VC Reva (Kenobi) Review

 Before I get into the review I am not talking about the character, or the actress who plays Reva (who is a good actress, BTW) but only about the action figure. Reva was one of the first new characters revealed by Disney and Hasbro has been quick to make the main antagonist in the Obi-Wan Kenobi miniseries into action figure form in all varieties at once. Only Obi-Wan and Vader have that other distinction from the miniseries. So what about Reva's action figure? Well, it is one of the best action figures Hasbro has done this year, and could easily be in my all time VC Top Ten (which I may have to alter after this year).

Reva is one of the best sculpted figures head to toe, and it goes without saying that if Hasbro were to offer a Gaming Greats Second Sister or a Seventh Sister that Hasbro could reuse this buck to offer those figures. She has 17 POA, including the barbell neck joint and the new ball jointed hips which offer easier movement so she could actually fit in a TIE Fighter or any other vehicle. Her cape is non removable, so don't bother trying to remove it. I think it gives the character a neat look.

But what stands out is the head sculpt! I also have the Black Series version, but the VC Reva has a much better head sculpt, in my opinion. It resembles the young actress Moses Ingraham quite well, and her facial expression is one of calm, not anger. Not what you'd expect from a servant of Vader. There aren't a lot of paint apps, either. Aside from a silver belt buckle, she's mostly in black and dark grey. Joints also move effortlessly without sticking (at least on my samples). No smears or smudges either! But that isn't the best part about Reva.

The best part? Her accessories! Reva comes with an unlit half ring hilt that attaches to her belt, plus her double bladed lightsaber full ring lightsaber. But that isn't all, she also comes with 2 single bladed red lightsabers. Getting her weapons to fit in her hands is no problem at all. In fact, she wields the double bladed lightsaber best in her left hand, at least for me. Because of these extra accessories I bought multiple Reva's and you might want to as well. Those extra redblades come in quite handy.

So with all that goodness there has to be a negative, right? Well, yes. Her Black Series version has her half ring lightsaber that can be ignited or clipped to her hip. I wished this version had the same feature. To get her to hold the double bladed full ring lightsaber she has to hold it overhand and parallel (I have a picture of her doing this further down).  But still, this is one to get multiples of. I tried to see if a barbell neck Rey could fit to make a dark side Rey but no, it won't work. I still have custom hopes for this figure (dark side Leia maybe, or a Seventh Sister, even a Morgan Elsbeth) but like I said, those extra red blades could come in handy for other figures. Forget the show, forget what others say about her character and buy 3 or 4 Reva figures. She's a great action figure and deserves some consideration to be added into your collection as an essential figure that you need. Now about the pictures, I'm not happy with how they turned out, but also had no time to reshoot.

Picture Key:

1. Reva with the full ring, double bladed lightsaber. I found it fits best in her left hand. But you can put it in her right hand also.

2. Showing off her articulation. The new ball joint hips allow more poses! 

3. This was the hardest picture to take and the one that started my frustration. Clipping the hilt onto her belt wasn't the issue. Reva constantly falling was the problem. She needs a stand if displayed loose. Plus, they made a mistake not making this be her other main weapon, she rarely used the full ring double bladed lightsaber to my knowledge (I still haven't seen Kenobi). 

4-6. Reva shows off her single bladed lightsabers. This is the best thing about Reva and why you should buy multiples, worth it for the extra red blades!

7-9. Just random shots. Not happy with these. At all. Tried to show the great head sculpt but trust me, having her in hand you'll see it better than the photos show it. 



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