Figures That Make Me Happy Ree Yees & Yakface


When I was younger, I knew of the Kenner Yakface figure, and had Ree Yees, but it wasn't until the 1st archive book by Steve Sansweet that had this quote that has stuck with me for years: "The best drink Ree Yees ever had was with Saelt Marae (aka Yakface) on Jabba's Sail Barge. Sadly it was his last." That's more or less how the quote went. That book is currently in storage so I can't easily take it out to confirm, but from that quote, I've made it a point when POTF2 came out that Yakface and Ree Yees were always hanging out since they were drinking buddies. So I ignore the stuff that says they fought each other all the time. If they fought, it was only because they were drunk. 

Yakface is a special figure to me. In my early days of this blog, he was the at the top of my VC Top 25. Search "VC Top 25" on the magnifying glass above and check out those posts, because next year I'll be doing an all new VC Top 25 For 2025. But back to Yakface. He was 1st released in 2019 as VC 132. He's got the standard 17 POA, and is one of the best sculpts Hasbro has ever done, and the paint apps are also well done. His cloth robe cannot be removed, and his only included accessory was a staff. I didn't feel like getting it out for the display pictures so that's why I went with the carded figures so you can see what's included. He can get into some action intense poses, as you'll see in the photos below. 

Ree Yees has only been available in the VC as a pack in figure for the Jabba's Palace Playset from 2019, and more recently the Jabba's Denizens 4 Pack, which is where I have his carded version from. He's VC 137, and is a repacked figure from the 3.75 Black Series. He only has 12 POA, but can achieve some basic poses as you can see above. He can even "box" as you can see in the first photo above this paragraph, and despite what the second photo shows he's very well balanced as I didn't have him lean too much to get that pose. He came with 2 blasters that I misplaced long ago, but he could hold them well in both hands. 

So what about these figures makes me happy? It's because they are true world building action figures. It's one advantage of the Vintage Collection over the Black Series. You likely won't see these figures in that line. Yakface is also one of the few non Main figures I'll keep carded, with Ree Yees and the upcoming Hammerhead figure. The Kenner Yakface is a Grail for many collectors, while the VC Yakface is one of my all time favorite VC figures. Honestly, he could be repacked again and I wouldn't complain. Ree Yees could benefit from a new sculpt, but honestly he's okay the way he is. If they could photo real his head sculpt, then he would be near perfect. And while I don't have Jabba's Palace, I will have the Cantina to display these figures at next year. They'll have a table, and will be relaxing and getting "over served" then get into various shenanigans that people do when in that condition. I know they weren't there in the movie, but I am going to use the Cantina as an alien weirdos display. And they'll have glasses to drink out of. 

While 2024 has admittedly not been a great year for the Vintage Collection, I do see better things on the horizon. Next year we get the Cantina (The Ghost should ship in the next 2-3 weeks), ANH Mains and building up Tattooine. Are times tough now VC collecting wise, yep. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. So in the times of unhappiness it's always best to stick to things that make you happy, which is one reason why I opted for this particular blog post for this week. 

Thanks for reading! Special thanks to Chris and Nomad at BanthaSkull for allowing me to post this link in the comments section! Please share this link on your social media accounts so I can get more readers! 


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