VC Admiral Piett

 For a change, this week I'm doing 2 Vintage Collection reviews, and for what will be for now the last figure from Return of the Jedi (for a little while anyway) that I'll cover, so please read on as I review the new Admiral Piett action figure!

Admiral Piett is the only Imperial officer seen in consecutive films, so when Hasbro finally made a new officer buck, it made sense for Hasbro to make Piett as the debut figure utilizing it. Now hardcore Star Wars fans will notice that Piett's rank bars do not show the correct rank, and they are correct. However all officers in ROTJ had the same rank bars, why I have no idea. Maybe to save money? But Piett having this makes him on screen accurate. For those wanting Piett to have his correct rank bars, Hasbro has an upcoming Imperial Officer 4 pack, showing off the newly promoted Admiral Piett from ESB, with his correct rank bars.

Piett has 17 POA, and he has the new barbell style hips. The "skirt" is soft plastic and doesn't hinder leg movement, or prevent the figure from "sitting" although most officers are seen standing and not manning consoles on the bridges of Star Destroyers. His joints take no effort to move, and my sample had no tight joints which has recently become a problem for some figures.

Piett has 2 accessories, a blaster and removable hat. The hat stays on quite well. I store Piett loose with other figures and it stays on. His blaster has no holster, but he holds it best in his right hand. The blaster can easily be lost so I would keep it in a pouch or small bag. He can hold some other weapons if you want him in action.

Now the sculpt is excellent! Hasbro is going to get a lot of mileage out of this sculpt. With a correctly ranked Piett and General Motti plus 2 random officers in the 4 pack, including an ISB Officer, we are getting Moff Jerjerrod and Grand Admiral Thrawn so this buck is getting a lot of action. Director Krennic will also use this buck. His head has a great face sculpt, and while his head may be too large, especially for the removable hat, it does stay on and looks good on the figure. Piett also has a near full head of hair, and I have never seen the actor who played Piett without a hat but I could imagine serving under Vader long term could not be good for your hairline!

Piett's card image is quickly becoming a favorite. It's a film still showing him, with the second Death Star in the background. If you like the card, you may be tempted to get 2, 1 to open and one to keep carded. I don't have regrets opening this, but I admit I wouldn't mind getting one to keep on card, despite the fact he isn't a main character. Check out the carded image below, and the image is taken from

Now is he an essential figure? For display or diorama purposes, absolutely! He can be a nondescript officer needed for background displays or to be in a display with Vader. He's an outstanding figure, and hopefully sets the table for a new General Veers, Admiral Ozzel, and a figure desperately needed for the VC: Grand Moff Tarkin. That old one is God-awful! You should be able to find Piett for the standard retail price, but move quickly since I have a feeling his secondary market price will rise. Piett's last figure came in the POTF2 in the late 1990's so it has definitely been a while since he's been a figure. Get this one, ASAP!! 

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