, Threepio and.." She paused "..Artooey."

"Okay, so you're right, I have attachments of my own." He pointed to where Grogu had run off to. "That's why it's important to teach Grogu about how to handle them, or how to let them go. He is in one way or another the future of the Jedi Order. Centuries after you and I become one with the Force he will still be here."

"And as you train Grogu you will find it easier to train others. The students who will soon come here will in time learn to appreciate that."

"With the threat of the Knights of Ren taking over Black Sun & Black Nebula we have to be ready to fight. Obi-Wan & Yoda taught me how to fight, not how to be a Jedi."

"They left that last part up to you." Ahoska said. "The Republic is new, so your Jedi need to be new as well." She sighed. "Emotions need to be experienced, we just shouldn't allow them to control us." They came to a fallen tree and each took a seat on it.

"I agree." Luke looked off at the direction that Grogu had gone to. "I have to admit that for a time I was being bound by fear." He turned back to Ahsoka. "What if a student falls to the dark side?"

"You can't control your student's actions, Luke."

"Something you pointed out to me when we first met. "  Luke then stood up. "Which is why I can only train students the way I was trained. Some may stray from the Jedi path, but I must never lose hope that if they do that they can't be redeemed." He faced her again. "The dark side can be overcome."

"By finding a way back to the light." Ahsoka said nodding her head. "Anakin is proof of that."

"Attachments again?" Luke said. Ahsoka flashed a knowing smile and then Luke understood what she meant. The Force was leading her to find Ezra Bridger. Just as the Force was guiding him on training others to use it. As he had told Din Djarin 'Talent without training is dangerous'. He was getting the point. "My father fell because the Jedi taught him to forgo his attachments and when he married my mother he felt guilty for having feelings for her and having to hide them. Which caused him to be manipulated by Palpatine. In the end, his attachment to me brought him back to the light."

"And now you finally get what I've been subtlety telling you." Ahsoka got up and together she and Luke made their way back to the Temple. Before they left, Luke brought the backpack he had been carrying Grogu in back to him and placed it on his back.

"You could have just told me." Luke said as he adjusted the straps of his backpack.

"Then you would have been denied  learning something you had no knowledge of before today." She smiled at him and stood up. Luke nodded and got up and they continued their walk back.

"Sometimes I forget you spent a lot of time with Yoda when you were younger." A few moments later they were at the Temple. He placed his right hand on her left forearm before they entered. "You mentioned Din Djarin was here." She nodded.

"I did." Ahsoka reached into her right pocket and pulled out a tiny package and handed it to Luke. "Beskar chain mail armor." She told him as Luke carefully unwrapped it and then wrapped it back.

"I was considering giving Yoda's lightsaber to Grogu." Ahsoka nodded.

"With that and a lightsaber Grogu would be well protected." They soon arrived at the Temple, which had the training center and primary residential area that Luke, Ahoska and Grogu shared, each having separate bedrooms. In the distance, construction droids began work on other residential areas. On a flat piece of land was the landing area, which had Luke's X-Wing, Ahsoka's Republic Era shuttle and the Lambda Class Shuttle Luke flew out of the 2nd Death Star, but painted on the wings of the shuttle were the crests of both the New Republic and Jedi Order. Ahsoka paused as they entered the residential area, by her bedroom door. "You're considering giving Grogu a choice between the lightsaber and the armor, aren't you?"

"Yes." Luke admitted. "I think it's time for Grogu to choose his own path." As he said that he could sense her disapproval. "Am I  wrong for that?"

"There is something you haven't considered, giving Grogu HIS choice on HIS terms." Ahsoka said. She felt a presence as she spoke the words, but it was gone. Part of her wondered if it really was a presence, or the effect of lack of sleep due to the visions that she had been having.  If Luke hadn't reacted to it, she would know but he hadn't. Before he could speak she finished. "Don't give him a choice on your terms but his. I have seen the future in motion, one where you give him your choice and one with his choice."

"Din Djarin staying here is something I've seen. He has possession of the Darksaber, and is struggling with it." Suddenly it hit Luke. "I could train him on how to use it. Along with Grogu, it would be good to see how both of them together would respond to training."

"Then my time to leave has come sooner than I anticipated." She said as she opened her door.

"How soon?"

"A few days. Why do you ask?"

Luke heard Anakin's voice in his head 'Show her where I found the light, it's the one thing holding her back'. He didn't nod but responded to Ahsoka. "Before you go, there is something you must do. I think a change of scenery is needed."

"Alright, we leave in the morning?"

"Yes." Luke said as he stepped away from her door. "Goodnight, Ahsoka." She smiled at him.

"Goodnight, Luke." She said and closed the door. A vision of the future rushed into her mind: herself, Sabine and Nyx along with Ezra fighting off creatures she couldn't recognize. Luke and a woman with red hair and green eyes surrounded by Destroyer Droids and declaring their love for each other...and the vision ended there. These same visions over and over again...but Ahsoka knew these visions were not hers, someone or something was showing her this vision. She hoped to figure out what it was. After changing clothes she turned off the lights and went to sleep.

Luke stayed up until Grogu and R2-D2 came back, as Grogu rode on R2's dome. But once Grogu saw Luke he hopped off R2 and walked to his room. Luke gave an approving nod to his apprentice as he shut the door. As Luke turned to face his bed, the shimmering image of Anakin Skywalker stood there. "Hello, father."

"Hello, Luke." Anakin said as he took a seat on the edge of the bed. Luke walked over and sat at the opposite end. "Ahsoka is close...I've been reaching out to her, showing her visions. It's like she wants to listen, but doesn't."

"It's her barrier." Luke unhooked his lightsaber and placed it on the nightstand. A wooden box caught his eye, the one that held Yoda's lightsaber. "The same barrier I have with Grogu."

"Ahsoka is correct on letting Grogu make his own choice, and not two versions of your choice for him." Anakin then moved the box towards his son. "Telling Grogu to choose between the life of a Jedi or a Mandalorian is wrong. Both can be possible."

"But I failed with Leia. She couldn't separate her attachments and it limited her training!"

"Did it?" Anakin asked. "Leia has learned to control her anger, which is an accomplishment to your training. But her duty is to the Republic Senate." He looked away as Luke caught the box. "But she is filled with fear."

"Her visions of her son going to the dark side. I told her those visions pass in time." Luke explained.

"I thought all my visions would come true, only to find I was the instrument that caused those events to happen." Anakin said.

"Once Leia can accept you as her father, her fear will diminish."

"So tell her that." Anakin said turning back to face Luke. Luke looked confused.

"But that would diminish her learning experience!" Anakin chuckled at his son's comment.

"I love Yoda, but sometimes he needed to be a bit more direct. Leia is family, and with family you don't play mind games. Besides, to learn a path you must get someone to see it, and give directions to it."

"Good point." Luke said. His father had a unique way of putting things. "I plan to take Ahsoka to Endor, along with Grogu."

"Ahsoka is also afraid. Her encounter with Vader deeply changed her. She has confronted my departure but needs to see the scars of the Sith. It's going to give her strength on her mission."

"Father, is Ezra Bridger lost to the dark side?" Luke asked. Anakin looked away.

"He's strayed from the light side. To survive where he is he has had to do things no Jedi ever thought of doing." He turned tonface his son. "But once she sees that one who walks the dark path can be redeemed she can help him overcome the darkness. It's like her duel with Vader at Malachor." Luke nodded his head in understanding. He had looked away from his father and was about to say something as he turned back, but Anakin had disappeared. Luke took that as his sign to rest for the night. But his final thought as he fell asleep was 'who was the red head with green eyes?' Anakin didn't answer.

The next morning, Luke and Grogu rode in Ahsoka's ship while Artoo flew Luke's X-Wing. Ahsoka had made it clear after this trip, she would go to Lothal, pick up Sabine and meet up with Nyx to find Ezra Bridger. Ahsoka glanced at Luke, who was sitting beside her in the co-pilot seat with a look on his face similar to that of his father. Grogu was staring at the levers, but before he could use the Force to move them Luke stopped him.

"Not yet." Luke said with a smile. Grogu looked frustrated. "You can pull all the levers in the X-Wing you want when we head on our way." Grogu's ears lifted up and a big smile came across his face. Ahsoka chuckled, and Luke turned to her.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Somewhere we should have gone to when we first met." Luke told her. He could then feel dread from her. She got up and walked away.

"No!" She yelled as Luke went after her, but not before locking the controls. Grogu hopped towards them. "Anywhere but there!"

"Is this because of your attachment to my father?" Ahsoka froze and turned to Luke. "You have been letting this weight drag you down."

"I know he's at peace, but that will be Vader's tomb. Not one of my Master."

"Ahsoka, you're close to taking a next step. There is one thing you must do to become a Jedi."

"I'm no Jedi." She calmly told him. From the expression on his face he didn't believe her.

"As far as I'm concerned, you are." Luke told her. But I have seen what you, Ezra, Sabine, and Nyx will face out there." Luke told her. Ahsoka didn't look surprised. "You've felt a presence, these visions that we're seeing aren't from the Force. Only one person could show us this."

"Anakin?!" She turned away. "Is it possible?" She sat down at a small dining table, Grogu hopped on the table and she scratched his ears as Luke sat across from her.

"Yes. And you'll also be able to talk to Yoda and Obi-Wan as well. But you must first confront your fear. Once you have, a new path will open for you." He squeezed her hand. She squeezed it back.

"If I have to do this, I'm glad to be there with you."

"So am I." Luke was about to say something else, but the proximity alert chimed. They were at Endor. Looking to Grogu, Luke nodded his head. Grogu turned and pulled back on the shifter, bringing the ship out of hyperspace. All three made their way to the cockpit. "Ready to take us in?"

"Yes." Ahsoka said as she sat in the pilot seat as Luke sat next to her. Grogu had hopped into Luke's lap as she found a place to land. R2 flew out ahead of them to guide them to a landing spot. Both ships touched down. Luke's X-Wing in the lead, and Ahsoka's Galactic Republic Era shuttle behind it. The ramp on Ahsoka's ship opened up and they all exited the ship. Luke was about to lift Artoo out of the X-Wing when he felt a tug on his boot. Grogu indicated he wanted to lift his friend out of the ship.

"Sure, go ahead." Luke told him as four Ewoks approached them. In the past, he would need Threepio to help interpret, but he was busy helping Leia on Coruscant where the New Republic had repaired the damage on the Senate building inflicted upon it as the New Republic took back the capital world three years ago. But now, after communicating more with Obi-Wan and Yoda, he learned how to talk to anyone, regardless of language barriers. "Hello old friends! We have somber business here, Ahsoka and I need to go to the place of dark ash. This is my apprentice, Grogu and of course you know Artoo." The lead Ewok was one Luke recognized as Chief Chirpa. He turned to the Ewok to his left, Teebo and spoke to him. Teebo shook his head no, while the Ewok to Chirpa's immediate right, Wicket shook his head and tapped his chest. Luke recognized the female Ewok standing next to Wicket, Kneesa, who along with Wicket had helped him and Leia in stopping the Gorax from attacking the Ewok Village a couple days after the Battle of Endor. Wicket and Kneesa must have more important roles now that they're wiser and older he thought. He turned to Ahsoka who half smiled at his thought and nodded her head. He turned back to Chirpa who pointed at Wicket. "Wicket will guide us there and back."

"We are most welcome for your assistance, Wicket " Ahsoka told him as Wicket brushed Kneesa's pink cowl and walked ahead. The Jedi and Artoo followed him.

After walking for an hour, they finally arrived at the site. A downed AT-AT walker was near it. Luke had used an energy cell from it to ignite the torches to burn the pyre he placed Vader's armor on. Grogu took a seat on a fallen log as Wicket pointed and talked in his language. This was where the dark ash resided. In this area, predators stayed away, and plants no longer grew. As Wicket finished, Luke turned to Ahsoka, who could only stare at the charred armor. The boots, parts of the mid section and the helmet remained.

"You need to be here." Luke told her. He put an arm around her shoulder and she leaned her head against his shoulder. He held her close for a moment and let her go. Ahsoka walked toward the remains of Darth Vader.

"When I encountered Vader with Phoenix Squadron, I sensed his power. Even then, I suspected who he may be." Ahsoka said as she stopped by the helmet and knelt down. "At the Temple of Lothal, what I suspected was revealed, but I still couldn't believe it." She picked up the helmet and turned to face Luke, Grogu, Wicket and Artoo. "When my lightsaber cut open his helmet, and I could see what he had become, I knew my old master was gone."

"Until Anakin would emerge as Darth Sidious attacked me." Luke said. Ahsoka nodded her head. He could see Anakin standing there. "Now Ahsoka, open yourself up to the Force. Tell me what you feel right now."

"A presence, one that is familiar." She told him. But, as before, Luke could sense her barrier come up. But now he could sense why that barrier was up: Ahsoka was afraid.

"Why are you afraid?" Luke asked her. "You fought the Magistrate of Corvus, you fought Inquisitors, and Maul and you were never afraid then." Luke walked closer to her. Anakin moved closer as well. "Why be afraid now?"

"Seeing his face when I cut his helmet, I saw a scarred face and eyes burning in a rage of the dark side." She turned to Luke. "I know you can see Obi-Wan and Yoda, and your father. I can't see him. I don't want to see him!"

"You need to." Luke told her as he glanced to his father who only nodded. "Ezra Bridger is on a path that could lead him to darkness. The only way he can find the light is if you help him find his way back. Just as I did for my father."

"But that face..." Ahsoka started.

"Isn't the one you would remember from Malachore." Anakin said. Ahsoka looked startled as she heard the voice of her mentor.

"Anakin?!" She said as she dropped the helmet and tears rolled down her cheeks.

"It's me, Snips." Luke could see Anakin gently wiping away the tears from her eyes.  Ahoska blinked a couple times and gasped. It was Anakin, the scars on his face were gone, he looked as he had when she last saw him on Mandalore.

"You look how you were when I last saw you!" Ahsoka said, sounding shocked. Anakin chuckled. "I thought if I saw you it would be what you were on Malachore."

"No, all my scars healed when Luke brought me back to the light."

"You brought yourself back to that on your own." Luke pointed out. Wicket looked confused as he could not see or hear Anakin, neither could Artoo. Grogu was pointing at Anakin, who he could now see. "Your decision was one you made, on your own." With that, Luke turned to Grogu. Just as Anakin made a choice on his destiny, so would Grogu. But it would be Grogu's choice, one he would make for himself, not with the choices he would give him.

"Anyone can come back to the light, Ahsoka." Anakin told her. He placed a hand on his shoulder. "And no matter where you go, we will always be with you." Behind Anakin, Obi-Wan and Yoda appeared. Only Obi-Wan looked different.

"So why does Obi-Wan look older?" Ahsoka asked.

"I prefer to think I look more dignified." Obi-Wan responded.

"Dignified? Yes, but look as good as me, neither of you do!" Yoda said as Ahsoka chuckled and Luke had a big grin on his face. "Always with you we shall be, Ahsoka." With that said, the spirits disappeared.

"Who knew Yoda had a sense of humor?" Ahsoka asked. They all laughed and made their way back. Ahsoka took one last look back and could see a flower emerge next to the remains of Vader's armor. Plants could now grow here again.

The Jedi made their way to their ships. Ahsoka paused before going inside. "Where are you three off to?" She asked Luke. Wicket waved at the Jedi and they waved back.

"Thank you, my friend!" Luke told Wicket as he waved back. He turned to face Ahsoka. "That won't be up to me." Luke turned to Grogu, who looked confused.

"I understand." Ahsoka then took a few steps in and stopped. "Thank you, Luke. For everything."

"The Force will be with you, Ahsoka Tano. Always." With that, Ahsoka finished walking up the ramp and it closed. A moment later the ship took off. Luke used the Force to put Artoo back in his socket. Grogu was on the nose of Luke's X-Wing.

"Come down, Grogu. I have something for you." Luke said as he went to his fighter's cargo hatch and opened it. Grogu hopped down and made a cooing noise. Luke took out a box with his right hand, and in his left hand was a small package. Once in hand, Luke sat down across from Grogu. He opened the box. "This is the lightsaber that belonged to Master Yoda, like I told you before you remind me of him." Luke pressed a button and with a snap-hiss sound a small green blade jumped to life. Grogu stared at the blade. "Everything I've taught you has lead you to this point. You are ready to begin using this." Luke then deactivated the lightsaber and placed it in the box. He then opened the small package and took held the chain mail armor that had been inside it. "This is beskar armor, a gift to you from the Mandalorian." Luke noticed Grogu's reaction to hearing the word 'Mandalorian'  And then he realized what Ahsoka had been telling him about attachments. If Luke couldn't see Han, Leia, Lando, Chewie or Threepio again he would miss the company of people who were not friends but family. Luke couldn't give up ever seeing them again,  not even to build a Jedi Order. Asking Grogu to choose between being a Jedi or going back to Din Djarin was an unfair decision. Anakin had been correct. Grogu cooed, bringing Luke back to the present. "Very soon you will have a choice to make. But I will not give you the choices I want for you." Luke placed the armor back in the wrap and grabbed both items. He got up and placed them back in the cargo hold, and closed it shut. "You will make a decision about your future for yourself." Grogu made a noise that Luke understood, a question. "Yes, some of the students I have found will be coming to Ossus soon. The other residential areas will be finished this week." Grogu nodded his head and closed his eyes. Luke did as well and could see what Grogu was seeing. A lawman on Tatooine being gunned down, his deputy also murdered. Din Djarin and another Mandalorian surrounded by thugs at Mos Espa. They both opened their eyes. He didn't need need to ask Grogu where he wanted to go. Luke closed his eyes again. He saw himself, Grogu, Din Djarin and Fennec Shand in a burned out building being approached by a red-headed woman with bright green eyes. It looked like both of their futures were on Tatooine. He opened his eyes, and looked down at Grogu. "We're going to Tatooine."

The End


If you liked this, and want me to expand on the story, please let me know in the comments, and feel free to share this on any of your social media accounts, thanks for reading! And May The Force Be With You!


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