Not Popular Favorite Characters

I've done favorite characters lists before, popular characters anyway. For those keeping score my top 2 are Luke Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano. However, some characters in Star Wars get bad raps. So, some species and some characters you may not know much about are ones I also like. And they aren't all popular, but each contribute something to the overall stories they appeared in. I won't be placing them in any particular order, from high to low or low to high. Just randomly selected as I'm free styling here. 

 1. Porgs. I dislike Episode 8 as much as anyone, but I found Porgs to be quite the distraction from that crap show. They were adorable, made funny sounds yet sadly deprived Chewbacca from eating a roasted one. Maybe Rey takes some with her to her new Jedi temple? If they ever do a follow up to Episode 9, and have them, along with Finn being a Jedi, I'd watch. 

 2. Kaz Xiono. The lead in Star Wars Resistance, Kaz is sort of like Clark Kent and Superman. Outside a fighter, he's Clark, a goofy bumbling guy awkward around girls he likes. See his reactions to Synara San for proof, LOL! In the cockpit, he's Superman. A good pilot and one who makes a name for himself taking out First Order Ace Major Vonreg. Kaz matures near the end of Season 1 as the First Order destroys Hosnian Prime, and he thinks his father, a New Republic Senator is dead (he isn't). The actor providing Kaz's voice, Christopher Sean is also one of the nicest celebrities you'll find out there. 

 3. Jarek Yeager. Another Resistance character, Jarek fought for the Rebels but retired. With the First Order advancing, it was time to get back into the fight. Yes, his last name is an homage to Chuck Yeager, so that answers the question you wanted to ask. He's a father figure to Tam, and sticks with her even when she joined the First Order. Getting her back was a priority. He mentored Kaz as well, helping provide his cover as a Resistance agent. His relationship with his brother is a rocky one. But if a fight breaks out, you want him at your side for the experience because with it you come back alive. Also his voice actor Scott Lawrence is another nice guy as well, and used to voice Darth Vader in video games. 

 4. Neeku Vozo. Neeku has am almost child like innocence to him, so when you see things through his eyes, you see a different point of view. Sadly, this gets taken advantage of a lot by less than savory characters on the Colossus. His friendship with Kaz is a strong point on Resistance. Despite his naive nature, Neeku sees the good in everyone, just like Luke Skywalker did. 

 5. Guavian Enforcers. These cybernetic troops look badass in red and black armor, and have a unique look. They popped up more in Resistance than the sequel trilogy, but their mystery makes them interesting. 

 6. Mon Mothma. While she was first seen in ROTJ, the deleted scenes from ROTS and the Clone Wars animated series gave us a lot more insight into who she was a person. Her leadership skills are seen in ROTS, and the seeds of Rebellion grow in Clone Wars until her declaration of the Rebel Alliance in Star Wars Rebels. 

 7. Vilmahr Ghrark. From Legends, he was with Quinlan Vos in the Republic Series as Quin's contact into the criminal underworld. He had no morals or filters, yet he formed a friendship with a Jedi, even helping save Quin when Order 66 broke out. He was last seen with Quin when he met his son Korto, and the woman he loved, Khaleen. 

 8. Wicket W. Warrick. I love Ewoks, and the first one we met was Wicket, when he found Leia. He was curious, and brave. Especially when he hits himself in the face with his Bola! In the Ewok movies he became more rounded out, and in the animated series really stood out. Warwick Davis was a child when he stepped into that costume, and again as an adult for Episode 9.

 9. Jar Jar Binks. Fans disliked Jar Jar when he first appeared. I liked him simply because nobody else did, and my youngest brother really liked him. To this day he still does. Like Neeku, Jar Jar is naive, he is manipulated by Palpatine to get his war-time powers approved, which would later give birth to the Empire. But in the Clone Wars animated series, he really shines, especially in his Season 6 3 episode arc with Mace Windu, and an episode from earlier when he pretends to be a Jedi. Actor Achmed Best did an amazing job portraying Jar Jar in live action and animation. Thankfully he is getting support from some of the fans who have had a change of heart about Jar Jar. He had a purpose, and we found out in Empire's End he works as a clown making kids laugh, although older people still dislike him. I always hoped he'd meet Luke and Leia, and tell them about how he met little Ani, and he could also be forgiven for being manipulated. Heck, I forgive him.


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