A Look Ahead To 2025

 I know it's late September of 2024, but it's not too early to look ahead to 2025. While suggesting things may be too late, it's still a year to celebrate some big anniversaries, including both entertainment and collecting. I'll throw in what I'd like to see about the latter. And yes, this is a filler blog post so I can use the time to shoot some photos. So let's go!

1. Revenge of the Sith turns 20! My nearly weekly reminder that I'm getting older. But this is not only my favorite Prequel movie, it's the best Star Wars film directed by George Lucas. His best directed film overall is still American Graffiti. What I'd like to see collecting wise I'll share at the end.

2. The Droids & Ewoks animated shows turn 40! The Ewoks animated series wasn't a favorite, sure there were a couple episodes worth watching again, but as a youngster in the 1980's I was obsessed with Droids. The toys, well, not so much. The main Star Wars line was pretty much gone, and they hadn't made the more interesting characters who debuted near the end of the shows run. But if you watch Droids, it and Ewoks are available on Disney Plus.

3. The Power Of The Force line turns 40! Not a big deal, but this was Kenner's last ditch effort to save the Star Wars line back in the 80's. The addition of a coin, and a new look packaging (Droids figures also came with a coin, and moved the bubble to the right side of the package instead of the left), and the hope was to attract collectors to prop up the line. This would work for Playmates Star Trek The Next Generation line in the mid 1990's as the collectors market was something Kenner knew existed, but that market wasn't ready to take over in 1985. For many collectors, this is still a favorite line to collect, and the figures can be pricey.

4. Power Of The Force 2 line turns 30! Kenner, soon to be absorbed by Hasbro, brought back Star Wars toys in the summer of 1995, and since then there has been a retail presence of Star Wars toys. An amazing feat since toy lines up until then needed a movie or TV show to keep interest going, all Star Wars had was a VHS box set release and the novels which would later be classified as "Legends" keeping Star Wars alive. And I don't want to take anything away from the role playing games either. Unlike the original POTF, finding these figures for a good price is relatively easy. Some figures will cost a lot, but that's true with any older toy line. And they do make for great first Star Wars action figures for kids, and yes  better than the current Epic Hero Series as the POTF2 line built out the OT era, and the 1st Prequel film The Phantom Menace with plenty of world building options. I doubt any 3.75 inch figures would get commerative packaging (Black Series more than likely would get this again), but a few modern updates in the packaging styles of the line would be nice for us 1:18 scale collectors.

With the return of POTF2 I went back to purchasing and collecting Star Wars figures again. I didn't care then if Luke looked like He-Man, Han weight lifted and Leia's body was shaped like an Amazonian Goddess. All I cared about was getting the figures I missed out on as a kid (I did), and getting new figures. Grand Moff Tarkin and Darth Vader with a removable helmet are still 2 of my favorite POTF2 figures, as well as Slave Leia from ROTJ. Or Huttslayer if you prefer. Collectors of today may look down on those early figures, but for me it's a reminder of a simpler time: like when I would make fun of Star Trek collectors for complaining about how cartoony the Playmates figures looked. And now I've kind of become now what those Star Trek collectors were like back then. Oh, the irony! But sculpting technology has come a long way over the years. The toys of today are what we wanted back then, especially when it comes to not just sculpting but articulation as well. And it's not just Star Wars. Check out Masters of the Universe Origins and Transformers as well.

6. The Force Awakens turns 10. I'm not a big fan of the sequels, but that doesn't mean that I don't think this anniversary will be celebrated by Hasbro in some way. What would I like to see? It will be further down this post.

Q: So what would I like to see for these anniversaries?

A: I doubt the Vintage Collection or Retro gets a lot of stuff to celebrate these anniversaries. But with Return to Tattooine being the main theme, it may be hard to get Revenge of the Sith figures for the anniversary. But I'll show how Hasbro can do the bare minimum for that, but go all out for Retro on the other stuff.


I noticed a lot of lists for Last Figure Standing had plenty of Anakin's and Obi-Wan's from ROTS on their lists. And since this is Episode 3, having 3 figures from ROTS is not unreasonable. I am a realist, so it's not out of the realm of possibility to get these 3 figures:

1. Obi-Wan Kenobi
2. Anakin Skywalker
3. Shocktrooper.

If you don't know what a Shocktrooper is  it's the Clonetroopers with red colors on their armor who search for Yoda in the Senate and escort Palpy to Mustafar to find extra crispy Anakin/Vader. The Black Series will more than likely get figures in the Revenge of the Sith style packaging, so let them have that. Just these 3 on a Kenner style cards and I'll be happy.


I've said how Retro needs to go back and do what Kenner couldn't or wouldn't back then. This would be the perfect opportunity to do just that! Hasbro already made Droids and Ewoks coins recently, so why not put these coins on Retro figures?! Now I never got any of the Ewoks figures, but this would be a great way to build out Kenner style Ewoks, and paint them in the colors they were for the animated series. For the villainous Dukoks they can re-use the original molds since they were slightly taller than Ewoks anyway. Droids should get 2 waves, while Ewoks only gets 1 wave. But this time more Ewoks than Duloks to make up for that mistake from 1985. I should point out these wish lists are not likely to happen, but I'd love to see them.


1. Wicket
2. Logray
3. Kneesa
4. Paploo
5. King Gorneesh
6. Urgah Lady Gorneesh
7. Dulok Scout
8. Dulok Shaman


Wave 1

1. Thall Joben (with blaster and green lightsaber)
2. Kea Moll
3. Jord Dusat
4. Tige Fromm
5. Sise Fromm
6. Boba Fett
7. C-3PO
8. R2-D2

Wave 2

1. Vlix
2. Mungo Boabob
3. Jessica Meade
4. Admiral Screed
5. Jann Tosh
6. C-3PO with removable limbs
7. R2-D2 with sensor scope
8. Governor Koong


Hasbro doesn't have to make the full figures, but here are 6 I'd like to see in the POTF style packaging:

1. Sim Aloo (Imperial Dignitary)
2. General Lando Calrissian
3. Anakin Skywalker (Shaw)
4. Stormtrooper Luke
5. Stormtrooper Han
6. Death Star Gunner

Stormtrooper Han would be the only "new" figure in the line. They should have done him in 1985, but the line went out. I'd hate to see these as a boxed set, but it would be great to see this at retail or on fan channel where they can be bought individually.

Wave 2

1. Luke Skywalker (Death Star II Duel)
2. Yakface
3. Kithaba
4. EV-9D9
5. Carbonite Han Solo
6. ROTJ Darth Vader (repaint Dark Times Vader)

If Retro made more figures like this,  and figures like Vlix who weren't (widely) made they could get some sales. Adding a repainted Dark Times Vader to match his look in ROTJ would also be "new" for the line. And it would be better than repacking the ANH Retro Vader on that POTF card. But as you'll see, I have a somewhat controversial Retro request.


I feel the Black Series will get some TFA figures, and the majority. That doesn't mean that I think the Vintage Collection shouldn't get some figures as well. There also won't be any new sculpts needed, as I'll give some ideas to refresh some bucks, and which parts need to be swapped to improve some past versions of figures. Plus, I'll make a case for a certain figure(s) to get new life.

Vintage Collection

1. Jakku Poe Dameron. Take the Cassian Andor buck, and add the arms from Finn, plus the jacket Finn wore since it first belonged to Poe. Easy peasy, lemon squeezie.

2. Starkiller Base Rey. Find a way to get the Ep 9 Rey head onto this figure. Ditch the gloves and give her the Skywalker lightsaber.

3. Starkiller Base Kylo Ren. Take the upper body of the 2015 Kylo, make a new neck post and have the unscarred Ben Solo head, plus a Kylo helmet. Have a cloth cloak with a hood. For the legs use the new legs made for Anakin from Ahsoka.

4. First Order Stormtrooper. Take the Sith Trooper buck and smooth out the armor. I'd be happy even if they couldn't smooth it out. I do like the 2015 helmeted head, but a new helmet may need to be done. Make sure the blaster can fit on his right thigh.

5. Lor San Tekka. I know he's barely in the movie, as he's quickly eliminated by Kylo Ren. But I want a Max Von Sydow figure, dammit! There would have to be a new head sculpt, a cloth cloak, and the entire figure could be kitbashed from other figures. I just need this figure to give my Jedi Academy custom Luke someone to find new Jedi students with.

6. First Order Stormtrooper Troop Builder Pack. There would be 3 First Order Stormtroopers, with an extra bloody helmeted head so you can create FN-2187, and the 4th figure included would be Captain Phasma with a cloth cloak and her blaster.

Force Awakens Retro

Bear with me since I know this isn't popular, as many including me, feel that Retro should be OT era focused. But Hasbro has gone across all eras, so this shouldn't be any different. The only thing is picking 6 figures is actually hard. And sadly, I couldn't fit in a Retro BB-8.

1. Kylo Ren. Retro up the 2015 version. Make sure he has that cool looking crossguard lightsaber, Retro style.

2. X-Wing Pilot Poe Dameron. Easiest figure to make, actually. If they do a Retro line this one's on the list to be made.

3. Rey. Just give her a yellow lightsaber since in the Kenner era, the Skywalker lightsaber was yellow.

4. Finn. I think this would be easy to make as well. He just needs a blaster.

5. General Hux. I almost went with Phasma over Hux, but Retro doesn't have enough officers.

6. First Order Stormtrooper. Again, if they do make a Retro line, this figure is going to be in it.

Yes, it's a bit late from a Hasbro perspective to focus on 2025. No doubt that now Hasbro is thinking about what's to come for the 50th anniversary of Star Wars in 2027. But next year is a big anniversary year for Star Wars regardless. Now I go back to wallet watch for whenever The Ghost starts shipping.....

Thanks for reading! Special thanks to Chris and Nomad at BanthaSkull for allowing me to post this link in the comments section! Also please post this link on your social media accounts so I can get more readers! 


  1. I thought I'd add a comment to my Playmates Star Trek line above, Star Trek is getting new action figures! Nacelle Company struck a deal with Paramount to make new Star Trek figures. So far it's only known that the figures will be 6 inches (1:12 scale). Personally I'm hoping for both OS and TNG figures.

  2. Kia ora Coleman! I've finally figured out how to leave a comment. Regarding the Force Awakens anniversary, the biggest thing against having a retro wave is that whole line was 5POA to begin with, and over produced. For ROTS 20th I would love all new Anakin, Obi-wan, Bacara, Shocktrooper, Galactic Marine, and 41st Elite (camo) Troopers in TVC. Sadly, I doubt we will get much.


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