The Best of the Vintage Collection 2022
This is my final blog post this year (Christmas is next Sunday!), and what a year it has been! Obi-Wan Kenobi and Boba Fett starred in their own series, Jazwares got in on the Star Wars license with a line that reminds me of Micro Machines. So with my blog being focused on collecting, and the Vintage Collection, I'll do my favorite figures of the year. The top new figure shouldn't be a surprise at all. There were some repacks that also came into the line, and I'll sound off on them too. I'll end with what I'm looking forward to in 2023 (only a few Kenner POTF figures left to do before getting into ROTJ!) as next year is going to be a big year for Star Wars collectibles in all scales! BEST REPACKED FIGURES 1. Yoda (VC 218). Repacked from the Cave of Evil Target exclusive, an OT Yoda was badly needed, as he had only been on a ROTS card after being mistakenly put on a ROTJ card. He satisfies the Original 96 crowd, and it's a great modern update on the classic Ke...