Retro Return of the Jedi Wish List

As you know, Hasbro has been making Kenner style figures for A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and The Mandalorian, the latter of which is from mostly all new molds. For fans of the old Kenner toys they are fun to own...If you could find them. Target had the ANH ones and they were hard to find. I found Yoda & Boba Fett, the only 2 I wanted from ESB at Wal Mart and have found the Mandalorian figures at both Target and Wal Mart. They can also be preordered at online stores (EE, BBTS & Dorkside). But while I don't know if Return of the Jedi is next, I do have a wish list of what I would like to see. It will be 12 figures, not all of which will be produced. I will also do Retro wish lists for the prequels, sequels, and the Droids and Ewoks 1980's animated series as well!

For ROTJ, here are who I think gets figures:

1. Palpy
2. Jabba's Palace Luke
3. Emperor's Royal Guard
4. Bib Fortuna
5. Wicket

2, possibly 3 more figures could get added. But with the Retro Mandalorian giving us all new figures, well, my 12 figures feature a couple all new figures, mostly head swaps. Let's start!

1. Throne Room Luke (NEW FIGURE). Kenner gave us Endor Luke who had a non removable helmet but his outfit from the Throne Room underneath. Just swap the helmeted head with a Jedi Luke head. Problem solved!

2. Imperial Dignatary (Sim Aloo). Released late in the ROTJ/POTF line Sim has long been requested by fans for the Vintage Collection. Packing him in the Retro collection could be a gauge of how well he sells, or won't sell.

3. General Lando. From the POTF Final 17, this is a VERY expensive figure. He's on my bucket list, but isn't the only Lando figure on my list.

4. Lando Skiff Guard disguise. He plays a pivotal role in helping Luke, Leia and Chewie rescue Han Solo.

5. C-3P0. Amazingly, he hasn't been done in the Retro Collection. He's due!

6. R2-D2 with lightsaber. My favorite moment in the OT is Luke igniting his green lightsaber. Plus this figure is also on my bucket list, and we have no Retro R2 either.

7. Darth Vader with removable helmet (NEW!). This has been long requested from back in the Kenner days, now the technology exists to make this figure. A removable right hand would only work if Hasbro tooled a new right arm but I don't see that happening.

8. Yakface. He was not on a ROTJ card until 2019, but this is one of the most rare Kenner figures (in the US anyway). He's a must have!

9. Weequay Skiff Guard. The one who pushes Luke into the Sarlaac. He's needed.

10. Gamorrean Guard. For obvious reasons.

11. Biker Scout. Hopefully he's packed with a Retro Speeder Bike, but you need troop builders.

12. Rebel Commando. There are a lack of Rebel troop builders for the Rebels, so this was the only one Kenner made.

So with the Retro Collection OT waves there has been a board game. I remember a game that you pushed miniatures into the Sarlaac, so repack that one and add Huttslayer Leia!!

Sadly, for Leia in Boushh disguise to be packed we'd need Han in Carbonite too. Sadly, I don't see that happening. Also since I'm covering Retro Ewoks from the animated series and 2 made for TV movies, I'll cover those in a later Retro Wish List!


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