From A Certain Point of View July 4th, 2021

A new segment I'll do weekly where I analyze a quote from my own point of view. What Yoda Really Meant When He Said....

“Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealously. The shadow of greed, that is.”

What I interpret this is isn't as literal as many think it is. Remember what Obi-Wan told Luke on Dagobah about a certain point of view...well here is my take. From my own point of view.

We lose people in our lives. One day, those closest to us will die. We cannot stop that from happening. The comfort we have when they go is that they are at a better place, and one day, we will see them again. That covers the 1st 2 sentences.

Yoda doesn't mean to literally not mourn, or miss them. We are emotional beings. We have feelings. There is a time to mourn, and to remember. But to dwell on that isn't something a Jedi should do, no matter how powerful a Jedi you are. If prolonged mourning happens, help is needed to take the next step. That covers the "Mourn them do not. Miss them do not."

Don't see people as possessions. They belong to themselves. They will make their mistakes as you make your own. Their experiences can help you when you make your own. Control your own life, don't let your attachment cloud your better judgement. If you ignore this, you could very well make your deepest fear come true. Not only could it come true, but if it does, YOU are the one who will make it happen. So Yoda is basically telling Anakin he may be the cause for the visions he sees without intending to be the cause. That covers the last part.

May The Force Be With You.


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