The Phantom Menace 25th Anniversary VC Wish List

 This year, next year and the year after are significant anniversary years for Hasbro. Heck, so is 2025 (Revenge of the Sith's 20th Anniversary, and some say that is the best film in the Saga). I've done the AOTC & ROTJ anniversary ideas Hasbro can do for the VC, but since it takes 18 months to plan toylines, I thought I'd share what I would like Hasbro to do for the 25th Anniversary of Episode I The Phantom Menace. The Sixers will get the good stuff, but the Vintage Collection needs some love as well. And by all accounts it seems Hasbro is giving the 40th anniversary of ROTJ some VC love. But silver anniversaries are ones Hasbro should go all out for!


1. Qui-Gon Jinn. This should be a newly tooled figure. A Qui-Gon buck could be re-used for other tall Jedi (think a Tales of the Jedi era Dooku and Padawan Qui-Gon figure as well, even a Mace Windu could share this buck). He needs his robe, unlit lightsaber hilt and lightsaber. Besides with the new ball jointed hips, this figure is needed as the previous Qui-Gon figures are sorely out of date.

2. Obi-Wan Kenobi. This could be a clever use of kitbashing to make a "new" Padawan Obi-Wan which could of course go forward making newer versions of Obi-Wan for anniversary years. Like his master, he needs a robe, unlit hilt and lightsaber.

3. Darth Maul. This figure needs an updated sculpt and could be a kitbash featuring parts from Mandalorian Luke Skywalker, but many would prefer a brand new sculpt head to toe. Maul needs his robe, and double bladed lightsaber.

4. Darth Sidious. With this, I'd be happy with a repack. He isn't exactly in a lot of action scenes, and just needs to look good recreating scenes with Maul. Plus many collectors would love to get their hands on this figure.

5. Padme Amidala (Theed Battle). I've mentioned this figure before in other wish lists, but Padme in her final battle outfit is badly needed! Plus other handmaidens could get made. This should be a brand new figure, and parts could even be used to make a couple Leia figures, too!

6. Battle Droid. Hasbro has a few options here. They could either repack the 1999 versions (which I think are still the best versions) or use stronger plastic to repack previous VC attempts. Just like the 1999 versions, there should be multiple colors, and even adding some "battle damage" paint apps on some of them. This would be a nice nod to the original version of this figure.

7. Anakin Skywalker. Like his 1999 version this should come with his backpack, but it should also come with the flight helmet he wore at the end of the film. It may have to be a clever re-use of Padawan Anakin from the end of the film.

8. Captain Panaka. The head of Amidala's security detail needs a new figure. They could reuse the sculpt for Typho, or other Naboo guards.   He just needs his blaster.


1. R2-D2 & C-3PO. Taking the Build-A-Droid astromech R2 would be good here, and I know I'd be happy to have that here. Now preferably he should be "cleaned" by Padme so no dirty R2. Since Threepio is in his "skeleton", this could be an all new sculpt. He should come with Anakin's race flag. This would be a great way to get both figures done, and not waste card spaces on these 2 figures.

2. Qui-Gon Jinn (Outlander Disguise) & Watto. He should be a re-use of the brand new Qui-Gon from the basic line with a newly tooled outer poncho. He still needs his unlit hilt and lightsaber, along with his hologram of Padme Amidala's ship. Watto could be a repack of the 1999 or 2002 version. But he just needs his pad. And something to make him "hover".


1. Anakin Skywalker's Pod Racer with Anakin Skywalker. Anakin needs to be the "dirty" version he was at race's end. This could be an online exclusive, and a clever repaint of Anakin's previously released Pod Racer.

2. Sebulba's Pod Racer with Sebulba. I'd be happy if this was a repack on both ends. Repack Sebulba's Pod and the 1999 Sebulba. All he needs to do is fly his Pod and wreck it so Anakin can win.

3. Darth Maul with Speeder. This was one of the neatest sets back in 1999-2000. Use the newly tooled Maul, except give him an unlit hilt he can stash in between the handlebar just like the original version. He needs his cloak and a single bladed lit lightsaber to battle Qui-Gon.


1. Naboo N-1 Starfighter. With the Mandalorian resurrecting this for his "new" ship, it shouldn't be too hard to get this out. Repacking the old one would be acceptable.

2. Trade Federation Droid Starfighter. Those things were fast! And they would be needed to recreate the final space battle scenes.


1. Naboo Pilot Pack. One of these needs to be Ric Olie. The others can just be generic. These could be repacks of the 2012 Wal-Mart exclusives with new head sculpts.

2. Naboo Troop Pack. Captain Panaka needs people to order around. Repacking the 2012 Naboo Trooper buck and adding new head sculpts would be a good idea. If Panaka isn't a single card, he could be packed in here with 3 other troops.

3. Battle Droid Pack. Make one of these OOM-9, and 3 other Battle Droids. This could be the easiest and cheapest ones to make.

So there you have it, while I doubt all of this would get made, it would be nice to see at least a third of this get made. Hopefully Hasbro has some good ideas for the VC in order to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of The Phantom Menace! 


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