Why Less Star Wars ( & Marvel) Is A Good Idea

 Disney CEO Bob Iger has announced massive budget cuts as Disney has lost over a now estimated $1 billion at the box office. There's also rumors that Disney is looking to unload ABC, and both the FX and FXX networks as well. With that, Iger has announced cuts are coming to properties like Marvel and Star Wars, such as fewer productions. This could be a very good thing for Star Wars long term future.

I've gone into Marvel's current failings, how they hit the wall with Infinity War and Endgame, but they are finding that Captain Marvel, Spider-Man (which actually makes money) and not having Tony Stark as Iton Man and Steve Rogers as Captain America are disappointing MCU fans. Well, Star Wars is in a similar boat. Star Wars fans love Han Solo and Luke Skywalker, but the chances of them appearing or starring in New material is next to nothing. Don't expect to see any OT main characters in the upcoming Mandoverse movie unless it's a cameo role. While Spider-Man can carry Marvel, Captain Marvel just can't, at least from the standpoint of comic fans as her solo title constantly goes under. Din Djarin and Grogu can carry the Star Wars flag, but with the last season of The Mandalorian being mostly a downer, that is something to be debated. But it's obvious that neither franchise is currently in a good direction.

But, unlike Marvel, Star Wars is at its best when new movies and shows are released over a span of several years. In the days when George Lucas ran things, the Trilogies were released over a 6 year period, and when the Clone Wars series debuted in 2008, it had no rival series to take away from the show, so all attention from Lucasfilm could go into making the show better. Now cut to Disney Lucasfilm. This year alone we have the Mandalorian Season 3, Ahsoka, and soon Skeleton Crew and The Acolyte. That's not counting the 2nd season of The Bad Batch. That's 6 properties in a year's time, and that's not counting the rumored Jedi Origin movie and the continuing adventures of Rey Skywalker movie coming from Disney. Of course lately Star Wars movies get cancelled, and with that being said Rian Johnson's promised trilogy is either in development or not happening depending on the day. That's 9 projects going on simultaneously.

One thing is abundantly clear: Star Wars needs to slow down. Now comics and books don't fit into that as books and comics were plentiful from 1990-2012 when Disney bought Lucasfilm. But with all those properties going on, it hurts licensors the most. Toys make money for Star Wars. During the Clone Wars Era of 2008-2011 Hasbro was able to get new toys out in time for the debut of the next season of Clone Wars by at least the 2nd or 3rd episode being aired. Look at 2023. The Black Series gets the 2nd season of Bad Batch figures after the season finished airing. Same with Mandalorian figures from the first season of the show. If you wanted figures from the 3rd season expect them next year. So without toys on shelves, how will people know what's new?!  And with the delay in product, interest can remain low, and that ain't good. Hasbro can get Marvel products ready for film, and in some cases Disney Plus series, but can't do the same for Star Wars. The last time Hasbro had Star Wars products for an upcoming project out before its release was in 2019 for Episode 9, which admittedly wasn't much. Nothing had been done since then for Episode 9 so that should tell you what the Rey Skywalker follow up film will do collector wise.  Not good.

The best scenario I can give is Star Wars is like a good pizza. It's fun to have every now and then, but too much at once and you really don't want to have pizza for a while. And limited Star Wars is the best thing Disney can do for it right now. Just like me skipping pizzas for a while is also a good thing. When I eat a slice every now and then it's enjoyable. When I eat a slice every day it becomes a chore. See the point?

Of course fixing Star Wars, and even Marvel is easy. Marvel needs to venture more into the Multiverse instead of their Kree-Skrull war because that's more interesting. Star Wars fans would be over joyed if the sequel trilogy was snapped out of existence like what Thanos did in Infinity War. It would also help if Star Wars and Marvel didn't put off their fan bases either. But until then, both franchises will struggle.

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  1. Interesting commentary. Disney’s goal to get ahead in the streaming race required fresh content - and quite a bit of it - as the older films in the catalog arn’t a big enough draw. This is true also for Paramount, MAXX, and Netflix. Marvel is also hamstrung by the fact that they are treating it like a comic book franchise - throwing more and more things into the mix - and hoping something sticks. I agree with you regarding the established characters that have now moved on…. I would have liked to have seen more Tony Stark and Steve Rogers come out. The problem they also face - besides for the choice of which character is going to be another mainstay - are the stories. This newest version of the MCU won’t get interesting until the FF shows up, I fear. And there just isn’t anyone to carry the Panther anymore.
    StarWars suffers from the same situation as well. The stories have to be solid and not just “cute”. Personally I don’t think anyone has totally mastered the streaming game…. Even Yellowstone has started to crack now.
    Good blog, Coleman! Very thought provoking!


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