Collecting: is the Vintage Collection more popular now?

Is the Black Series really as dominant in collecting now? Or is the trend going to the Vintage Collection?

The 6 inch Black Series does outsell the 3.75 inch Vintage Collection figures. That can easily be seen. But the trend COULD be changing. Not saying it is, but could be.

I frequent several collecting sites, one of them is which has a lot of accurate collecting news, including a list of UPC's & SKU's that fans can look up to find out if their local stores have them in stock. The other day, they posted new articles with codes for both the Black Series and Vintage Collection. The VC article had at the time of this writing almost 50 comments. The Black Series article had only 10. Now this is maybe a one time thing, but it shows something that Hasbro knows, but in my opinion will not acknowledge: the passion of Vintage Collection fans is stronger than the passion of Black Series fans. The VC fans are also much louder. Go to sites like or and click on the articles. The passion is there!

Also, Vintage Collection fans launched Hasbro's HasLab with Jabba's Sail Barge and for the most recent HasLab project, the Razor Crest, VC fans made it happen in less than a week! No doubt the Black Series could get the next Star Wars HasLab project, but offer a Death Star or Mos Eisley Cantina for the Vintage Collection and watch it get greenlighted faster than the Millennium Falcon making the Kessel Run!

Hasbro it's time to make serious bank! Give the VC the same number of new figures as the Black Series! The new sculpt of Boba Fett can't stay on toy racks more than 36 hours! The new sculpt of Bespin Lando looks great, and hopefully sells as well! But, there are a few figures that need all new sculpts. Luke and Leia from A New Hope are must haves, and NEW SCULPTS FOR BOTH PLEASE!!! Repack the Legacy Ben Kenobi, with an updated head sculpt for the VC, and please add Count Dooku, and AOTC or ROTS Anakin, an AOTC Padme (fighter pilot would be great, factory chase version even better) would also be welcome. An Ep 8 Rey, and an Ep 9 Kylo with swappable helmeted head would also be appreciated. The VC passion is at all an all time high, strike while the iron is hot and it can grow hotter, if Hasbro wants it to. The fans do. Does Hasbro?


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