Vintage Kenner Droids

 To keep things interesting in the Kenner line, they released 2 other droids. After all, in making C-3PO and R2-D2 they needed a way to reuse the molds and get some of their tooling costs back. So, a couple new head sculpts, some paint, new stickers and you have 2 brand new droids, one of which can function in 2 different environments! R5-D4 is best known as the droid who had a bad motivator, while the Death Star Droid actually shows the Sandcrawler droid on the card image. It even has the same color, although on the Death Star there is a droid of this type, but painted a different color. But he can fit in with the Jawas, despite being painted silver, plus your Stormtroopers and Death Squad/Star Destroyer Commander figures quite well!

R5 is almost like R2 except for the head, and the sticker on the torso. He still makes the same cool clicking noise R2 makes when you turn his head, and of course is missing his 3rd leg. While he is a great display figure, it wouldn't be until 1983 when he would get his best use in your collection: filling the droid socket in the Y-Wing Fighter! Not a bad figure at all, but not worth a single post.

The Death Star Droid has a nice silver color, on the Death Star this Droid was black, and gold on the Sandcrawler. He is a straight reuse of C-3PO's body, with the back screw, but a new head. Not a bad figure, and the head sculpt holds up well after all these years.

The Gonk Droid is not my favorite toy, and one I pass on every time I see it. But I hadn't covered it and like the other droids, there isn't much. He only has 2 points of articulation, his legs. That's it. While I haven't got the recent Vintage Collection version, off of a quick look it looks like they reused this mold while making a couple modifications to it. Now if he was a wind up toy and said "Gonk!" when he moved I'd be more interested.


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