What If Part 3

Ben puts his lightsaber to Chewbacca' s head as Leia pleads with her son to stop. He glares at her and moves the blade away from Chewie. Ben angrily yells at her for being named after a Jedi he barely knew and for having a last name that means nothing. Like his grandfather before him, he wants to embrace his destiny in the dark side. Han tries to talk to him but instead gets Force choked by his son. Ren is getting frustrated and tells Ben to kill one of them. Sensing that Ren wants to kill his mother, Ben lets go of his father and attacks Ren. After a short battle, Ben strikes him down. Looking at his lifeless body, Ben faces the remaining Knights of Ren. They all bow down. Phasma approaches Ben, who orders his parents and Chewie be taken to a cell. He'll decide their fate later. As they are being led away, Leia reminds Ben of what happened to his grandfather: he thought he would be a master but remained a slave. Her words echo over and over in his mind as they are lead away.  Ben tells the Knights they must see Snoke.

Back at Ossus, Voe asks Luke who are these people. Luke tells them this is the first Jedi Order he helped found, along with 2 other Jedi. He trained older students first, like Grogu and Kyle to be better capable of training a younger generation of Jedi. Luke tells them the reasons why he kept this hidden, the first is in case his Jedi Order was defeated, but also to keep their eyes on the planet Exegol, as Luke tells them he believes Palpatine could be alive, and is the one controlling Snoke. Stop Palpatine, and Snoke should be useless. As he says this, a figure steps out with salt and pepper colored hair, and no beard. Standing next to him is a young man, in his mid 20's. Ezra Bridger and his son Kanan Bridger have found the way to Exegol. Kyle, Luke, Ezra, Kanan, Tai, Voe & Hennix board an old beat up Corellian Corvette as Lando leaves to get help from an old friend to bring Republic warships to assist.

Ben is soon face to face with Snoke, who is pleased Ren is dead. However he is angered at Ben for not killing his parents or Chewbacca. Ben tightly grips his lightsaber, and Snoke senses his anger. Use your anger, he tells Ben. But soon, both men freeze. They sense Luke Skywalker, and more Jedi. Snoke tells Ben he must take the Knights of Ren to Exegol. A final battle is needed. As Ben departs, the spirit of Anakin Skywalker appears to plead with his grandson. He warns Ben of the dangers of falling to the dark side, and that his true legacy is not Darth Vader but Anakin Skywalker. He joined the dark side in part because the Jedi wouldn't make him a master  yet as a Sith he was just as he had been as a child: a slave to his master. These words shake Ben to his core, as Anakin disappears. Ben is at a crossroads. "What am I doing, what have I done?!" He asks to the nothing around him.

End part 3.


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