VC Darth Vader (Dark Times) Review

 Every so often Hasbro releases Darth Vader in both Black Series and the Vintage Collection and fans buy as many as possible. When the Black Series Vader came out he would quickly sell out. Hasbro has used that same 6 inch Vader multiple times. When it was announced that Vader would get a Kenobi card for the VC, many thought it would be a repack of the popular 3.75 Black Series Vader (26 on the blue lined card, I believe is the number. His head didn't easily pop off, unlike the previous version. I have a few pictures of that Vader in this review for a simple comparison). But no. Hasbro made an all new Darth Vader. And I'm not lying when I say it might not only be Hasbro's best 3.75 inch Darth Vader, but possibly the best Vintage Collection figure of all time.

What stands out the most to me is how tall this Vader figure is. The Rogue One VC Vader was tall, this one towers over it. So they seem to have a better grasp on height (which makes me nervous that Mando Luke will be too short). Also, his shoulder armor isn't covered by cloth tabbards so he not only fits in with the Kenobi series, but also Revenge of the Sith, The Empire Strikes Back & Return of the Jedi versions. So slap this Vader on any of those film cards and he checks all boxes.

When it comes to articulation Hasbro has made leaps and bounds eliminating the ball socket hip joints and giving us true ball jointed hips. Vader can make any action pose you can think or dream of. He also has a barbell neck joint so his head is capable of better movement, for instance his head can nod up or down. Previous Vader's have only offered side to side movement. But he has ball joint hips, shoulders, elbows, knees, head, waist, ankles (including rocker ankles to help with action poses). I count 16 POA, which is OUTSTANDING!!

Accessories are incredible! Yes I can now see why Bib Fortuna (review coming next week) had none. Because Vader got them all. He comes with interchangeable left and right hands, an unlit lightsaber hilt and a lightsaber. The hilt fits well on his belt, but don't move him around too much with it attached. He also holds the distinction of being able to not only do a 2 handed weapon grip (THWG), he can hold his lightsaber in his right hand!! So if you want to re-enact his duel with Luke on Endor this figure can easily do that.

Now onto my one complaint. The cape. I love the new material Hasbro uses for it, it doesn't easily fray and is durable. My complaint is his cape is very wide, almost like Batman should wear this cape so he could glide in the sky jumping off a gargoyle! I have some 2 sided tape so I would recommend taping it down a bit. You can still get a nice drape, but it reminds me of the Black Series (6 inch) Vader cape. Too large. But it doesn't drag and isn't too long, just too wide.

The card doesn't appear to be from a shot as seen in the series, but since I haven't seen any episodes yet I cannot tell. It does appear to be a computer generated image, but then again it may not. I do like the image. Sadly I had to turn off the overhead light to take a picture of the carded figure, but a problem has been showing up lately with a bubble indentation on the opposite end of the bubble. This happens due to how these figures are stacked to fit in the shipping boxes. Hasbro has been made aware of this problem, and in my opinion can be solves by placing paper in between the figures.

To say Vader is essential is an understatement. The 1st 6 Star Wars movies are all about him! My recommendations are to get at least 2, one to open and one to keep on card. Hard-core collectors will get 3 or more. One to keep on card, one to keep with OT era figures, one to keep with PT era figures and however many else you would been for display purposes. Despite the large cape, it is a great action figure and will make any previous Vader figure irrelevant.

Picture time! 

1. Black Series Vader (ROTS) & Dark Times Vader

2. Rogue One Vader & Dark Times Vader

3. Close up Rogue One Vader & Dark Times Vader

4. Close up Black Series Vader & Dark Times Vader

5. Dark Times Vader loses his right hand to my custom Endor Luke (homemade figure). To better show the arm I folded the cape away. 

6. Custom Luke and Dark Times Vader "elevator shot" based off ROTJ. 

7. Another shot of Luke and Vader based off ROTJ, instead using a head swapped VC Endor Luke. Which makes Luke look a little shorter. In that shot Luke should have his head come up to Vader's shoulder. This one is about 1/16 an inch too short. Hopefully Mando Luke is 1/16 an inch taller.

8 & 9. Showing off Vader's articulation! Looks incredible doesn't it? To get the one leg raised shot I placed his ground boot onto a peg on the playset so he wouldn't fall over. These 2 shots took all my time setting up and picking the best shots. 

10. Vader kneeling as Palpy arrives. This figure can easily be set in, and stay in this pose without falling over. It actually took me longer to set up Palpy for this shot than it did for Vader. I tried to show how his head can tilt down. It was the best I could show his head motion in any of the pictures. 



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