VC Yoda (Empire Strikes Back)

 One of the greatest minds of the 20th century said it best:

"I saw the little runt sitting there on a log
I asked him his name and in a raspy voice he said "Yoda"
Y O D A, Yoda
Yo-yo-yo-yo Yoda"

That of course is from Weird Al Yankovic's immortal "Yoda" . Well, I needed to punch up this review a little bit. See, this isn't a truly definitive Yoda, but it's the best we'll get. Now, if you got the Target exclusive Cave of Evil 3 pack, you might want to skip on this. But if you collect Kenner style cards, you likely want or have this.

Now Yoda isn't all bad. Especially compared to the awful 3.75 Black Series version. He is an update of the VC ROTS Yoda, except with a more accurate head sculpt to show him from The Empire Strikes Back. He has 12 POA (the 3.75 Black Series was 5 POA). From a sculpt and paint app point, Yoda is quite good. No smears or smudges. He has swivel elbows, but his head, shoulders, hips, wrists, waist, knees and feet can all move. In my pictures, you'll see the proposed Yoda we should have gotten.

Yoda has accessories, all he's missing is Luke's lamp and a snake and he'd be a near perfect replica of the 1980-81 Kenner Yoda. He has a flute attached to a necklace (which can be removed by taking off hisnhead, which is easy to do),  soft goods robe, belt, and the backpack which Luke can carry him in. He also comes with a walking stick, which takes a LOT of work to get him to hold. Hopefully my pictures of him holding it come out okay. His soft goods robe is nice, BUT it easily frays at the end, and restricts his arm movements. Some people report the elbows popping out of joint. Hasn't happened with me. Also, the ROTS Yoda lightsaber fits into his hand quite well!

Now, this figure has flaws. I've pointed those out. But only get this if you missed the Cave of Evil pack OR you're a Kenner card collector. It checks off the Original 96 list, so it has that going for it. But until Hasbro has the technology to make the Yoda from the blueprints in the picture, this is your go to Yoda. I didn't take photos (saving for next Sunday's review) but will show those blueprints....

1 & 2. Photos from Galactic Figures and Banthaskull. Like I said, this is an okay figure. 

3. This is the Yoda we were supposed to get in 2013. Oh what could have been...and he could have been used to make a ROTS Yoda as well!! 


  1. I was running low on time, and not really "happy" with this figure so no photos by me. I hope to change that next week as I actually have a couple free nights this week.


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