The Bad Batch Pilot Review

Bad Batch

I was able to recently catch the premiere episode of The Bad Batch. While I won't give any (heavy) spoilers I will say I enjoyed it. I don't love it, but I enjoyed it. It was 70 minutes of fun. However, it has a few problems, something I've noticed on fan comments across social media and YouTube.

The bad: Caleb Dume (Kanan Jarrus from Rebels) has a completely different origin now. His comic series, Kanan: The Last Padawan covered the events of Order 66, and how he escaped. Here, he encounters the Bad Batch team in his ordeal. It is a big change from what had been established as Canon. Not good. Also, while I don't mind cameos, I would prefer some time before they showed up. It was neat to see Saw, and Tarkin had a reason for showing up. But if Vader checks in, well it's a stretch. We already know Rex & Fennec Shand show up this season. Also, will an A-Team show play well in outer space?! Star Wars is best IMO when it goes its own way. Not saying it can't or won't work but it is a legitimate concern I have.  

The good: Drama! There is a bit of it, and not the bad kind. I was happy to see most of them not take part in Order 66, save for Crosshair who didn't have that problem. Hunter, Echo, Tech and Wrecker all have unique personalities and their own style in certain situations. The humor, the camradarie it's all there. Crosshair turning against the group was a twist, and to me, the show won't work if they all stuck together. I am interested to see how this goes with Clone Force 99 being hunted down by one of their own. So I am intrigued.


1. Is Omega a Jango Fett clone? We know she is a clone, but of who?!

2. Will we see the beginnings of the Rebel Alliance?

3. Will we see any Separatists continuing the fight?

Overall, I liked it. I don't love it. If you liked Clone Wars, you should be able to easily follow along. Unlike Rebels, this doesn't seem intended for a younger audience, which was an advantage of Clone Wars. It feels like a true sequel to that show, and looks to be a bridge for Rebels as well. I don't see staying power to this show, at best, it will be 5 seasons, in my humble opinion. I give the opening a grade of B. It is worth your time, but only if you liked Clone Wars. If you didn't watch Clone Wars, you might be lost and need Wookieepedia on standby...


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