
Showing posts from December, 2022

The Best of the Vintage Collection 2022

  This is my final blog post this year (Christmas is next Sunday!), and what a year it has been! Obi-Wan Kenobi and Boba Fett starred in their own series, Jazwares got in on the Star Wars license with a line that reminds me of Micro Machines. So with my blog being focused on collecting, and the Vintage Collection, I'll do my favorite figures of the year. The top new figure shouldn't be a surprise at all. There were some repacks that also came into the line, and I'll sound off on them too. I'll end with what I'm looking forward to in 2023 (only a few Kenner POTF figures left to do before getting into ROTJ!) as next year is going to be a big year for Star Wars collectibles in all scales! BEST REPACKED FIGURES 1. Yoda (VC 218). Repacked from the Cave of Evil Target exclusive, an OT Yoda was badly needed, as he had only been on a ROTS card after being mistakenly put on a ROTJ card. He satisfies the Original 96 crowd, and it's a great modern update on the classic Ke

It's Time For The Retro Collection To End

  You have no idea how much it hurt to write that. I do like the Retro Collection, finding the entire Mandalorian wave in a store started me on a path to making additions to my very limited Kenner Star Wars era figures. But, yes, for all intents and purposes, and for the future of Hasbro Star Wars toys, Retro has to go. Before I get into why it has to go, I'll go into what I have liked about the line. Getting the Mandalorian figures has been neat, more villains for Luke and Han to fight, while new allies like Din Djarin and Cara Dune to help them. This year, we got the ultimate Kenner era Darth Vader figure, one so good I'm putting my Kenner Vader in storage. Getting a new troop builder in the Deathtroopers is welcome because my Kenner Stormtroopers are all yellowed due to age, and I couldn't find any Retro Stormtroopers when that wave appeared and vanished in Target. Add other figures from Kenobi like Reva, the Grand Inquisitor and Fifth Brother and Luke, along with Ben Ke

VC Blowback

  This past week, Hasbro revealed new VC items. Well, 2 new things along with 2 old things not available for a while. Needless to say, the VC collecting community did NOT like what was shown. Takes me back to an older post: So what are collectors griping about now?! For starters, the reveals were an AT-ST with an uncarded Chewbacca from Return of the Jedi. The second reveal was the Endor Bunker with a carded Rebel Commando in Biker Scout disguise. All fine and good. Or so I thought. Boy was I wrong. Now, for the AT-ST it is a repack of previous versions, so it's old. A problem had been its legs not being stable. In the video promoting the release, Chris from Hasbro says they have a fix on that problem, although the video was under a minute so he didn't show how. Personally if they use a sturdier plastic it should be alright in my opinion. Also that sculpt for the AT-ST isn't bad, and the pai

POTF Anakin Skywalker

  One of the most emotional, and thrilling moments in the original trilogy is Luke Skywalker seeing the spirits of Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi at the victory celebration after the Battle of Endor. Joining them of course was Anakin Skywalker's spirit. Now, many young people have watched the 2004 "Special Editions" and few of those young people don't understand the controversy some fans my age and older have with Hayden Christensen appearing as Anakin. You see, back in 1983 another actor appeared as Anakin. And he wasn't young, but looked closer in age to Obi-Wan. Personally, I understood putting Hayden in, no problem with it. But this figure definitely isn't Hayden! And had the line continued this figure may have been used to update another Jedi. Anyway, let's get into the original Anakin Skywalker!! Okay, the figure itself is unique. Like the Imperial Dignitary and EV-9D9, he comes with no accessory. But that isn't unique. The paint job implies this is a &

Mando Luke Preview

  If you know me, you should know by now that Luke Skywalker is my favorite Star Wars character. No contest! And one of my most eagerly anticipated Vintage Collection figures is Imperial Light Cruiser Luke Skywalker aka Mando Luke. Now this isn't an in hand review like my past few VC reviews have been. But thanks to Bossk's Bounty on YouTube (here's a link to his review: ) there can now be some light shed on this figure. One big disappointment is the hips aren't the new ball jointed hips but the old style ball socket hips. However, the added thigh swivels enable him to get in a neat battle pose as seen on this zoomed promo shot (Image at end of post).  I wasn't able to get a good screenshot from BB's video comparing Mando Luke to Jabba's Palace Luke, but if you take a look (in BB's video), you'll notice Mando Luke stands a little taller, my guess is the hip placement is more narrow instead of wide like the VC 23 Luke (whi

Kenner POTF Imperial Dignitary

I am not going to lie. This is a boring figure. He's just....boring. So how to make this seem fun is my dilemma. But I'm up to the task! But he does fit quite well in the Kenner era as he is a different figure, and looks a little like an alien without actually being an alien. Let's get the general info out of the way first. He has the standard 5 POA, and a simple paint application with well sculpted robes and a large hat. He is one of the few Kenner figures to not come with an accessory and as you can see in the photo he couldn't hold one anyway. The paint apps are well done, especially on the face and head. Whoever sculpted this figure did a very good job! Now onto just who this person is. His name is Sim Aloo, and I'll use the Legends description since in that he was implied as being Force sensitive and held an important (in his mind anyway) position in the Empire. He is human, and appears to show the physical effects of years being in close proximity to Darth S

2023 Clone Wars 20th Anniversary VC Wish List

  2023 may be the biggest year of anniversaries for Star Wars toys. Not only is it Return of the Jedi's 40th anniversary but also the 20th Anniversary of Genndy Tartakovsky's Clone Wars Micro Series. The creator of Dexter's Laboratory made 20 3 minute long episodes that run 1 hour total. Much of the voice talent in that, and the 2nd set of episodes would return to voice the same characters in George Lucas and Dave Filoni's 2008 Clone Wars series, and left the Clone Wars Micro Series in an alternate universe before Disney would move it to Legends in 2014. Hasbro has announced that 2023 will see some toys celebrating this series. They already did some this past year as Wal-Mart exclusives. But there are some they need to make, especially the villains! So yes, this is another wish list! I'll add some pictures for some visual aid to some of these figures too. I doubt any vehicles would get made, so none will be listed here. Even though 1 figure on my list definitely nee