The Best Of Luke Skywalker

 If you read my blog, you should know my favorite Star Wars character is Luke Skywalker. And also, today, September 25th is Mark Hamill's birthday, and of course he played Luke Skywalker. If you ever start collecting Star Wars toys, or if you already do, then you need to have Luke Skywalker action figures. But what are the best ones? Well, that is hard to decide. I would be biased if I said they are all good (they aren't). I'll also include some books I recommend that feature the best of what Luke has to offer.


Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker. While I'll do a more in depth review next year on this figure, if there is only 1 Kenner figure you get, this is the one to get. Besides, Hasbro is remaking it for next year. So what are you waiting for?! Preorder it when it becomes available!!


Bespin Luke. Oh, you thought I'd go Jedi Luke again didn't you?! This figure gives us a more realistic Luke in an era where his previous figures resembled He-Man. He has a new head sculpt, a removable right hand and a blaster so you can recreate the Cloud City adventures, and even some Legends stories as Luke wore his Bespin outfit in some pre-ESB comic stories.


The Endor 3 pack which had Luke, Palpy and a Royal Guard gave us the best modern 5 POA Luke. While I'm not a fan of the "pose" Luke is in, the head sculpt is good and both wrists swivel to give a better "action" look. Not a bad figure if you can find one.


This one was hard. But, I'll go with Landspeeder Luke. Besides coming with his iconic Landspeeder, he features a decent head sculpt, cloth white robe and decent articulation. Honestly earlier versions of Luke in this scale (Bespin and Endor Duel) are not good at all.


Come on, it's the one I have! Mandalorian Luke is an amazing figure! So much so that Hasbro looks like they copied this figure for their Mando Luke. The head sculpt is amazing and the accessories, including a wire framed robe are amazing! Extra hands and added features to his lightsaber are icing on the cake!


Easily, it's issue 96: Duel With A Dark Lady. Luke fights his former girlfriend, Shira Brie, now known as Lumiya. At first, she defeats Luke. But using some ingenuity and creative tactics in the rematch, Luke defeats Lumiya and reveals he knows who she really is. But the end is a cliffhanger as Luke and the Rebels must contend with Lumiya's new allies...


I criticize it a lot, but it's Dark Empire. Clone Palpy turns Luke to the dark side. Luke thinks he isn't corrupted but Leia shows how fr he was, and like Vader, she brings him out of it. In this series Luke steps up to the level of Jedi Master, and begins to train his New Jedi Order.


Again, a hard decision. Thrawn Trilogy, Jedi Academy Trilogy, etc. So many to choose from! But I'll go with the Legends hardcover novels I wore out: The Hand of Thrawn Duology. Luke makes a bold decision to find Mara Jade while the New Republic is embroiled in what could be a civil war. It shows how Luke has matured enough to let his friends overcome the civil war threat while he still goes all out to save the life of someone close to him. The bonus was fans finally got Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade becoming an official couple, despite what the fan fictions at the time had ;)


Well there are several. But as a bonus it's all collected in one book. Before the release of the dreadful Episode 8, Disney treated fans to The Legends of Luke Skywalker. There are short stories told by people who met Luke Skywalker and a long running story of Luke listening to some of them. It is a young adult novel but it is quite good nevertheless!

So there you have it. My "guide" to Luke Skywalker. Hope you enjoyed it!

Picture Gallery:

Picture Key: 

1. Kenner ROTJ Luke. I'll do a full review of him next year for Jedi's 40th! (Galactic Figures)

2. POTF2 Bespin Luke. That removable hand also swivels into some nice one handed poses. (Galactic Figures)

3. Dark Empire had some great cover art, here is one from the TPB (Wookieepedia photo source)
4. Hand of Thrawn Duology. Both original covers, and yes mine don't have the jackets and are worn out. Would be nice if Hasbro gave us Mara Jade in that green outfit (photo credit unknown, not my photo)

5. SH Figuarts Mandalorian Luke vs Boba Fett. This photo shows Luke's alternate motion blade on his ligjtsaber, good for taking action style photos or for action display purposes. (My photo)


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