Solo Retro Wish List

Retro Solo

This will be short, sweet, and to the point!

1. Han Solo. As seen at the end of the movie, the main outfit we see him in. Hopefully they figure out a way for his holster to store his blaster.

2. Chewbacca. Nuff said!

3. Lando Calrissian. He should be in his yellow shirt, as seen when first recruited.

4. L3-37. Yes my favorite part was seeing L3 get blown to bits. Removable limbs and head are a must!

5. Tobias Beckett. Han's mentor, he needs his dual pistols and use the vinyl cape as his coat.

6. Val. Beckett's partner in every way. Not enough Retro female figures, she's needed!

7. Rio Durant. This multi-limbed individual would be tough to pull off in Retro. Not likely to be made, but it would be neat to see him!

8. Qi'ra. She should come in her Kessel outfit. Give her a blaster and she's all set!

9. Dryden Vos. I doubt they could do a color change feature but I'd be happy if his head was sculpted in his "angry" look.

10. Patrol Trooper. Take a Biker Scout and give him a normal Stormtrooper helmet.

11. Rangetrooper. You need him for the train heist. Vinyl cape for the coat.

12. Maul. His appearance at the end was shocking, and a Retro Maul would sell. Any Maul figure sells for that matter. This is the only no brainer if they ever make these figures.


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